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Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

Dr. Herbert Benson's Relaxation Response (read above article by Dr. Hoffman where this is technique is mentioned)

Panic Attacks and Anxiety Linked to Low Vitamin B6 and Iron Levels by Herbs Info

Panic Attacks and Anxiety by Dr. Ronald Hoffman
"Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, a colleague of mine, has advanced the theory that certain people with neurological symptoms may have unrecognized borderline vitamin B1 deficiencies. Lonsdale worked especially with children who had autonomic nervous system dysfunction–not specifically panic syndrome, but a syndrome of drastic swings between lethargy and hyperexcitability–and found that thiamine often helped stabilize them. Interestingly, it’s been shown that vitamin B1 is necessary for the metabolism of sugar. People who consume a lot of sugar and refined carbohydrates not only may deplete their vitamin B1 by using large amounts to metabolize sugar but at the same time may not be getting enough vitamin B1 because refined foods are notoriously low in this nutrient. In fact, the origin in Asia of the classic vitamin B1 deficiency disease, beriberi, was the polishing of rice–stripping the husk off brown rice to make it into white rice. It’s the husk that contains the vitamin. So if your diet contains a lot of white flour, sugar, and processed foods you may not get enough vitamin B1."

Dr. David Jernigan, Hansa Center: POS and its Correction

Perchon/Cantele suggest these single oils for Panic Attacks:
Clary Sage
Ylang Ylang

1. I use Strength and Relax for panic attacks. - Lee

2. I find that my favorite oils can help when I'm in an anxiety attack. Lemongrass is one of my favorites, and it helps a lot. - Stef

3. Peaceful is my go-to blend for panic/anxiety issues. - Allyson

4.When I'm struggling with anxiety, Sweet Orange helps a lot. For overwhelming stress, I reach for Basil ct linalool. Exercise also helps to balance emotions/hormones. - Teresa

5. When I have a panic episode, I use Relax, Sunshine and White Shield multiple times daily from roll-on applicators. I apply these to my chest, neck, wrists and will also apply White Shield to my shoulders and Relax on my temples. I also love to diffuse Serenity . . . Ohhhhh my! This definitely helps me. - Amanda

6. Peaceful helps me tremendously when I have a panic attack or experience stress. - Deida

7. Palo Santo works great for me during panic attacks. - Lynsey

8. I agree with Lynsey, I reach for Palo Santo when I have panic/anxiety issues. - Lorinda

9. Bergamot is my favorite for panic attacks. - Sheryl

10. When I'm really stressed and on the verge of a panic attack or anxiety meltdown, I use either Lavender or Frankincense, and then I get on my stationary exercise bike and pedal for 45 minutes. This combo seems to help. - Adriana

11. Adagio helps me face the storm of an anxiety attack. - Bonnie

12 .My mother's MD suggested that panic attacks might be related to A-fib issues, which is due to low magnesium and/or potassium levels, so dark, leafy greens, bananas, coconut water are good choices along with a long soak in Epsom salts or magnesium chloride flakes. Magnesium oil is beneficial as well - Adriana

13. I had severe anxiety, chest pain, nervous feelings and so on. I found out that I had dramatic ups and downs with my adrenals. They are staying low now, but I used Vitality when I was the worst. It helped some, but I think pairing it with complete sugar elimination was the best thing I could have done. All my severe anxiety is gone, and the little that I get here or there is totally manageable with a drop of Relax or Peaceful, B12, breathing and prayer. - Marti

14. I had severe anxiety panic issues. I really like Peaceful. I support my adrenals with adequate vitamin C, B complex, omega 3, and magnesium. I am lactose intolerant and I take supplemental calcium (with vitamin K) or I get more jittery and twitchy. Sometimes food sensitivities can put a person who tends toward anxiety right over the edge. I cannot tolerate caffeine, sugar, processed foods, corn, gluten or dairy most of the time. Also you might want to avoid high glutamate foods and see what happens. Some people are very sensitive to glutamate which can rev up anxiety. Anemia, too, makes anxiety worse. - Margaret

15. I like Palo Santo and/or Relax for panic attacks. I also find Rescue Remedy calming.

16. I use Tangerine and Grapefruit for anxiety/panic attacks. - Diane
17. For anxiety and panic attacks, I use Hopewell Vetiver. It’s very thick, so needs to be warmed with body heat. I put some on my thumb and press it into the roof of my mouth. I also use Palo Santo. I put 6 drops in each hand and hold onto the bottom of my feet for grounding. If you have someone to help, they need to cross their arms to have their right hand holding your right foot. Sit there holding feet until you feel an emotional shift. I also like to diffuse Begamot and Cypress to create a calming atmosphere. - Amanda
18. Palo Santo is my preferred oil for anxiety/panic attacks. - Mary Lou
19. Peaceful is my go-to blend for panic attacks. - Sarah
20. I have found that Frankincense on the soles of my feet works amazing for anxiety/panic attacks. Robin
21. Adagio is my favorite blend for panic attacks and anxiety. - Anita
22. I agree with Anita, Adagio cannot be beat for anxiety and panic attacks. - Tina
23. For anxiety/panic attacks, I use Adagio and/or Peaceful. I also like Ylang Ylang and Frankincense. - Rhonda
24. Solace and Liberate work well for me when I have anxiety and/or panic attacks. Liberate has Valerian in it and doesn't smell great, but it works well. I apply it to the bottom of my feet. Solace could a perfume and people always comment on the pleasant aroma of it. I use Solace on my wrists. - Stephanie

25. Rescue Remedy squashes a panic attack better than any prescription drug I've ever used. - Kim

Purchon, Nerys; Cantele, Lora, Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, 2014, page 311.


(Cymbopogon flexuosus)
May support healthy digestion, tone, connective tissues, ligaments, blood vessels and lymph flow.

Palo Santo

(Bursera graveolens) also known as Holy Wood
Supports healthy breathing, joint and muscle function and may soothe nervous tension.





A beautiful, calming and uplifting blend to soothe stress and promote restful sleep.
** Peaceful Spray instructions on detail page**



This calming blend may ease minor stress and nervous tension.


This uplifting and calming blend may also soothe pain and discomfort associated with bruises, fractures, sprains, joints and back injury. 50% dilution with Emu oil. Available without carrier (see Size/Price).


A lovely blend of oils to bring a little ray of Sunshine to your day. It may soothe nervous tension and clear the mind.


May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11