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Allergy Hearing Loss Testimony

I felt to share this encouraging testimony I just received yesterday and today from "Pastor John." Pastor John wrote: A lady who attends church with us talked to me about your products as I have allergies and chronic ear issues that have caused severe hearing loss. We talked about using Lavender for allergies, and she convinced me to give it a try. When my order arrived, the first thing I did was try the Lavender (a drop under the tongue) as she had suggested. I took ½ the allergy meds that I normally take, and in the last 12 hours I have had no reaction to the blooming weeds around the farm where we live. Also, the Earache Relief has made a difference in the way the ear feels. It even drained last night, which it only does after heavy doses of psudafedarine HCL. I had no reaction (other than a positive one) to your oil, and as a matter of fact, the instant I took a dose of the Lavender I had a confirmation-like feeling that I can only say was God telling me that this was the right thing to do. I slept soundly last night for the first time since allergy season began because I was not hopped-up on meds. God bless you and your venture, and we will be telling more people about your testimony. Thanks so much for the products you provide. Pastor John wrote the next day: The initial dose of Lavender was sublingual, just a drop under the tongue. We have started mixing a drop with a teaspoon of local honey (the honey we use actually comes from a keeper that places mobile hives on the farm where we live). I have gone from taking 6 to 8 doses a day of Benadryl to one dose in the morning. The Earache Relief has been wonderful. My ear (which has a tube in it) has never drained properly and never felt right in the last 10 years. This morning is the third day I have used the Lavender and the second night for using the Earache blend before going to bed. My ear this morning popped and drained, and for the first time in a long time my ear feels comfortable. I don't even have a cotton ball in it. God had been blessing me with the gift of healing. We thought we were all suffering from colds, cough, runny nose, sneezing and drainage. After one dose of Lavender , all four of us (my wife, son, daughter and myself) sat there last night at dinner and remarked that it must have been severe allergies and that it felt nice to have those symptoms relieved. Thank you so much. The products and advice you provide, both here and on your website, have been invaluable and insightful. We are taught from an early age that the only "cure" for what ails us is the manufactured chemicals from the drug companies. We have found that if we trust in the goodness of the Lord and use what He has given us, the effects are something to be praising Him about. This being the National Day of Prayer, I am taking time at lunch to offer prayers to God for our nation, but I will also be singing His praises for raising up a mighty servant like you. God bless you and keep you. Linda, you truly are salt and light!!! March 4th Paster John wrote: I was just on the website planning out my next order, and saw the comments. I love to see people get encouraged just by our testimony. I am still amazed at the results. Mowed the grass last night without sneezing and wheezing. Praise God I was led to you and your gift. I was sitting last night in meditation on scripture and remembered that in John 3:16 He said He "Loved the World", His creation. It stands to reason that if He would go so far, for us the fallen, as to provide salvation, He would also provide for our needs in the physical realm. Then I realized He had been saying the whole time that He provides for the birds and animals; His bounty for us must then be vast. God Bless you and your family, and may His Blessing fall on all you do. Thanks Linda.


May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11