Antimonium Crudum Homeopathic Remedy ~ 4 dram, pellets, 30c Ease symptoms: Cough (hacking), mucus that is difficult to cough up, white-coated tongue, warts
Antimonium Crudum Homeopathic Remedy - 4 dram | 30c | ~ 900 count of 2.5mm pellets This homeopathic remedy is a mineral remedy. Active ingredient: Antimonium crudum [HPUS], Antimony and Sulphur. Inactive ingredients: Sucrose/lactose pellets. Therapeutic Uses Antimonium Crudum Homeopathic Remedy may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function. Acne, pimples, boils on face Angers easily Aphonia Arthritis, mainly in finger joints Boils Cough, violent, hacking, throat pain from Diarrhea and Constipation alternating in the morning Digestion Drooling of saliva during sleep. Corners of the mouth are cracked and painful. Eczema of nose Emotionally out of balance Fretful child Gastric headaches Gastrointestinal issues GERD Gout Grief Gums, bleeding Headache after eating sour things Heat aggravates Hemorrhoids Impotency Irritable and fretful Jaundice Liver inflammation with pain in liver and gallbladder region Mucous membranes of stomach and intestines Nausea Obese children and young adults Overwhelmed Pneumogastric nerve Respiratory Sour things don't settle with stomach Stomach, including cancer of Tongue is milky and coated white - key symptom Tuberculosis producing large mucus Ulcer, duodenal, peptic Urination, frequent, intense burning in urethra, leaks during cough Uterus prolapse, pressure in ovarian region Vertigo with nose bleeding Vomiting Warts Worse from: Sour wine and food Vinegar Sun Bathing Warmth Moonlight
Better from: Open air Rest