Arsenicum Homeopathic Remedy Ease Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, chills, bruises, worry, sorrow
Arsenicum Album Homeopathic Remedy - 4 dram | 30c | ~ 900 count, 2.5mm pellets This homeopathic remedy is a mineral remedy. Active ingredient: Arsenicum album [HPUS]. Inactive ingredients: Sucrose/lactose pellets. Therapeutic Uses Arsenicum album Homeopathic Remedy may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function. Anxious/Restless (desires company) Breathing: worse on back, after midnight, walking, exertion Bruises Burning pain: chest, throat (compare with Lycopodium) Chest tightness Chills (with hot face; better from warmth and covering up) Diarrhea - worse after eating Exhaustion/Weakness Flu symptoms Headache: front/temple Thirsty: small, frequent sips (compare with Lycopodium), warm drinks Throat thightness, dry (consider Arsenicum) Vomiting - worse after eating Indications for its use include anxiousness, chills, worry, sorrow, restlessness, weakness, intense burning pains, intense thirst for small amounts frequently. Worse from the cold and seeks warmth (especially from 1-3:00AM). Burning pains from eruptions is relieved by heat.
ABC Homeopathy - Handy, Interactive Remedy Finder Homeopathy 24/7 Arsenicum Album 200 Shows Protective Potential Against Chronic Arsenic Poisoning by PubMed Arsenicum Album [200c] Covers the New Emerging Complication of [2020 illness]: An Analysis by Dr Manish Agarwala
Acute Infectious Diseases by International Homeopath Herpes Zoster Remedy Options by Kaiser Permanente