Hopewell Essential Oils
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Basil ct linalool


(Ocimum basilicum) ct. linalool
Supports healthy breathing, soothes minor pain, insect bites and mental fatigue.

  •    Info
Basil (Sweet) ct. linalool
Ocimum basilicum

Plant Origin: Egypt
Method: Steam distilled from leaves, stems and flowers
Cultivation: Unsprayed (grown organically but not certified)
Chemical Family: Monoterpenol
Aroma: Fresh, sweet, spicy with slight balsamic-woody undertone
Note (Evaporation Rate): Top
Key Constituents from GC/MS Analysis: Lot#115
linalool 63.56%
1.8 cineole 7.55%
eugenol 3.35%
a-bergamotene 3.75%
gamma cadinene 1.70%
Safety Information
Suitable; 1.5% maximum dilution

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Suitable; 1.5% maximum dilution
Medication/Health Issue: No known contraindications. Low skin sensitization risk. Maximum topical use level based on 15.2% eugenol is 3.3% (Tisserand/Young). You may want check the level of eugenol in your batch and adjust accordingly. See Topical Use below for dilution help.
Therapeutic Uses
Basil ct linalool essential oil may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Antiseptic (germs, infection, urinary) 
Appetite stimulator (inhaled or a drop daily)  
Bladder infections
Cystitis, coliform 
Digestion (dyspepsia, heartburn, hiccups, gas, nausea, sluggish, spasms, ulcers, vomiting) 
Ear infection 
E. coli
Hair tonic 
Heart, arrhythmia, arteriosclerosis, tachycardia, pulmonary arteries (decongestant) 
Hernia (see Worwood formula at the bottom of this section)
Immune system 
Insect bites, stings, deterrent 
Mental (calm, stimulating, focus, strength, energy, clarity)  
Menstruation (delayed, scanty, cramps) 
Migraine headaches 
Motion sickness 
Mucus, respiratory 
Muscles and joint pain 
Muscle relaxant (blend with Lavender) 
Nervousness, mental strain 
Prostate (decongestant) 
Respiratory (mucus, congestion)   
Skin inflammation, dry, eczema 
Taste, restore (inhaled or a drop daily) 
Uterine (decongestant) 
Weak constitution 
Whooping cough

Hopewell Essential Oil Blends Containing Basil
Diabetes Massage
Hemorrhoid Care
Migraine Relief
Muscle Relax
Pain Arrest

Essential Oils May Cure Ear Infections
Journal of Infectious Diseases, June 2005

Applying certain essential oils to the ear canal appears to be an effective treatment for ear infections.

If toxicity studies confirm the safety of (antibacterial) essential oil components for use in the ear, then a significant advance can be made in the treatment of ear infections. The vapours that are released by essential oils, such as oil of basil, have been shown to have rapid bacteria-killing effects. Topical therapy for ear infections is usually not recommended because most drugs are in a liquid form that cannot penetrate the eardrum to reach the infected middle ear. However, the vapours from essential oils may be able to diffuse through the eardrum and destroy the microbes present.

To investigate, researchers from the Landspitali University Hospital in Reykjavik, Iceland, tested oil of basil, various essential oil components, and inactive placebo on rats with experimental ear infections. It was found that treatment with the oils cured up to 81 percent of the animals. With the placebo, by contrast, cure rates did not exceed 6 percent.

The team noted that, based on their properties, essential oils may be able to destroy a variety of bacteria that can cause ear infections. They also pointed out that essential oils are generally considered to be safe.
Article PDF: The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Effective Treatment of Experimental Acute Otitis Media

Basil and Rosemary oils can inhibit the growth of E. coli bacteria by Molecules 2013

Worwood’s Inguinal Hernia Blend
10 drops Ginger
8 drops Lavender
7 drops Rosemary
5 drops Basil
2 TB carrier oil
(Geranium can be substituted for an oil you don't have)
Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)

Topical: Dilute with a carrier oilunscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on area of concern or as desired. Consider using a roll-on applicator for ease of application of prediluted oil. Tisserand/Young recommend a dermal maximum of 3.3% based on 15.2% eugenol content (see actual eugenol in each batch to determine precise limit for the specific lot you have). The equation to determine the precise maximum limit is shown in this example:
Take the dermal maximum percentage (3.3%) and multiply that by the eugenol content that this percentage limit is based on (15.2%).
Then divide that number by the actual eugenol content of the specific batch.
3.3 x 15.2 = 50.16
50.16 divided by *actual eugenol content of batch* = *max. dermal limit*

Children: For children, please follow the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page, but don't exceed 3%.

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler

Internal: Basil ct. linalool is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D. notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French aromatherapy" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application.  Click here for more information about internal usage.

Caution: Davis notes to avoid Basil during pregnancy because it is described as an 'emmenagogue,' i.e. it induces menstrual flow. She apparently does not refer to Basil ct. linalool, as Tisserand/Young wrote that the maximum daily oral dose in pregnancy of Lemon Basil is 99mg, but he offers no safety concern for Basil ct. linalool during pregnancy (page 205).
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
1. I have used Basil for out-of-control stress (e.g. racing, angry thoughts). Basil helps get rid of the excess cortisol, and that's what I needed at the time. It was a life-saver, helping me to get my mind under control. I dilute it with fractionated Coconut oil, put a few drops into my palms, rubbed my hands together and then applied it over the kidney area in the morning and at bedtime. Then I'd inhale from my hands several times. I I am looking for long-term adrenal healing. - Teresa

2. This morning I got stung by a wasp while I was sitting outside in my garden and remembered that the basil label reads that it's good for insect bites and stings. I rubbed a few drops, neat, onto the sting and the pain stopped immediately. The swelling is minimal and it isn't bothering me like stings have in the past. I put some on my husband's arm after he suffered a sting yesterday with equally amazing results. Thank you for your amazing oils! - Lori

3. My ophthalmologist diagnosed me to have macular degeneration. I'd read a testimony by a native American Indian who took 1 drop Basil in honey twice daily to stop the progression, so I decided to give it a try. Next visit to the MD and mine has not progressed! - Clara
Tisserand recommends a dermal maximum of 3.3% based on 15.2% eugenol content with a dermal limit of 0.5% (see actual eugenol in batch to determine precise limit), and a calculation tip in the cream-colored Application Suggestions section above.

Tisserand: "Since this essential oil is antimutagenic, nongenotoxic, antioxidant and induces glutathione, it is likely that constituents such as linalool and eugenol counteract the potential carcinogenic action of estragole and methyleugenol. Therefore, no restrictions are required, in our opinion, with regard to carcinogenesis (page 206)."
Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider. 
Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 2002, pages 164-166.
Davis P., Aromatherapy An A-Z, C.W. Daniel Company Ltd, 2000.
Price, Shirley and Len, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals, Third Edition, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2008.
Purchon, Nerys; Cantele, Lora, Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, 2014, pages 34-35.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, Medical Aromatherapy, 1999, page 133.
Tisserand, Robert, Essential Oil Safety, 2nd Edition 2014, page 205-206.
Wildwood, Chrissie, Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1996, page 255.
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New World Library, 2016, page 568. 
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11