Hopewell Essential Oils
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Breathe Happy


An uplifting and mentally stimulating blend noted to help support healthy breathing and digestion function.

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Breathe Happy
Niaouli (Melaleuca quinquenervia), Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), Rosemary ct cineole (Rosemarinus officinalis), Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Safety Information
 Do not apply on or near the face of infants or young children. Suitable to diffuse. While oils high in 1,8-cineole should not be applied "to or near the face of infants or children under ten years of age," Tisserand confirmed in his Safety Masterclass that they are suitable to diffuse for all ages.

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Suitable
Therapeutic Uses Breathe Happy essential oil blend may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Appetite - stimulating
Brain fog 
Congestion - sinus and lungs
Digestion - colitis, cramps, diarrhea, gas, indigestion, nausea, sluggish
Focus, mental
Heart tonic 
Immune support 
Infection (bacteria and fungal) 
Insect repellant
Liver support 
Mental - clarity, fatigue, focus, stimulating
Nervous tension 
Respiratory system - congestion, sinus, mucus
Sinus - congestion, infection
Skin - damaged, stressed
Stress and tension  
Uplifting (a “happy” blend) 

A blend of essential oils noted to help support sinus and respiratory issues. The oils in this blend are suitable for children (not applied on or near the face of young children), the elderly and those with sensitive skin.

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)
Topical: Dilute with a carrier oilunscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on area of concern or as desired. Consider using a roll-on applicator for ease of application of prediluted oil.

Since Breathe Happy does not have a limiting dilution parameter, we suggest that adults follow the General Guidelines found on the Dilution Chart, which is:
2-3% for daily application
Up to 25% for short-term use

Children: Do not apply on or near the face of infants or young children. Suitable to diffuse. While oils high in 1,8-cineole should not be applied "to or near the face of infants or children under ten years of age," Tisserand confirmed in his Safety Masterclass that they are suitable to diffuse for all ages. Please follow the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page.

"Essential oils absorbed into the abdominal veins [eg. as a suppository or applied on inner thighs] bypass the liver. They are fed directly into the heart-lung circulatory system without first being subjected to biotransformation by the liver detoxification enzyme system. Consequently, they reach the lower bronchial capillaries in their original lipophilic and volatile state, still capable of eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and dissolving and expectorating mucus" (From The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt.)

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler

Internal: Breathe Happy is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D. notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French aromatherapy" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application.
Click here for information about internal usage. 
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
1. The Breathe Happy blend is phenomenal in an inhaler. Not only does it clear my sinuses, it clears the cobwebs from my mind and is uplifting, too! - Joan

2. I normally suffer from allergies and sinus infections in the spring months. I have been daily diffusing Plague Defense and Immune Support in my home via two separate diffusers. I also have been using your Breathe Happy when I go outside or when I am fighting a sinus infection. I either use it topically or take a deep sniff straight from the bottle. This has been the best spring that I have had yet and I contribute it to the regular use of these three blends! - Kris Wenger

3. Breathe Happy has become both my "happy" blend but also is great to help me breathe. I love the in nasal inhaler and purchased one for a number of my family members and friends. I also diffuse this blend more than any other. This one is great! - Beth

4. Peroxidizer - Use 3% peroxide - 3 bottles of peroxide to 5 bottles of water in a cool mist humidifier. I use the ultrasonic humidifier because it cranks out more volume. Sit in front of it and breathe deeply - pathogens in the lungs and sinuses can't live in an oxygen enriched environment. Usually the flu and so on is gone within 24 hours using this method. You can also put it by your bed or the bed of your children at night when flu and cold strikes. Some have also had good results adding a few drops of lugols iodine solution, which sounds like a good idea to me. - Kay
[HEO's Comment: We suggest using food-grade hydrogen peroxide to avoid breathing the stabilizer that is present in the brown bottle version.]
Hydrogen Peroxide: An At-Home Treatment
Hydrogen Peroxide PDF
 by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, March 2020
Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider. 
Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK, 2013.
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11