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Rose Hydrolat


Rose Hydrolat is traditionally used to support healthy skin, soothe inflammation and ease stress. (Distillate water; commonly referred to as hydrosol)

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Rose Hydrolat (Distillate water; commonly referred to as hydrosol)
(Rosa damascena)

Hydrolats may smell quite different and distinct when comparing them to the essential oil of the same plant.

"Hydrolats, also called hydrosols, are softer in aroma and gentler than essential oils. They contain water-soluble molecules of the essential oil in trace amounts as well as other water-soluble components of the plant." (Purchon/Cantele)
"Hydrosol is a generic term that is not specific to distilled plant waters. It can mean anything from a bleaching or cleaning agent employed in industrial use to a water-soluble fertilizer. Hydrolat refers specifically to distilled plant waters." (Purchon/Cantele)

"Hydrolats are achieved through the distillation of plant material. Floral waters are hydrosols, and they also have a variety of uses in aromatherapy. Although there are a number of processes for making these products, at their simplest, floral waters can be made by steeping plant materials in alcohol, then following with steam distillation and then a second distillation. The result is a concentrated distilled water. While they produce a lightly fragrant water, these processes do not yield a true hydrolat - they lack some of the hydrophilic compounds. . . For therapeutic purposes, hydrolats, obtained through distillation of plant material without the use of alcohol, are preferred." (Purchon/Cantele)
Grown using organic methods
Shelf Life ~ 1+ years
Refrigerate to improve shelf life
The shelf life is an approximation, as there are numerous variables that impact the ultimate shelf life.
1. Ideally, store your hydrosols in the refrigerator, or, if that is not possible, store in a dark location that is kept at a constant, cool temperature.
2. Oxygen is detrimental to hydrosols. As the headspace in the bottle increases, consider reducing the headspace by transferring to a smaller bottle.
3. Hydrosols, being water based, are prone to contamination. Avoid allowing your hands, skin, nose, cosmetic pad and so on from coming into contact with your primary bottle. Pour the amount you will need into a smaller bottle or glass jigger and use from that container. Do not pour this back into your primary bottle.
Rose Hydrolat is traditionally used to soothe infections, skin issues, inflammation and ease stress.
Suitable: Infants, Children, Pregnancy, Breastfeeding and Pets
Therapeutic Internal and Topical Use
Rose hydrolat may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Burn, minor 
Eyes, sore (apply on cotton pads over closed eyelids) 
Facial spritz, toner
Menstrual cramps 
Pink Eye
Postpartum recovery 
Skin (balancing, normal, combination, dry, firming, scars, sensitive, softening, soothing)
Throat, sore 
What are Hydrolats?
Hydrolats are the pure water that is produced during the distillation process. When plants or flowers are put into the still or distillation tank, they are subjected to either boiling water, steam or both. The steam softens the aromatic cells of the plant, and the essential oil that is contained within is released as a vapor. This vapor mixes with the steam and is only separated again as the steam cools in the condensing tank. The essential oil molecules separate from the steam, which has cooled, and float to the surface, forming a distinct layer on top of the water. The top layer is the essential oil, and the water below is now referred to as “hydrolat” or “flower water,” if it comes from flowers.

The hydrolat is a distinct product of the distillation process and can, according to Jeanne Rose, be termed 100% distilled, non-alcoholic distillates. They cannot be manufactured synthetically in the laboratory. hydrolats are not to be confused with simply adding some essential oil to water. True hydrolats come only from the distillation process and carry minute particles of essential oil held in suspension and the water-loving properties of the plant that was distilled. In most hydrolats, there is less than 5% actual essential oil. Their aromas are typically mild and subtle, with a herby or grassy overtone indicative of their authentic and therapeutic qualities. Hydrolats can be sprayed directly on the skin or added to bath, foot soaks, or used as a compress. Hydrolats typically contain less than 1% of the components found in the essential oil. The other principal constituents of hydrolats are the hydrophilic (water-loving) compounds and are not found in the essential oil at all.

Kurt Schnaubelt wrote in Medical Aromatherapy that hydrolats are highly tolerable, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic substances.

Jeanne Rose notes that hydrolats are typically used full strength or can be diluted with water or in tea and used as a therapeutic drink (1 tablespoon/liter). She writes, “As herbs are to homeopathy, so are essential oils to hydrosols. Hydrosols represent the true synergy of herbalism and aromatherapy."

Robert Tisserand wrote on his Facebook Essential Training page: "Using hydrosols instead of essential oils is a safer option for children under six years of age. These "floral waters" contain a significantly lower concentration of aromatic molecules while still providing an effective therapeutic tool. Most hydrosols contain a 2000-times lower concentration of aromatic molecules than essential oils. This makes them a good and much safer option for children under the age of six. Apply Lavender hydrosol to diaper rash or to calm eczema."
[HEO's Comment: Tisserand refers to the hydrolat as "floral waters," but according to Perchon/Cantele, technically, "a floral water can be made by steeping plant materials in alcohol, then following with steam distillation and then a second distillation. The result is a concentrated distilled water. These processes do not yield a true hydrolat - they lack some of the hydrophilic compounds."]
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
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Purchon, Nerys; Cantele, Lora, Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, 2014, page 118-127.
Rose, Jeanne, 375 Essential Oils and Hydrosols.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, Medical Aromatherapy.
Tisserand, Robert, Facebook Essential Training.
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New World Library, 2016, page 526-532. 
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11