Hopewell Essential Oils
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The oils in this blend are some of the strongest essential oils shown to have anti-parasitic properties. Select the carrier oil of your choice to dilute appropriately.

  •    Info
Cumin (Cuminum cyminum), Anise (Pimpinella anisum), Bitter Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllata), Laurel Leaf (Laurus nobilis), Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides), Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans), Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia), Pure Gum Sprits of Turpentine (Pinus elliottii), Thyme ct linalool (Thymus vulgaris), Thyme ct. thymol (Thymus vulgaris), Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 
*We are no longer able to source Idaho Tansy which was originally a part of the ParaClear blend. We have added Thyme, Oregano and Pure Gum Spirits of Turpentine, all of which offer the great properties to support the purpose of using this blend.
Select the carrier oil of your choice to dilute appropriately.
Safety Information
 Not suitable for children under 5 due to estrogenic properties of Anise and Bitter Fennel

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Not Suitable

Medication/Health Condition: 
Contraindicated All Routes: Endometriosis, estrogen-dependent cancers
Caution Orally: May interact with Pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs. Diabetes, Diuretic and Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin, warfarin), Renal insufficiency, Edematous disorders, Major Surgery and Childbirth (up to one week before and after), Peptic Ulcers, Hemophilia and other Bleeding disorders, Severe Hepatic (liver) or Renal (kidney) impairment, Hypertensive or Diabetic Retinopathy, Thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), Vasculitis
Therapeutic Uses
The oils in this blend are some of the strongest essential oils shown to have anti-parasitic properties.
ParaClear essential oil blend may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Appetite stimulant (Price: inhaled or applied topically)
Athlete’s foot 
Blood Pressure 
Digestion (abdominal spasms, appetite stimulation, bloating, constipation, cramps, diarrhea, distention, dyspepsia, flatulence, gas, gastric infection, indigestion, nausea, spasms, stimulant, slow or impaired)
Fatigue (mental, physical)
Fungal issues
Headaches (digestive-linked)  
Hepatitis (per Jean Valnet MD)
Immune support
Infections (bacterial and fungal)
Insect bites, stings
Insect deterrent 
Joints, minor aches and pains
Kidney support 
Liver Support
Menstrual (cramps, PMS, scanty, stress)
Mental clarity, fatigue
Mental energy
Migraines (digestive-linked) 
Mouth Ulcers 
Mucus (sinus, throat)
Muscles (minor aches and pains, spasms, injury)
Nerve pain (neuralgia) 
Nervous system
Oral (bad breath, gums, infection)
Pancreas insufficiency
Respiratory (bronchitis, congestion, coughs, infection, mucus, phlegm)
Sinus (infection, mucus)
Skin (abscesses, acne, bacterial, boils, bruises, cold sores, fungal, infection, insect bites, parasites)
Stress and tension
Thrush (including vaginal)
Worms, intestinal
Wounds, promotes/supports healing

For Pinworms: Consider Fresh Garlic 
We smash or finely chop a garlic clove and have the child swallow it. We did this by mixing it with something like a little mashed sweet potato or something to help it go right down. We'd have a cup of goat milk handy so they could take a drink afterward. We'd do this twice daily for a few months. It actually became a good habit so we kept it up.
    I know it is recommended that everyone in the family do this . . . but we had 8 children and there was no way we could consistently keep up for any length of time with who had taken their dose. We did keep the affected child in his own bed (we didn't let him slip into bed with a sibling or us) and washed the sheets in hot water and dried them in the sunshine, but the garlic took care of the visible manifestation of the worms crawling out the anus rather quickly - in a few days - so we backed off the rigid sheet washing and just maintained the garlic. It felt to us that we'd killed all the live ones and now needed to keep the garlic going to kill all the ones that were still to hatch out.
Life cycle: 
- Ingest or inhale pinworm eggs. (Pinworms don't come from animals).
- They hatch in your small intestine.
- Pinworm larvae continue to the large intestine, where they live as parasites, with their head attached to the inside wall of the bowel.
- They mate there as well, and the males die. - About two to three months later, the females crawl out and lay eggs, up to ten thousand per worm (I can hardly believe someone counted!) Then, the females die.
- The itching of the rectum causes the child to get the eggs on their fingers, and if ingested, the cycle continues. The eggs can also be transferred from contaminated fingers to other surfaces where they can live for 2-3 weeks.

The most common symptom of pinworms is an itchy rectal area. Symptoms seem to be worse at night when the female worms are most active and crawl out of the anus to deposit their eggs. Although pinworm infections can be annoying, they rarely cause serious health problems and are usually not dangerous. Right after a bowel movement, you may be able to see the pinworms in the stool in the toilet. It can really turn the stomach to see those tiny white worms squirming. ;-/

People become infected by unknowingly ingesting microscopic pinworm eggs that can be found on contaminated hands and surfaces, such as:
bed linens
clothing (especially underwear and pajamas)
toilet seats
bathroom fixtures
drinking glasses
eating utensils
kitchen counters
desks or lunch tables at school

Treatment Based on Life Cycle
Parasites have varying life cycles, so the protocols followed should target the specific parasitic infection you are addressing. Since the goal is to break the parasite’s life cycle, folks may follow a “treatment” for 21 days (kills the living parasite), then lay off for a week. That would be considered “round one.” They follow with another “round” to target the newly hatched parasites. Three rounds might be a good practice. If prone to re-infestation, some may treat one week out of every month. For major issues, being under the care of a healthcare provider is strongly suggested.

Vital Animal by Dr. Will Falconer

Safe Heartworm Treatment by Dr. Will Falconer

Cleanse Your System of Parasites Naturally by Dr. David Jockers

How to Get Rid of Human Parasites (intestinal worms and protoza) Using Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

Parasite Alert: 3 Signs to Watch Out For! - In this article, parasites are "red flags" for chronic DIGESTIVE ISSUES (despite eating a highly alkaline diet rich in good bacteria), MENTAL DISTRESS (anxiety, depression, behavioral changes) and AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS (such as reactive arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome).

Oil of Mediterranean oregano Oreganum vulgare was orally administered to 14 adult patients whose stools tested positive for enteric parasites, Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba hartmanni and Endolimax nana. After 6 weeks of supplementation with 600 mg [20 drops] emulsified oil of oregano daily, there was complete disappearance of Entamoeba hartmanni (four cases), Endolimax nana (one case), and Blastocystis hominis in eight cases. Also, Blastocystis hominis scores declined in three additional cases. Gastrointestinal symptoms improved in seven of the 11 patients who had tested positive for Blastocystis hominis.

Eliminating Fungal And Parasitic Infections Naturally by Becky Plotner

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)
*See SAFETY information at the bottom of this page.

Topical: Safe topical dilution is 4.5% due to the potential methyl eugenol content of Laurel Leaf, Nutmeg and Clove Bud. If topical application is desired, we'd suggest applying over the abdomen and the intestinal area or on the area of concern. 

Children: Not suitable for children under 5 due to estrogenic properties of Anise and Bitter Fennel

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler.

Internal: ParaClear is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. HEO does not advocate the internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer them, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective when used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application.  Click here for general information about internal usage.

Adult Oral Maximum of ParaClear: 6 undiluted drops daily. (The limit is due to the potential amount of methyl eugenol content of the blend.) For example, one could take 2 drops in a capsule and fill the rest with an edible carrier 3x daily.

Since the goal is to break the parasite’s life cycle, folks generally follow a “treatment” for 21 days (kills the living parasite), then lay off for a week. That would be considered “round one.” They follow with another “round” to target the newly hatched parasites. Three rounds might be a good practice. Going forward, if prone to re-infestation, treat one week out of every month. For major issues, being under the care of a healthcare provider is strongly suggested.

Essential oils are not known to upset good gut flora when taken in appropriate doses. The following quote from our Antibiotic Alternative article may help:

"Each batch of distilled essential oil will typically be slightly, but not significantly, different even from the same botanic source and farmed in the same location from year to year. This subtle variation in essential oils makes it difficult for the bacteria to resist, and because a single essential oil is composed of a myriad of components, the bacteria are rendered impotent to repel the attack. Essential oils are particularly effective against bacteria that are 'misbehaving.' Bacteria on the internal or external skin communicate physically and chemically with other bacteria, and the essential oil seems to inhibit or disrupt that communication. Importantly, like antibacterial herbs, when used appropriately, essential oils do not harm the beneficial bacteria in the body."
Suppository: Using a suppository is a good and suitable method to deliver the oils internally. Besides the information we have on our Oil Usage page, the following may help:
Dr. Pam Taylor is quoted in Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt’s Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils:
"Since essential oils are eliminated out of the body tissues in 1 to 2 hours, a fresh suppository may be inserted every 1 to 2 hours if found helpful."

The following is "general" information about using essential oils in suppositories by Kurt Schnaubelt, PhD (Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy):
Suppositories are an efficient way to use essential oils. Concentrations are typically 150 mg of essential oil (5 drops) per 2 gr. of base (gelatin, cocoa butler) for an adult dose. [We figure this is about a 7% dilution.]
Use this link to convert grams to ounces: http://www.rapidtables.com/convert/weight/gram-to-ounce.htm
According to Dr. Belaiche the use of suppositories (vaginal or rectal) presents a double benefit for aromatherapy treatments:
1. The essential oil acts topically (in situ) if used for vaginal disorders.
2. The essential oil is absorbed readily by the afferent veins to the internal iliac vein and by the pelvic-lymphatic system.
10 gr. gelatin sheets are dissolved in 30 gr. cold, distilled water. This solution is then mixed into 60 gr. of glycerin, preheated to max. 60- C. The mixture is gently agitated to prevent the formation of air bubbles. The essential oil is added to the mixture only after it has cooled considerably to avoid evaporation. Then, the mixture is poured into molds and cooled completely. The adult dosage is 0.2 gr. [6 drops] of essential per 2 gr. gelatin capsule. [We figure this is about a 7% dilution.]
Schnaubelt suggests 2 suppositories daily for an infection and uses this guideline:
ADULT: 10 drops EO to 3g carrier [We figure 3g carrier oil is about 4/5 of a teaspoon for 7.7% dilution.]
CHILD: 6 drops EO to 2g carrier [This is general information about suppositories. ParaClear blend is not suitable for children due to Idaho Tansy in the blend.]
INFANT: 2 drops EO to 1g carrier [This is general information about suppositories. ParaClear blend is not suitable for infants/children due to Idaho Tansy in the blend.]
Herx Reaction: (Shared with HEO by a customer)
Anything that is doing what it needs to do in order to kill off the bacteria [or parasites], will cause a Herx reaction. It's actually a sign that the protocol is working! It lasts for a time until the liver can catch up to the heavy load of toxins and clear them out. Therefore, it is important to keep the bowels moving and drink plenty of water. One naturopath I saw gave me a remedy for herxing. She told me to use organic lemons and do the following:
1 organic lemon (washed and chopped into large pieces, rind, seeds and all)
1 cup warm purified water
1-2 T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Within about 20-25 minutes, my (herxing) high fever, body aches, and lethargy were greatly improved.

ParaClear for Dogs
"Blend equal parts of the essential oils of Bergamot, Caraway, Sassafras, Wild Marjoram and Thyme. Give 1 drop [of this stock blend] per 4-5 pounds of body weight twice a day for three days." The Encyclopedia of Natural Pet Care by CJ Puotinen, page 400-404.

"When using for a deworming effect, it is often recommended to start your protocol on a full moon. Parasites are more active and accessible, it seems, at this time of the moon cycle. Parasites are notoriously difficult to get rid of, and whatever protocol you select, it is imperative that you follow your case with a veterinarian and perform fecal testing to make sure you have adequately eliminated the parasites. There have been many cases of internal parasites that did not respond to traditional dewormers; however, they responded well to essential oils. Conversely, there have been cases that seem to respond to absolutely nothing but traditional chemical dewormers. Parasites are becoming a bit of a “superbug” and often need pretty heavy tactics to rid the body of them. Careful monitoring is the key, along with rotational therapies and an increase of potency and amounts when necessary." Melissa Shelton DVM.
The FDA has not reviewed the following anecdotal testimonies.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted healthcare provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 

1. ParaClear works very well. I felt remarkably better just after taking the capsules for one week. After 21 days, I felt 20 years younger. - C.F.

2. Wow! ParaClear is incredible. I just finished my third round and want to have everyone in our family do this. I feel like I'm running at top performance now. My energy levels are high, my outlook is much improved and things don't stress me out like they used to. - K.F.

3. As a practitioner, I would like to applaud you for this blend and the wise use of Turpentine in the blend. Some of my clients initially show concern when they learn Turpentine is in it, but I assure them they need to be educated about using 100% pure gum spirits of Turpentine, such as what Hopewell carries. I have clients who have used HEO's Turpentine both topically and orally for parasite issues with only good results! ParaClear is a wonderful blend and has helped many! Press on, dear friends at Hopewell! - Jena
[HEO's Comment: From the Turpentine detail page: [Turpentine] is steam distilled from resin-tapped slash pine trees in south Georgia, USA. Sustainable forest practices are used. This should NOT be confused with rectified turpentine, which is an impure by-product of the pulp and paper industry. Historically, Turpentine was used medicinally by the Greeks and Romans. Dioscorides noted that the best quality was clear. Pliny, Hippocrates and Galen mentioned its properties with regard.

4. Our dog that we got from the humane society had mange and is clearing up thanks to your ParaClear blend. I gave her some Digestion Support, too. I had tried all kinds of things and had even put her on a raw diet, but more bare patches were appearing. After one week of using your oils, hair started to grow back, and in about 3 weeks, all the patches were just about gone. Yeah! - Y.M.

5. I've had Lyme disease (including co-infections such as Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Toxoplasma, Giardia, viruses (EBV, HHV-6), and intestinal parasites) for over 13 years now. In an effort to reduce the intestinal load of parasites, the ParaClear I've been taking is really working. Hallelujah! A fellow Lymie friend of mine says she is having good results (producing herx reactions) using the blend of oils in your Plague Defense blend. Concerning the ParaClear, I am currently taking 3 '00' caps (I fill my own caps) per day with meals. I'm only taking it 1x daily because I'm currently taking another oil blend for parasites that is named Tape Parakil 9. It comes in a kit or you can purchase it alone. I buy it alone (not the kit). This is the only product at Dr. ClarkStore I've used that actually works (at least for the critters I have). The instructions for the Tape Parakil 9 state that you can take a maximum daily dose of 21 drops. However, this oil is straight EO and is not blended with a carrier. So I blend a little olive oil in with these drops when I fill my capsules. If I take the Tape Parakil 9 oil, typically, I'll take 11 drops 1x daily of it and also take 3 '00' caps of your wonderful ParaClear blend 1x daily. I take both blends with meals (sensitive GI tract prone to ulcers). I will say I began taking the Tape Parakil 9 first for about a week. Then I ordered your ParaClear blend and began taking it. However, your blend seemed to kill additional/different ones, which the Tape Parakil 9 blend didn't. Thank you for an effective ParaClear formula. The only other thing that actually works to help with some of my symptoms is using Rife therapy (a suppressed healing modality from the 1930s). But using Rife therapy (I have a Dr. James Bare plasma device) is only as good as KNOWING exactly what organism you're targeting by using specific bio-resonance frequencies which kill the organisms. The device definitely works (trust me), but the downfall is someone with Lyme may never discover all the infections they're dealing with. Reason being, is there are many, many pathogens which can enter the picture, and many blood tests out there are simply a joke. Many integrative or LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) doctors will tell you the same. So by taking oil blends for the different co-infections as well as Lyme (Borrelia), one doesn't have to worry with chasing down exact frequencies or frequency attribute combinations that may or may not help.- Scott B.

6. For pinworms, we usually take Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth mixed in some juice for a few days and that does the trick. It has to be food grade, though. You can buy DE at many gardening stores, but if it's not food grade, it is NOT ingestable. Our kids like it because it has no taste at all. If you mix it with juice, it just makes the juice cloudy but doesn't alter the flavor. I'm not sure that raw garlic would go over in our house but that's definitely worth trying too! We personally use about a tablespoon mixed with juice when one of our kids has an outbreak of pinworms. We don't have any infants, though. We also personally use DE anytime we want to. If you read the Wolf Creek Ranch website page, you will see all the health benefits of it! We used to buy it at Wolf Creek Ranch before we found it locally. Now we can buy it at our local gardening store called Calloways. We get twice as much at Calloways for about the same price.
Dosages for pregnant women: During pregnancy, it is best to start with a small dose - 1/2 tsp. daily for the first few days or weeks if needed, making sure to drink plenty of clean, fresh, pure water (not city tap water) to help sweep toxins out of the body and slowly increase the dose as the pregnant mom-to-be feels fit to do so. This may help prevent a heavy detox by starting out with a heaping TB daily. - Susan

7. I use ParaClear (diluted with EMU) for my dairy goats. I use 15 drops AM and PM in their grain for 3 weeks at a time if they are fighting parasites. The maintenance dose is 1 week out of each month. They do very well with this protocol. - Nina

8. For a continuous daily wormer, I give my horses 3 capsules of ParaClear daily with 1 capsule of Endurance.

9. I have been sick for several days. For the last two or three days, I have felt like there was congestion in my chest, but Hubby - a nurse - could not hear anything, and nothing came up during my coughing fits. I dreamed last night that I had parasites in my lungs, and when I woke this morning. I felt strangely compelled to apply ParaClear. I applied it to my throat and chest, and soon, my cough became very productive. I am breathing better now than I have in days. I honestly would never have considered that oil blend for congestion, but it seems to have a tremendous effect. - Heather

10. We've used your ParaClear blend with good success. I have done several rounds of it by now, and it’s one of those things you know you’re done with by the time you get to the end of the round because you just don't want it anymore. Then it doesn't seem so bad a week later when it's time to start the next three weeks. I used ten drops or so in a marshmallow capsule. Slippery elm capsules don't work as well since it isn't as absorbent. The first time I did it, I took 15-20 drops three times a day, but I think that was a little much. My husband said his mind felt clearer and sharper after we started on the ParaClear. I didn't notice anything like that, but I know it did its anti-parasitical job (particularly the first time around) -- 'nuff said. - Savannah

11. Our son has a systemic parasite infection that will be a long battle to clear. This is what Dr. Kristin (with Family Hope Center in Philadelphia, PA) and I worked out for him (considering him as an individual and his tolerance): I combined 10 drops of ParaClear per teaspoon of unrefined coconut oil and mixed well. Then, I put about 32 drops of this combo in each large capsule. This worked out to about 2 drops of EO per capsule. Then, I placed the capsules in the freezer to harden. When the suppository is given morning and evening, I remove up to 5 capsules from the freezer, remove the veggie capsule and insert the suppository (following an enema). I started with 2 and worked up to the full amount of 5. We use them on a 21-day cycle per month: 3 days prior to the full moon until 3 days following the new moon. When the cycle of ParaClear suppositories began for this second month, the elimination picked up quite noticeably.
UPDATE: We continue to see a good response in the excretion of parasites with the ParaClear. We just completed the second month of use (Aug 2017). - Karyn
UPDATE: We continue to use on a monthly basis and see gobs of stuff after each suppository use (Oct 2017). - Karyn

12. We have been using Hopewell Essential Oil’s ParaClear on and off for a few years for our dogs. This unique blend of antiparasitic oils is quite powerful. Both of our dogs are immunosuppressed due to prescription medication they are on for other medical conditions. We live in a fairly rural area in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Both dogs have dealt with a variety of different parasites. We have gone the route of traditional veterinary care for these parasites and other medical conditions over the years.
     Our 10-year-old beagle is the most immunosuppressed due to two life-threatening neurological conditions. Most recently, our 7-year-old rescued Lhasa Apso mix acquired a highly aggressive and very contagious parasite called Strongyloides, possibly from food from another country, as this parasite is not native to our area. Despite the seriousness of this parasite, our immunosuppressed beagle never acquired this aggressive parasite! The only logical factor that prevented our stable but neurologically ill beagle from getting this parasite was Hopewell’s ParaClear.?    Unfortunately, I had slacked off by giving both dogs ParaClear prophylactically. From now on, I will be keeping both dogs on Hopewell’s ParaClear on a regular basis! The secret to keeping our dogs well from parasites is the consistent use of this product!!!
     What I do (What works for us): I use a size “0” gelatin capsule and fill it about ½ full of ParaClear and ½ with fractionated coconut oil as the carrier oil. I give each dog a capsule or two once a week in either cheese or deli meat after eating. In my experience, the only reason our dogs can stay well from parasites is Hopewell’s ParaClear. Regardless of the cause of the parasite, Hopewell’s ParaClear works!!! - Bonnie
[HEO's Comment: We typically use the oils at 1-2% with a dog and choose oils that are generally regarded as safe orally, such as Peppermint and Cardamom.]

Medication/Health Condition: Contraindicated All Routes: Endometriosis, Estrogen-dependent Cancers. 
Contraindicated Oral Use: Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin and warfarin; caution oral use), Diabetes medication, Diuretic medication, Renal Insufficiency, Edematous Disorders, Major Surgery and Childbirth (one week before and after), Peptic Ulcer, Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders
Bitter Fennel
Medication/Health Condition: Contraindicated: Diabetes medication (oral use), Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin and warfarin; caution oral use), Major Surgery and Childbirth (oral use one week before and after), Endometriosis (all routes), Estrogen-dependent Cancers (all routes), Peptic Ulcer (oral use), Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders (oral use)
Medication/Health Condition: Caution Orally: Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin and warfarin; caution oral use), MAOIs or SSRIs (such as Lexapro and Zoloft), Pethidine (such as Demerol pain medication), Ephedrine, Major Surgery and Childbirth (one week before and after), severe Hepatic or Renal impairment, Peptic Ulcer, Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Topical Caution on hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin.
Tisserand/Young note that "since eugenol significantly inhibits human MAO-A (Tao et al 2005), oral doses of eugenol-rich essential oils may interact with pethidine, indirect sympathomimetics, MAOIs or SSRIs." Caution is advised when Clove essential oil is ingested in conjunction with certain foods if taking MAO inhibiting antidepressants. Those containing tyramine, which include cheese, may precipitate a hypertensive crisis (Blackwell & Mabbitt 1965), while tryptophan-containing foods may lead to elevated serotonin levels.
Medication/Health: Cautions for Oral Use: Diabetes medication, Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin and warfarin), Major Surgery and Childbirth (one week before and after), Peptic Ulcer, Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders

Oregano Contraindications (all routes): Pregnancy and breastfeeding 
"When Origanum vulgare oil was fed to pregnant mice for two weeks at 1,000ppm (equivalent to 150mg/kg) [about 5 drops], there was a related increase in the rate of embryonic cell death." Tisserand/Young page 376. The concern is that Oregano demonstrates embryotoxicity, and a complete absence of risk to the nursing infant is impossible to demonstrate conclusively. Keep in mind that the dose is a critical component of this toxicity, and adverse effects will only occur when the dose exceeds a certain threshold, but determining that threshold is not simple, as extrapolating from studies in pregnant animals is problematic. Specifically in regard to Oregano, 150mg (about 5 drops) Oregano was fed to female mice for 2 weeks prior to mating. Oregano significantly increased the rate of embryonic cell death. "The negative effects seen in this study may be due to the high doses used, but we do not know what a safe dose might be . . . we have therefore contraindicated Oregano [for use during pregnancy and lactation]." Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand/Young, pages 153-155.

Oregano is not on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) avoid or use with caution list during pregnancy or nursing list.
Thyme ct thymol
Medication/Health Condition: Use with Caution Orally: Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin and warfarin), Major Surgery or Childbirth (one week before and after), Peptic Ulcer, Hemophilia and other bleeding disorders

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Flushing with water may send the essential oil back to the eye's membranes. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, which is less easy with fatty oil." We’ve not known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but please call your healthcare provider if you feel concerned.

Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 2002, page 324.

Schnaubelt, Kurt, The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils: The Science of Advanced Aromatherapy , 2011, pages 133 and 139.

Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK 2nd Edition 2014, pages 64, 196-197, 438.


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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11