Hopewell Essential Oils
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Peppermint USA


(Mentha piperita)
Peppermint has antifungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which make it one of the most popular essential oils. It supports healthy circulatory function, soothes digestion issues and eases pain.


  •    Info
Peppermint, USA
Mentha piperita

Plant Origin: USA
Method: Steam distilled from leaves
Cultivation: Unsprayed (grown organically but not certified)
Chemical Family: Monoterpenol
Aroma: Fresh, Crisp, Sweet, Minty
Note (Evaporation Rate): Middle-Top
Key Constituents from GC/MS Analysis: Lot#114
menthol 42.55%
menthone 22.42%
menthyl acetate 4.85%
limonene 1.58%
1,8-cineole 5.14%
(E)beta-caryophyllene 2.24%
neomenthol 2.78%
menthofuran 1.93%
isomenthone 3.92%
pulegone 0.56%
How does the USA Peppermint compare to Indian Peppermint?
In regard to both chemistry and aroma, the oils are very similar. We offer sample sizes of both, so if you'd like to compare, please consider sampling them and let us know what your experience is :)

Peppermint Distillation Information
(Gleaned from notes written by Dr. Robert Pappas, expert essential oil chemist)
There is only one distillation of an oil to remove it from the plant material. Once the plant material has been distilled, there is no essential oil in it, so it is never re-distilled. A few oils go through a second process called rectification, which involves fractional distillation to remove *undesirable* constituents. Peppermint is sometimes further processed with fractional vacuum distillation. This is not a second distillation, but a secondary process to remove some components felt to be undesirable (eg, flavor industry). HEO's Peppermint has not gone through the vacuum (rectification) process. It has a crisp, clean, herbal/sweet aroma and taste, and its use therapeutically is felt by many to be unmatched. There is a myth circulating that sweet-smelling peppermint is less effective than that with a more herbal aroma. There is no scientific or practical-usage data that supports this myth.

Is Cornmint similar to Peppermint?
Dr. Pappas: "To the novice, cornmint may smell like peppermint, but as you get more experience you will see that they are very different in odor, with peppermint having a sweeter, more complex odor and flavor."
Safety Information
Avoid use with children under 3 years of age. Do not apply on or near the face of infants or young children. Oral use not recommended for children under 5. Diffuse with care around 3-6-year-old children and limit topical application to 0.5%.

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Suitable. Regarding milk supply, click here to read "Peppermint and Breastfeeding - Results of a Poll" by Robert Tisserand.

Medication/Health Issues: 
~ Not an issue with diffusion ~ 
Contraindicated: Cardiac fibrillation (all routes), G6PD deficiency (all routes), Cholestasis (oral use), Cigarrette Smoking (inhalation risk per Rhiannon Harris - May cause increased lung permeability to nicotine and menthol slows the ability to clear nicotine; as a precaution, allow several hours to lapse between cigarette use and inhalation), GERD (oral use; several studies suggest that enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules may help relieve common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, whereas non-enteric coated forms may worsen heartburn and nausea.)

Health Concern: Smoking
Inhalation of Peppermint (high in menthol), will cause increased lung permeability of nicotine. Menthol also slows the ability to clear nicotine from the body. Those who smoke should allow several hours to elapse between cigarette use and inhalation of high-menthol essential oils. (Tisserand/Young, page 185.)
Therapeutic Uses
Peppermint may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain the healthy function of the following:
Acne, pimples 

Appetite (inhalation or one drop daily may help regain - Schnaubelt)
Bee deterrent
Breath (halitosis)
Digestion (colic, colitis, Crohn's, diverticulitis, flatulance, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, poisoning)
E. coli
Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining)
Hot Flashes
Insect bites
Leaky Gut
Lymphatic system (drainage)
Mentally focusing, energizing and uplifting
Menstrual cramps, irregularity
Mice deterrent
Muscles (cramps, spasms)
Nerve pain
Night Sweats
Pain (local)
Pancreas tonic (per Schnaubelt)
Rash (itchy, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis)
Respiratory support (mucus and congestion - blend with 1,8 cineole-rich oils)
Sciatica (combine Peppermint with equal parts of Cistus)
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Smell (may help restore)
Taste (may help restore)
Tension muscles, headaches
Throat infection, laryngitis  
Viral nuritis

Hopewell Essential Oil Blends containing Peppermint
Arctic Ice
Breath Fresh
Calm Effect
Digestion Support
Dr. Hull's Mental Stimulation
Dr. Hull's Tooth and Gums
Fire Power
Fung-All Spray
Headache Relief
Itchy Rash Spray
Lung Support
Migraine Relief
Mint Blast
Mom's Remedy
Muscle Relax
Nasal Rescue
Nerve Pain
Oral Hygiene
Ortho Massage
Pain Patrol
Pain Repair
Respiratory Relief
Sinus Relief
Take Time
Tendon Ease

Aromatherapy Literature Notes
Aromatherapist, Robert Tisserand wrote: "Menthol does not cause miscarriage, has never been remotely linked to miscarriage nor is there any evidence that menthol or peppermint stimulate blood flow to the uterus." He sites this report and comments that Livestrong and Drugs.com are NOT reliable sources for information about essential oils: Final Report on the safety assessment of Mentha Piperita (Peppermint) Oil . . .

Can essential oils & antibiotics be used together? by Robert Tisserand

Combination of essential oils and antibiotics reduce antibiotic resistance in plasmid-conferred multidrug resistant bacteria.
"The finding highlighted the potential of peppermint, cinnamon bark and lavender essential oils being as antibiotic resistance modifying agent. Reduced usage of antibiotics could be employed as a treatment strategy to decrease the adverse effects and possibly to reverse the beta-lactam antibiotic resistance."

Coriander, Helichrysum, German Chamomile, Peppermint are used for gastritis - Price, Aromatherapy for Health Professionals

Schnaubelt refers to Peppermint as a pancreas tonic in The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils. He writes: "Peppermint is antiviral, antimalarial, antifungal and generally anti-infectious. It acts specifically against Bacillus subtilis, Candida albicans, Diplococcus pneumoniae, E. coli, Beta-hemolytic streptococcus, Klebsiella, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus aureus, among others.

For viral neuritis Peppermint, Lemongrass, Moroccan Chamomile and Niaouli (MQV) in a base material is recommended for topical application. - Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt holds a Ph.D. in chemistry and is the founder and scientific director of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy.

Inhaling Menthol for Alzhemier's Disease by Medical News Today

Chocolate Mint Pudding
4 Ripe Avocados
3/4 cup Organic Cacao powder
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
3/4 cup Coconut Cream or Milk
Cream = pudding / Milk = shake
3 TB Monk Fruit
3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Scoop of ice - Blend

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)
Topical: Dilute with a carrier oilunscented cream or lotion and apply on area of concern or as desired. To avoid the risk of skin irritation, the maximum topical use is 5.4%. Apply topically as desired for pain (avoid tender tissues). A "tender tissue: is any part of your body where the application would cause more discomfort. If you have a gash in your arm, you would not feel comforted by putting Peppermint on the gash. If you tore during the birth of your baby, Peppermint may not be a good choice for the pain. Its effect is perfect for sore muscles and aching joints, but not ideal, especially undiluted, for "tender tissues."

Children: Avoid use with children under 3 years of age. Do not apply on or near the face of infants or young children. Oral use not recommended for children under 5. Diffuse with care around 3-6-year-old children and limit topical application to 0.5%.

Tranquilizing Scalp Massage Formula
6 drops Rosalina
4 drops Spike Lavender
3 drops Rosemary ct cineole
2 drops Peppermint
1oz Grapeseed or Jojoba oil (1.5% dilution)

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler (see safety note)

Internal: Peppermint essential oil is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. The maximum adult daily oral dose is about 5 drops. We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns, and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective when used topically with proper dilution or when inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D., notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils internally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French aromatherapy" or "British" methods; it's a matter of experience and appropriate application. Click here for information about internal use.

Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D D., wrote in The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils (p. 133) that 1-3 drops orally can be taken for nausea (internal use not recommended for children under 5). 
Click here for information about internal usage.

Note about internal use: If you plan to use aromatherapy to alleviate your heart problems, avoid using an excessive amount of Peppermint oil. Massaging your body with a large amount of Peppermint essential oil could cause your heart pulse to increase. In some cases Peppermint oil could also increase heart palpitations. Peppermint essential oil is a potent liver detoxifier, and someone whose liver function is compromised may not be able to handle the stimulation it brings to the organ. I read online about a lady who was using Peppermint essential oil via inhalation to control nausea from liver cancer treatment. She did fine with the oil diffused, so she decided to take it orally with the assumption that it would be even more effective. Two weeks later, her liver enzymes were dangerously elevated, and her physicians were in a panic. She'd been taking about 1.5 ml daily, and neither she nor her doctors thought it might cause a problem. This emphasizes the need to use wisdom and discernment when using essential oils. They are powerfully effective, but what works for one may not be the best choice for another. We prefer to use them aromatically (inhaled or diffused) or topically (diluted) rather than internally, unless the need calls for it and under the care of someone qualified to advise of such use.
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted healthcare provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
1. I had a very painful, stiff neck that had worsened over the years. When the chiropractor showed me the x-ray, he said he’d never seen a neck that bad (degenerated) on someone my age (46). He said he’d expect a neck like that on a ninety-year-old woman. His treatments did not help, and it was just too risky/painful for manipulation. A good friend suggested that I try Peppermint essential oil. She purchased some for me from a respectable company so I'd be assured that it was a very high-quality oil. I used it liberally and frequently, and it did bring relief, but I figured that it was just masking the pain. The chiropractor had not offered hope that I’d ever see much improvement, so I didn’t expect what happened. As the weeks of using Peppermint went by, I used it less and less. After six weeks, I realized that I hardly even thought about applying it. The pain had stopped triggering me to put it on. I had an almost full range of movement back and virtually no pain after two months of use. My feeling is that the Peppermint helped reduce inflammation, brought circulation, and facilitated my body's ability to heal. – Linda 
2. One evening, I went out to move the chicken’s feed dish. Since it was dark, I didn’t see the fire ants that had invaded it. I reached down with both hands and picked up the dish. I guess hundreds of ants crawled onto my hands before they sent out the signal to attack me with their poisonous bites. When I came in, I told Linda what had happened, and she pulled Peppermint oil out of her pocket and poured it all over my hands, which brought a welcome relief from the pain. What amazed me was that after an hour, you could not even see one bite! Peppermint must have some chemical disposition to neutralize poison. It works well for mosquito bites and insect stings also. I think everyone should keep a bottle of Peppermint on hand. – Mark S. 
3. As a nurse, I have access to an oxygen tester that we use on our patients. It clips on the end of a finger, and in a matter of seconds, it reads your body's oxygen level. I tested myself the other day and got a reading of 94%, which is good and normal. I'd read reports about how Peppermint essential oil increases oxygen levels in our brains, so I put a drop of Peppermint on my tongue and put the oxygen reader back on my finger. In less than a minute, it read 99%. 
4. At the first sign of any sinus issue, I put a few drops of pure Peppermint oil on my tongue and hold it for a few seconds. Yes, it's intense, like Altoid candy, but worth it! I then follow it with a few drops of Plague Defense. I haven't had any sinus issues, colds, etc. since! It is now April, and I usually get some kind of snotty ailment in January/February every year! This is the first year without anything! 
 - L.W. 
5. I've been a massage therapist for 30 years and have used essential oils for 21 of those years. Your Peppermint far exceeds Young Living's and the NOW brand of Peppermint. The menthol level is incredible - unlike any Peppermint I've ever used, and it's the freshest and cleanest in aroma as well. I use it for all sorts of things, including headaches, tummy aches, sore throats, muscle pain and insect bites. I believe it breaks up lactic acid, which causes muscle pain and spasms, because I notice a marked difference when I use your Peppermint on a muscle spasm and when I don't. I so appreciate you making these high-quality oils available, and if you are ever out of it, I'd rather do without than to purchase elsewhere.  - T.S. 
6. I had poison ivy on my legs and tried NOW brand Peppermint in hopes of reducing the itchy rash. It did nothing for the itch or the spread of the rash. My sister offered me to try her HEO Peppermint, and the itching stopped. By the next day, the rash was drying up. There's no comparison in the quality of these two brands. 
7. I love the Peppermint that we just ordered. It is the most amazing Peppermint I have ever used. Thank you for providing quality oils at such a reasonable price. Your ministry is a blessing to many. - R. S. 
8. The peppermint from Hopewell Essential Oils is, by far, the best I've come across! - Katie 
9. I'm using peppermint for so many things lately! I use it to cool off, soothe back pain, and decrease an itchy mouth when I eat something I shouldn't. :) I bought some more at a local store the other day, thinking I could save on shipping. It smells terrible! There's no way I'm putting it on any part of me! Guess I'll be placing another order soon! - Allison 
10. This past April I took a trip to Cozumel and thankfully brought along my Peppermint oil. Several of my dive buddies rubbed against some Fire Coral and got a painful rash from it. I suggested putting a few drops of my Peppermint oil on the sores. They were amazed at how quickly the pain disappeared. I had others put a drop in each nostril before diving, and they were amazed by how easily they could breathe underwater. The sinus difficulties they had mentioned to me earlier were all but gone. After each day of diving, we would meet in this damp room for presentations and such. One of my friends had a small reaction to the mildew that was present in the room; it affected his sinuses and chest. I had him put a drop of Peppermint in each nostril. No more problems during the next day of "class". I became known as the "Peppermint Man" after that excursion. No one knew when I was going to pull the bottle out. I call it "The Cure All". - Bill D. 
11. Our son had a very bad, infected sore on his foot. The foot was swollen, and the sore looked like it might become a boil. It was very painful. We soaked it 3 times daily using draw salves, ointments and triple antibiotics, but nothing seemed to get it over the edge. We felt like we'd halted the infection from getting worse, but days were going by with very slow progress forward. We were about ready for the doctor but continued to pray and ask God for wisdom, and I felt led to completely quit all former treatments and started putting Cleansing and Peppermint essential oils on every hour or so. I covered it with gauze and taped it around the edges so the sore could breathe. I couldn't believe the results. There was rapid improvement, and in a short time, I only had to dress it once a day. The sore still had a scab, but I no longer kept it covered; I just applied the oils once in a while to disinfect it. I so wish I'd taken pictures; it was very ugly. Anyway, I'm sold, and the oils will be the first thing I try in the future, not a last resort! - Kristy B. 
12. Sadly, recently, I ate some very contaminated meat. My health care professional put me on 15 to 20 drops of Peppermint in an 8-ounce glass of water. That did flush the poison out of my system. I continued drinking as many drops of Peppermint as I could handle. I never want to be without Peppermint. It does so many wonderful things. So remember to grab it if you are ever unfortunate enough to get that sick. My health care professional told me that if I had taken the Peppermint in water when I first felt I was really sick, I probably could have wiped it out at the beginning and avoided a lot of suffering. 
13. We put a drop of Peppermint on the temples and forehead a few minutes before going somewhere, and it works every time for motion sickness. I think it helps everyone. I've offered to try it. 
14. Four of our eight children struggled with motion sickness. We were blessed to get a tip from our Amish friends. They advised us to hang a chain so that it slightly drags the road. This worked better than everything else we ever tried. A little Peppermint essential oil on the tongue helps some people for a while, but the chain is the best tip we ever tried. - Linda
15. I'm really impressed with your Peppermint oil!! It is definitely the BEST!!!  It not only smells incredible and tastes wonderful, but it works better than any peppermint I've ever used. - Lindsay 
16. My Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms disappeared completely after I applied Peppermint oil over my abdomen a few times. Seriously, you can’t believe how amazing this is to me! 
17. I’ve had Irritable Bowel Syndrome for a few years, and I started adding a couple drops of Peppermint to each glass of water I drank. Sipping on this throughout the day has greatly diminished my symptoms, and I no longer have the usual bloating each afternoon. Overall, I feel a lot healthier. 
18. Two MDs diagnosed me with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. I had extreme pain and bloating for almost a year. The MDs said it was stress-induced and put me on medication, which didn’t touch my symptoms but instead made me feel drugged all the time. A friend at work suggested I use some of her Peppermint oil. I rubbed Peppermint on my abdomen, but I felt more about swallowing it. Now, I use 3 drops in a capsule 3 times daily. After 3 days, the symptoms vanished and have not returned. [HEO's comment: Taking oils orally carries some risk and is typically done under the covering of a health provider. Kurt Schnaubelt notes that 1-3 drops can be used for nausea, but he does not mention taking this daily. There is less risk of irritation if a carrier oil (lipid) is added to the capsule to help disperse the potent essential oil.] 
19. I got poison sumac on my arms as a result of picking up kid goats that had been in the woods. I typically get a pretty bad case of it. I used Tea Tree and Peppermint on it as needed and it didn't bother me very much at all!! I had heard that castor oil works well, too. Is that true to your knowledge? Anyway, I have been praising God that these oils came into my life since I have treated my family for several things successfully with the few EOs I have and all the information on your website! Thank you for working diligently for the Lord to assist in healing God's people! - Susan 
20. Three of my children woke up this morning with what were surely flu-like symptoms (or food poisoning, though the rest of us were fine). I put a couple drops of Peppermint in some coconut oil and applied it to their bellies and wrists. My son went back to sleep, and my daughter threw up but immediately felt better. Now, they all seem just fine and have hefty appetites!! Thank you, HEO!! - Christina
21. I heard that to renew a nerve, the nerve needed to be a cooler temperature than the other tissue, so I used Peppermint. I had my husband rub it on my spine and the bottoms of my feet twice daily. I especially massaged my big toes because the reflex for the pituitary gland is in the center of the big toe. The pituitary gland is responsible for making the chemical that keeps the muscles stretching and contracting. When it does not make enough of it, the muscles are unable to stretch out and contract normally.
22. It's a bit "simple," but I can tell you with certainty that Peppermint essential oil saved me from a trip to Urgent Care for an asthma attack while on vacation last month! I applied it to my throat and chest and then sat down and just tried to relax and breathe slowly. - Tracy
23. Whenever I smell cigarettes or wood-burning smoke from outdoor fire pits, I start to have my asthma flare up. I found by the grace of God that all I have to do to stop it is inhale Peppermint and Lemon oils. I sit and calmly and slowly inhale from the bottles 3 or so times from one and then the other. It brings almost immediate relief, and I can feel the spasms subside. - Kim
24. I absolutely LOVE the smell of mint! I read somewhere that if your body needs the oil, you will REALLY be attracted to the scent. Peppermint is one of my favorites- clove being my all-time favorite. Thank you, Linda, for taking the time to answer our questions! You BLESS me! I have your picture on my fridge! And I'm SO TICKLED to have found you via Trim Healthy Mama, where another sister recommended your oils and shared how you prayed for those ordering before sending the orders out, and I couldn't be happier! - Susan
25. I put a couple of drops of Peppermint on my tongue last night and found that my breathing was so much better as I slept.
26. We left today for a 6-hour road trip. My 7-year-old gets terribly car sick, and we've always used Dramamine, but after reading that Peppermint oil can help, I decided to try it. I made a 1% dilution (according to the chart in the files), and he rubbed some on his tummy before we left. NO SICKNESS! Wooohooo! - Susan
27. I pulled my lower back on Saturday while lifting my 36 lb. 2-year-old. I had also played the organ for several Holy Week services and had several more to go. I barely slept Saturday night. By the end of the Easter services today, I was almost immobile. I considered an ER visit for pain medication, but I'm also 3.5 months pregnant and didn't want to risk it. I had applied PainX diluted along with Strength and Headache Relief, and I didn't feel like they helped. I finally remembered that someone talked about using Peppermint undulated for muscle pain. I had nothing to lose. I applied quite a bit of undiluted peppermint oil to my lower back and rubbed it in. I washed my hands with coconut oil, then soap, to make sure the oil wasn't left behind. Within about 20 minutes, I fell asleep in my bed and stayed asleep for 3 hours! When I got up, I still had quite a bit of pain, but I was mobile and able to walk a bit and stretch. I've applied Peppermint the same way again and can feel it helping. It was a bold move for me to go undiluted, especially with the pregnancy, but I felt like the side effects from any prescription would be far worse for the baby than a reaction from the Peppermint. I do plan to see my chiropractor to make sure I didn't pull something out of joint, but the Peppermint oil is getting me through the weekend. - Heidi
28. I put 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil in about 4oz of water, drank it down, and my indigestion was abolished within 10 minutes. - Kristi
29. My husband went deep-sea fishing for the first time and was so worried about getting seasick. He went to Walgreens and picked up an over-the-counter med for this. I packed him a roller bottle with diluted Peppermint. His preference is to not use OTC meds, but he had both just in case. He informed me that he was starting to get sick and used the Peppermint behind his ears and inhaled it, and it worked. He was pleased to tell me he did not have to take the OTC medicine. Feeling happy. - Angel
30. We took a trip when I was just starting my morning sickness. Peppermint was a huge lifesaver for air sickness and when we rode the ferry. I inhaled it a lot. If I didn't have a mint to suck on, I would also add a drop to water to help settle my stomach. - Sheri
31. I sprayed a mixture of Peppermint and water in my garage, especially where spiders were nesting and making webs, and my garage is spider-free and has been for months. I'm so happy! - Traci
32.  I just wanted to share how much I love your Peppermint oil! I carry it around in my purse and literally use it several times a day for multiple purposes. I have it handy to stop the itching of bug bites and to take a whiff if I feel a headache coming on. - Melissa
33. After reading the first testimony about using Peppermint oil to improve a bad neck, I sent some to my sister (missionary in Turkey), as she frequently has debilitating neck pain. It has improved her condition, and she rarely has really bad days now. We both thank God for these oils and testimonies! Thank you for blessing us! - Megan
34. I applied diluted Peppermint in a rainbow at the top of my belly to encourage my transverse (sideways) baby to turn head down. I applied it more on my side. She ended up turning and then staying head down. I have found the best time to turn is around 34-36 weeks because there is enough room to turn, but not so much that they can easily flip back. - Sheri
35. Last night I ate some stir-fried veggies, and they caused my IBS-D to flare up. I was in a fairly moderate amount of discomfort with stomach cramps and heavy bloating. I had a couple of trips to the restroom and decided to rub some Peppermint oil all over my belly. I used two drops with several drops of jojoba oil as the carrier. My cramps stopped within a couple of minutes, and I didn't need to use the restroom again. I also slept like a baby. Today, all was normal with my digestive tract, praise the Lord! - Jennifer
36. My mother is 84 years old and has had multiple hip surgeries and so has not wanted her shoulder worked on though it causes lots of pain. I made a roll-on solution of 50-50 Peppermint with Jojoba oil, and she has rubbed it on her shoulder and back where it hurts. She has immediate relief. The best part of these oils is that the more oils that work, the less medication she takes. I have spent a fortune on HEO lately, but considering the relief brought to myself and those I care about, WITHOUT DRUGS, it is well worth it. - Margo [HEO's comment: Because we'd like to avoid the possibility of skin irritation or sensitization, we encouraged Margo to increase dilution when she refills this for her mother.]

37. I have a friend at the office where I work who diffuses oils at home and while he works here at the office. His peppermint seemed kind of weak, so I brought him some of yours to try. The next day, his wife asked him to buy a pound of peppermint! :) Have a great day, and keep fighting the good fight! - Frank
38. I first began using Hopewell Oils when I was 70 and am now 75. I owe much of my health to them. For years, I have suffered from migraine headaches. Peppermint USA rubbed on my temples and a drop on the roof of my mouth at early onset have removed my headaches. If I don't catch it early and the pain continues, I just do 1 or 2 more applications, and the pain is gone. What's more, the frequency of the headaches has dropped from often to only very occasionally!! Praise God for this miracle oil. Living in Maui, I often get hives from various fruits and lots of bug bites, and Peppermint is excellent for calming my itchy skin. - Kalinda
39. I just wanted to give a praise report for HEO Peppermint. I have been having symptoms of IBS, which have gradually grown worse. The symptoms were mostly pain in my stomach when having a BM (it was so horrid). I was ready to go to a doctor for pain relief. Then, I remembered to research it on HEO. There, I found that Peppermint is a possible remedy for cramps associated with IBS. I rubbed some on my stomach, over my liver area and around my belly button. I also put one drop on my tongue. Immediately, the pain went away!! When the symptoms tried to crop back up again, I just used the Peppermint and it went away twice more. I am a believer! I did order and receive some Digestion Support today and am anxious to try it for all the other IBS symptoms I have been having! Praise God!! - Nancy

40. When I had a cough that I was certain was approaching bronchitis and a doctor's visit, I added a drop of Peppermint oil to steaming coffee and inhaled it for several minutes. I was amazed to find that after several weeks of coughing, it was suddenly and completely gone the next morning. - Christina

41. I diffuse peppermint in my garage for rat control (it works)! In temperatures around freezing, the oil becomes gelatinous, so I put a sock around the bottle of oil and place it on a yogurt maker. It maintains a temperature that keeps the EO liquid. The diffuser is the type with an air pump and clear tubing to the EO bottle atomizer. It is set on a timer to run all night and then turn off. There has been no further evidence of rats in the garage or in the car engine compartment. - Carol
42. I have silent migraines with an aura. When the zig-zags start appearing in my eyes, I apply a dab of Peppermint essential oil on each temple right beside my eye, under each ear, and behind each ear in a sweeping motion. Instead of suffering for the next hour or so and going through the rest of the day feeling exceedingly tired and nauseated, the zig-zags vanish! Hooray for Peppermint! - Cassie
43. In the kitchen, I put a few drops of Peppermint on cotton balls and placed them in the cupboard. All the bad bugs (ants and spiders) went away! - Susan
44. As an avid rose and herb gardener, my plants have aphids, and Peppermint and Lemongrass in a spray took care of them! - Susan
45. My husband had some severe neck pain after his back was broken. I put Peppermint oil in a roll-on applicator, and he applied it several times daily. Wow! What a help it has been! Slowly, the pain lessened, and now, he only has to put it on once in a while! We are very thankful for this help! Blessings to you, Linda, for your help and for getting such a good product for such a great price, and for all of the part of you that is poured into the information and helps! - Susan

46. We use Peppermint for stings/bites of fire ants, nasty hornets, and the worst sting, centepedes. It works fast, and we are so glad. There are many horror stories we've heard of centipede bites lasting days and destroying the flesh. Peppermint works very well. - Gail (missionary in Vanuatu)
47. My 14-year-old son broke his wrist last week during a checking exercise drill in ice hockey. When it broke, I was there, and within minutes, I put Peppermint all over it (from a roller bottle) to manage the pain while I drove him to the hospital. He prayed, kept calm, and so did I. Everyone else around us - not so much. LOL The hospital was only 1 mile away. The orthopedic surgeon happened to be there and set the wrist under an X-ray machine, taking films that were immediately up on screen as he was setting it. Amazing! When he aligned it, I applied more Peppermint where I could. When he was done, it was perfectly aligned - 45 minutes after the break. The surgeon said I set it, and God will do the rest. My son reported no pain, just discomfort and concern that he may not play hockey again. - Dana

48. My granddaughter's symptoms included protruding hard stomach at times, worse after mealtime, pain and tears. From ages 2 to 3 years, the pain increased, and eventually, she began to lose weight. She looked like a victim of hunger in a 3rd world country. My daughter-in-law took her to a specialist who dismissed the case as non-serious. After several more months (and Google), my son and daughter-in-law took her off all wheat (as most is GMO). Within days, we had a different child. They took her back to the doctor and insisted on blood tests. The went back to the same specialist who had dismissed her previously. Test results revealed an extreme case of Celiac diseaseDuring the pain and before the diet change, I would occasionally rub my granddaughter's tummy with diluted Peppermint oil, and this provided her great relief! Four months after the diet change, she has gained about 15 pounds and rarely cries at all. We are very thankful. - Karen
49. I read your "About Us" page, and I wanted to tell you that I have also had amazing results with Peppermint oil on my neck. I've always used it undiluted with no problem. I'm 60 years young and was diagnosed via a chiropractor's X-rays when I was in my late 20s as having a deteriorating disk between C6 and C7 (I had some falls that probably caused it). I suffered from migraines my whole adult life, which I believe stemmed from this disk issue. Like you, I've realized recently that I don't have to use the oil that often. I have also gradually changed different things in my diet, water intake, and so on, but on occasion, I still will feel a headache coming on from my neck. If I catch it soon enough with the Peppermint oil, extra water, and maybe some extra magnesium, it does ease out. I have wondered if perhaps that "deteriorating disk" has actually undergone some healing or regeneration - because you would think that over 30 years after the diagnosis, it would have gotten worse - maybe to the point of immobility. I also use Peppermint oil in my massage practice and share it with my daughter (who has a high-stress job and suffers from headaches daily). - Wilhelmina

50. Equal parts of Peppermint and Cistus work amazingly well for about 98% of the people I see with sciatica, and the other 2% get an immediate reduction in pain. If you use an oil and don't notice a response in a minute or two, use another oil.

51. I used your Sciatica blend of Peppermint and Cistus for my sciatic pain, and that worked great!
52. Linda, the Sciatica blend of Peppermint and Cistus has really helped me with my sciatica pain and disability. Great job! - A.H.
53. I could hardly wait for the Sciatica blend (equal parts of Peppermint and Cistus) to arrive since I've only had minor relief from my adjustments. The oil arrived today, and I applied the oil and felt much better. I almost forgot about my pain entirely. I felt well enough to run errands for a couple of hours. Last week, I was on bed rest for 4 days, unable to sit or stand. Pregnancy hinders me from taking conventional pain medicine. Thank you, Sherman family, for your ministry. I am so thankful to the Lord for your work. - Vivian L.
54. I have a thoracic anterior disc that has slipped and has been causing me lots of pain. I have tried everything - oils of many kinds, Ibuprofen, and finally, narcotic pain medicine to ease the pain. Sadly, the only thing that helped was the pain medicine. However, I knew I only had a short time to use those before I became dependent on them. With prayer and the Holy Spirit's guidance, I loudly heard the Lord tell me to throw the pain meds away immediately. We did that last night. This morning, I woke up in pretty bad pain in between my shoulder blades, but I knew that the Lord would get me through. Today came my package from HEO, and Peppermint and Cistus were in the mail. I decided to try equal amounts of those on my back and was SHOCKED! The pain stopped IMMEDIATELY! I did not expect that! I did some research on it and realized that Cistus is considered the Rose of Sharon in the Bible, and Jesus is called the Rose of Sharon!!! This was no accident! Jesus, you used your oil blend to heal my back pain! Praise God! Thank you so much!!! - Mindy
55. I make a mixture for my sciatica that works!
2oz Aloe Vera
1 TB St. John's Wort-infused oil
1 TB Arnica-infused oil
4 mls (80 drops) each of Laurel Leaf, Peppermint and Ginger for a 20% dilution
I use this from a glass spray bottle. I spray onto my fingers and apply. If my husband applies it, he can spray it on my back and massage it into my tailbone area.

56. Peppermint is the most used product to deter mice in camping communities. - Mary Ann

57. I sprinkled drops of Peppermint oil at my goat stanchion before milking to avoid the pesky flies, and it did the trick! Sunflower, Daisy, Rose et al. send their thanks. They stand much quieter when they aren't being pestered. My only complaint is that I can't help but think of mint chocolate chip goat's milk ice cream while I milk in 90+ degree heat. ;) - Robin

58. I put a drop of Peppermint on my hand and then lick it off. This has been an amazing relief to the nausea that’s been accompanying vertigo due to post-concussion. - Fran

Inhalation of Peppermint (high in menthol), will cause increased lung permeability of nicotine. Menthol also slows the ability to clear nicotine from the body. Those who smoke should allow several hours to elapse between cigarette use and inhalation of high-menthol essential oils. (Tisserand/Young, page 185.)

Cardiac Fibrillation: As a cautionary measure, essential oils high in menthol (Peppermint) are best avoided because menthol has been associated with destabilization of heart rhythm. Tisserand notes that "exposure to menthol is not associated with any increase in morbidity or mortality in this population. (Tisserand/Young, page 656.)

G6PD Deficiency: Contraindicated by any route.

Cholestasis: Contraindicated orally

CAUTION Children: "Essential oils high in menthol (Peppermint) can cause CNS and breathing problems in young children, and should not be applied on or near their faces." Elsewhere, Tisserand notes that Peppermint is best avoided altogether for children under 3.
A proprietary menthol-containing oil was reported to cause incoordination, confusion and delirium when 5 mL of the product (35.5% peppermint oil) was inhaled over a long time period (O’Mullane et al. 1982 ). Nasal preparations containing menthol can cause apnea and collapse in infants following instillation into the nose (Melis et al. 1989; Reynolds 1993 ). "The most serious symptoms, including coma, were seen in a child of under two months, who had 1 mL of an unspecified menthol solution instilled into his nose. Some of the others suffered not more than mucous membrane irritation. In most cases the drops were given accidentally, instead of another, safer preparation. No details were given regarding the amounts of (-)-menthol or 1,8-cineole administered, so it is difficult to extrapolate to essential oils. Clearly, peppermint and eucalyptus oil would be implicated, and these are among the oils commonly used as decongestants. Other essential oils, administered in this way, could cause similar problems, and we recommend that peppermint, cornmint, and any oil with 40% or more 1,8-cineole should not be applied to the face of infants or children, or otherwise inhaled by them (Tisserand)."

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your healthcare provider. 

Butje, Andrea, The Heart of Aromatherapy: An Easy-to-Use Guide for Essential Oils, Hay House Inc., 2017, pages 98-99.
Harris, Rhiannon, "Drug-Essential Oil Interactions: Risks and Reassurances" Presentation to Alliance of International Aromatherapists, (17 Dec 2008), Denver, CO.
Purchon, Nerys; Cantele, Lora, Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, page 24.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, 2011, pages 131-134.
Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK 2nd Edition 2014, pages 273, 656-658.
Tisserand, Robert, Peppermint for itching from a Facebook post, Nov. 2016.
Valnet, Jean (2012-05-31), The Practice of Aromatherapy, Ebury Publishing, page 39.
Wildwood, Chrissie, Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1996, pages 278-279.
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New World Library, 2016, page 612-613. 
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11