Hopewell Essential Oils
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Plague Defense Spray


Freshens and promotes cleanliness on shopping cart and door handles, restroom toilets, sinks, countertops and so on. It is also used as an air freshener. 

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Plague Defense Spray
Pure Grain Alcohol, Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllata), Lemon (Citrus limonum), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamon zeylanicum), Eucalyptus radiata, and Rosemary ct verbenone (Rosmarinus officinalis) essential oils
20% essential oil / 63% alcohol
Safety Information
Not suitable for children under 2 topically or orally (skin irritation risk)

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Not suitable topically or orally. See Safety information below for details.

Medication/Health Condition Cautioned Orally: May interact with Pethidine, MAOIs or SSRIs. Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin, warfarin), Major Surgery and Childbirth (one week before and after), Peptic Ulcers, Hemophilia and other Bleeding disorders, Severe Hepatic (liver) or Renal (kidney) impairment, Hypertensive or Diabetic Retinopathy, Thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), Vasculitis.
Therapeutic Uses
Plague Defense blend is formulated to help aid our efforts to support immune response to an illness as one would need for "the plague."
Freshens and promotes cleanliness on shopping cart and door handles, restroom toilets, sinks, countertops and so on. It is also used as an air freshener. (Avoid spraying on surfaces that might be harmed by alcohol or essential oils.) 
Bed Bugs (see testimony #5 below)
Promotes Cleanliness: shopping cart handles, public places, public toilet seats, hotel rooms
Insect deterrent: ants, roaches, wasps
Room freshener
Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage):
Freshens and promotes cleanliness on shopping cart and door handles, restroom toilets, sinks, countertops and so on. It is also used as an air freshener. Although some might use the spray for topical use on occasion, because Cinnamon Bark is highly irritating/sensitizing, it is not advised. Avoid spraying on surfaces that might be harmed by alcohol or essential oils.
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted healthcare provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
1. I use this spray when we go shopping or on vacation. It’s small enough I can carry in my pocket so that it’s always handy. I spray shopping cart handles, toilet seats, booster seats and so on. We dilute this to spray our hands after being in public, and many times people will come up to us and ask what smells so wonderful. – Linda

2. I love your Plague Defense Spray!!! One day while shopping I had a sore throat coming on, so I just sprayed some in my mouth, and the soreness disappeared (never returned either). I even felt more energy. This stuff is great. I want a BIG bottle! - Joan S.

3. I sprayed Plague Defense Spray around my house all evening to quiet a cough that all 3 of us had at the same time, and boy did it work, instantly, and my son fell right off to sleep (what a testimonial for the spray). - Diane

4. For sore throats, we use the Plague Defense Spray. It is amazing !! It instantly numbs your throat, and we found after using it 1-2 times, the symptoms were gone. - Sarah T.

5. Our family uses Plague Defense spray for everything - an all-purpose sanitizer, throat spray, room freshener, etc. I keep one spray bottle in my purse and have other bottles around the house. This stuff is amazing! I must share that my favorite use for Plague Defense Spray is to kill bugs. We unknowingly brought home bed bugs after a vacation, and this spray eliminated them with one thorough application on and around the bed! So much safer than toxic pesticides, and it smells wonderful. It is also great for killing wasps and other unwanted creepy crawlies. :) - Paula
Bed Bugs vs Dust Mites by The Healthy

6. We finally have rain here in CA, which means the ants and roaches are finding refuge in my classroom. I had Plague Defense spray in my desk drawer, sprayed it on all the door frames (a great non-toxic solution!), and it stopped all the bugs in their tracks, plus it made my classroom smell delicious!! - Ann Marie

7. I have a testimony about the Plague Defense hand spray! My husband and I have some great friends who we meet up with once a week, and one of these friends works in retail management. There were a lot of weeks we would meet up and he would have a cold, or some sort of yucky something he had picked up at the store. He seemed to always be getting sick. I decided he needed some Plague Defense spray, haha! So before Christmas I bought one and gave it to him. He told us last night that he was going to have to get some more of that spray because he has not been sick since he started using it. He said he uses it every day before he goes into work and during breaks I think too. I carry the spray around with me in my purse and use it all the time, and it helps me so much! I was so glad that it helped him! - Emily

8. DIY Plague Defense Spray: 2oz glass spray bottle with 1 tsp witch hazel, 15-20 drops Plague Defense, distilled water to fill bottle. I also added a few drops of lemon. Good for general disinfectant purposes and hopefully effective against the bugs if necessary! - Jeannie

9. I planted some cabbages and broccoli this fall. I wanted to make sure that the bugs stayed away from my little plants, so I experimented with essential oils. I took 5ml of Plague Defense Spray (that was what I had around) and filled the rest of my 1oz spray bottle with water. I shook it up and spritzed all around my plants and keyhole garden area. I did this 4x in probably a 3-month period. Even through the rain, I still I have not seen bugs at all on my plants. Just recently I noticed a few holes in my vegetable leaves, so I sprayed around them again. That is pretty amazing bug control! My plants are big and beautiful! As a side note, we had big black water bugs coming into our house, so I experimented again with a small amount of essential oil (I don’t remember what it was) and water. I spritzed it all around my room. It has been weeks and I haven’t seen one water bug since. My roommates think I'm crazy, but they can’t deny that we have beautiful cabbages and our bug problem has been solved. - Lindsay

10. I make an incredible Sore Throat Spray that EVERYBODY loves.

Sore Throat Spray Recipe
1 1/2 tsp. Vodka
1 tsp. honey
10 drops Plague Defense Essential Oil Blend [HEO's Comment: 7 drops falls within the safe-use limit]
5 drops Peppermint essential oil
5 drops Lemon essential oil
2 drops Stevia
Purified Water (to fill to the shoulder of the 2oz dark glass spray bottle)
Spray 3-4 squirts on the back of throat for soothing relief. - Christy

10. I had an ant problem in my home, and the only spray I could get quickly was Plague Defense. I sprayed them, and they died instantly. The next day they were back with more small groups of many ants in several places. One place was behind kitchen sink faucet where it joins to outside wall and plumbing comes into house. I sprayed that too, and I haven't seen one since! - Maggie

Safety Information
Blood Clotting: Do not use orally in cases of hemophilia or severe kidney or liver disease.

Drug Interaction (Oral Use): May inhibit blood clotting.
Caution: Diabetes medication, anticoagulant medication, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders.

Children: Cinnamon Bark should be avoid topically on children under two and used with caution and in greater dilution for older children. Due to possible toxicity issues, it is not for children orally of six years old or under, and use with caution and in greater dilution for children older than six (Tisserand 652-653).

Pregnancy: Cinnamon Bark is contraindicated for pregnancy and breastfeeding because when it was fed to pregnant mice for two weeks it significantly reduced the number of nuclei and altered the distribution of embryos according to nucleus number (Tisserand p. 249).

Dermal Use: High risk of irritation and sensitization. If skin irritation results, dilute immediately with more carrier oil to cut the effect.

See "safety" on the Cinnamon Bark detail page for more detailed information.
See "safety" on the Clove detail page for more detailed information.

From Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand, page 249:
"Cinnamon oil (type not known) caused poisoning after the ingestion of approximately 60mL by a 7-year-old boy who drank the oil when dared to by a friend. Symptoms included a burning sensation in the mouth, chest and stomach, dizziness, double vision and nausea. There was also vomiting and later collapse. The doctors involved considered that had vomiting not occurred the dose could have been fatal, but there were no serious consequences."

May be irritating to those with sensitive skin. Avoid contact with the eye. Essential oils are lipophilic, meaning they are attracted to fat—like the membranes of your eye and skin. Essential oils are hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Flushing with water will only send the essential oil back to the eye's membranes. Wiping with carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eye. We’ve not known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your doctor if necessary.

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider.

Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK 2nd Edition 2014. 


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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11