Supports the body's natural effort to soothe skin stressed by staph, burns or abrasions.
Staff Comfort essential oil blend may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Research Articles Essential oils have been found to kill the deadly MRSA bacteria by Life Sciences Medical News
1. I have dairy goats, and this Spring for the first time they developed sores on their udders after they kidded. I had the sores cultured and it came back as Staph Aureus. (We believe the staph came from a horse that was brought onto the property.) However, we tested after the sores started, and they spread like wild fire through the milking goats. I started using some essential oils that I had on hand, some therapeutic grade and some not. The staph was finally managed by using my own concoction of essential oils and genetian violet but still not totally out of the herd. One goat in particular was always boarder line. She would be clear, and then she would start developing a new pustule. Staph is a big reason for mastitis in dairy animals. We had the milk checked multiple times during the two months, and the milk was always clear, so this was a strain of staph that did not cause mastitis, just sores on the exterior of the udder and mainly at the hair line above the teat, but sometimes on the teat as well. I finally ordered some Staff Comfort from HEO and started using it. This was after the mass outbreak when I was down to just one or two goats that seemed to always be on the verge of breaking out again, but nothing like it was to start with. I started putting the Staff Comfort on those few goats, and within a day the potential spots for staph to develop were gone. Within three days I was confident that the goats didn't have any more staph issues. Now if a goat develops a little bump that might become a pustule of staph, I put the Staff Comfort on the spot and rub it in. I usually do it twice, and then the bump is totally gone. I wish I'd had Staff Comfort when the outbreak started; I think it would have shortened the duration of the outbreak. I hope that I never have mastitis caused from staph, but if I do, I will use Staff Comfort on the outside of the udder and would also consider infusing it in the udder as well. My hope is that I don't ever need to try something like that, but it is good to know that the option is there. - T.L. 2. I purchased Staff Comfort to treat folliculitis (infection of the hair follicules) on my legs. I'm not sure if it is viral or bacterial in this case but it has been a long term issue. It worked great. It is very strong smelling, so I wouldn't use it and go in public. It also works amazingly on pressurized acne I sometimes get my back. I haven't used it on my face. - Jenny 3. Staff Comfort is the only thing that we can count on to help my aged, bedridden mother with bedsores. I'm so pleased with this blend! - Ray
4. An allergist said the rash I had was psoriasis, not eczema. I cleared it up with Staff Comfort spray. It took 9 months to a year, but I am totally clear. I used the spray twice a day, and as it cleared up, once a day. I use it now a couple times per week as maintenance. - Rachel
4. I've been using Staff Comfort to get my period back on schedule. I know it's the geranium in it that is helping. I spray this all over my legs each day as it is also helping with my psoriasis. - Rachel