Formulated for tender/sensitive areas to soothe, lubricate and ease symptoms associated with minor irritations.
Make your own SPRAY: Tender Tissue is handy to use as a spray. To make a spray, simply decide on the appropriate dilution ratio, add the number of drops to the spray bottle, and then fill with the carrier oil of your choice. For example, for 5% Tender Tissue in a 1oz bottle, put 50 drops Tender Tissue blend in the bottle then fill to just below the shoulder of the bottle with carrier oil.
Kurt Schnaubelt PhD, founder and science director of the Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy, writes the following in regard to using essential oils vaginally: "According to Dr. Belaiche the use of suppositories (vaginal or rectal) presents a double benefit for aromatherapy treatments: 1. The essential oil acts topically (in-situ) if used for vaginal disorders. 2. The essential oil is absorbed readily by the afferent veins to the internal iliac vein, and by the pelvic-lymphatic system. The adult dosage is 0.2 mL of essential oil per 2 mL carrier oil, which is a 9% dilution ratio.
Clinical studies by Dr. Belaiche showed that "Women with vaginitis caused by the fungus Candida albicans were treated with Melaleuca alternifolia [Tea Tree] by insertion of vaginal gelatin capsules.
The dosage given was 0.2 mL of Melaleuca alternifolia per 2 mL gelatin capsule [which is a 9% dilution ratio]. The capsules were inserted for a period of 90 days each day before bed. Of 27 patients, 23 showed a complete cure with the disappearance of burning and white discharge. Biological examinations showed the disappearance of Candida albicans in 21 patients.
This remarkable success is due, according to Dr. Belaiche, to two factors: 1. The very strong effect of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia on the fungus itself, which is clearly demonstrated by respective aromatograms. 2. The high tolerance for Melaleuca alternifolia oil, which permits treatments of long duration (three months) without the slightest irritation to the mucus membranes."
10. My family has been using your oils for a few years now. I had my first child six weeks ago, and I wanted to rave about the Tender Tissue Spray! I used this spray for about two weeks before my daughter's birth, and I did not have a single tear. My labor was extremely quick as well, so the nurses and midwives were blown away at my not tearing. After the birth, I mixed the Tender Tissue Spray with warm water in my perineum squirt bottle. I believe this helped speed my recovery tremendously! I only used the hospital ice packs for one day, and then I did not need them anymore. Thanks so much! I will be using this again for the next baby. - Helen
11. Our baby daughter is in NICU. Two weeks ago she had her bowel reconnected, so now we have poopy diapers and some broken down red skin, likely yeasty!! I mixed the Tender Tissue spray with equal parts of zinc oxide, cleaned her bum with expressed breast milk, made sure it dried well and it cleared up amazingly!!!! Thank you for all of your help. - Tricia
12. I've been using Tender Tissue for years. It's a great blend. My recent purchase in March 2017 was even better! Thank you HEO for continuing to tweek and improve on the blends. Your commitment and service are unsupassed! - Marcy
13. I have recurring Batholin cysts, and have used both the Tender Tissue Spray and Golden Salve (applied two or more times a day), to help resolve them. Epsom salt baths also are helpful in reducing the pain and swelling in the area. - Emily
14. I was recently stung by a honey bee. I of course turned to essential oils for comfort. At work I have Lavender and Purify always on hand. It was Saturday, so I didn't have access to Purify, which says it is good for stings. I had Lavender at home as well (not the HEO brand), I wasn't that impressed with how it worked. Monday at work the area started to itch so I pulled out my Hopewell Lavender and got some relief. Later in the day it started to itch, so this time I applied Purify, again with some relief. Back at home, it really started to itch. I applied the other brand of Lavender - Horrible - really started to burn and itch! I have Tender Tissue and I thought, "Well this is a tender tissue," so I applied it. WOW! Complete Relief within seconds. Now at the first sign of itch I apply Tender Tissue, and the relief is quick, complete and lasts for hours! I am so impressed! - Rachelle 15. I use Hopewell's Tender Tissue when my vagina feels dry or itchy. It works, and it works fast and is very soothing. - Joselyn 16. Joy asked: What can be done for bacterial vaginitis. I found a recommendation in a book by Dr. Scott Johnson: Surviving When Modern Medicine Fails. He recommends 2 drops each of Rosemary, Tea Tree, Thyme and Oregano in 1 tbsp. carrier oil absorbed on a tampon inserted for 4 hrs. Do you have any recommendations? HEO's Response: The formula you mentioned sounds like a good one for fighting bacteria. It's about a 3% dilution (of EOs to carrier oil), but the Thyme and Oregano may be a bit strong for the tender tissues. I would not use that much Oregano, and if you use Thyme, use Thyme ct linalool. If I had this, I'd consider using Tender Tissue Spray and Top Gun. I would probably add a few drops of Top Gun to my 1oz bottle of Tender Tissue and apply it every time I went to the bathroom. I'd spray into my palm and use the fingers from the other hand to apply and insert as deeply as I can. I'd also consider applying Top Gun over my abdomen. I'd back off with improvement. Blessings and prayers, Linda Joy wrote: I honestly don’t know what did the “trick," but I no longer have bacterial vaginitis. Of course, I am now 68 and may be past the age when the tissue of the vaginal area react to not having estrogen. I was faithful to use the mix Linda suggested of Top Gun and Tender Tissue. I now only use it once a day (every morning). My problem with “testing” things is that I typically may do several things at the same time; i.e. yogurt, kefir and other types of probiotics – soooooo, I can’t pinpoint it exactly – but I am willing to say the essential oils were the primary healing source since the yogurt and kefir had done nothing prior. Thank you Linda for all you do for those of us who are not researchers like you are!
17. Thank you for the best quality oils and oil blends out there. There are so many fake oils. I can do my research in a company or an oil and still not be satisfied that I have received the best oil. I never have to worry about yours. I LOVE your Tender Tissue spray. It healed me right up after having my third baby. With in a week I felt better. Thank you so much for your dedication to such high quality and excellence. It gives me peace of mind to know I can always go to you for quality oils. - Daniela 18. Tender Tissue was my favorite for postpartum sensitive areas!! I would take a shallow bath in the “tea” that came in my birth kit and then apply Tender Tissue spray. I remember thinking that every woman should have those two things for postpartum! - Kristi 19. I had a couple lacerations on the labia that had been stitched but looked infected (they looked to be outlined with a red marker). The doctor prescribed an oral antibiotic, and I decided to try the Tender Tissue Spray before I filled the Rx. I applied it every time I went to the bathroom, after spraying the area with clear water and and patting dry (like after having a baby!). Two days later the cuts no longer look infected and don't burn nearly as much when I go to the bathroom! Praise the Lord! I am not completely opposed to antibiotics, but I'm glad the oils worked so I don't need the Rx. :) - Teressa 20. My son was suffering from an ingrown toe nail. Last night it looked infected and very swollen. After 15 minutes of applying Emu, Tender Tissue and Home Run, the swelling, redness and pain diminished! Today, he came running downstairs so excited and asked for more before school. - Leslie 21. I used Tender Tissue spray in my water spray bottle post delivery, and that was a godsend. I'm still using Mother's Moisturizing spray post delivery. I used it during labor, and all the nurses and doctors loved it. They couldn't believe how calm the room felt and how good it smelled - Candace 22. I was diagnosed with Lichen Sclerosus after my MD did a biopsy. His solution: steroids, which I promptly rejected. I applied your Tender Tissue Spray every time I visited the bathroom, and it has been wonderful. The more consistently I use it, the faster it heals and greater the relief.
23. I had a small cyst just on the inside of my vagina opening (on the lip). My dermatologist suggested to leave it alone. Well, I couldn't do that because it truly bothered me. It was in a sensitive area, so I used Tender Tissue Spray and Castor oil frequently for weeks, and this morning I woke up with no more cyst! All glory to God. God's healing oils are so good.