(Thymus vulgaris / Thymus zygis ct. linalool) Supports healthy breathing, immune response and may ease minor aches and pain. Thyme ct. linalool is preferred over ct. thymol for children and the elderly.
Thyme ct linalool essential oil may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following: Alzheimer's Anemia Antispetic Arthritis Bacteria Bronchitis Calming Candida Circulation Cold sores Concentration Croup Cystitis Dermatitis Diabetes Digestion Dysmenorrhea Ear, otitis Exhaustion Fever blisters Fungus Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) Heart issues Herpes simplex 1 (cold sores, chicken pox, shingles) Hepatitis Immune system Impotence Infection Inflammation, fallopian tube Intestinal issues Joint, minor aches and pain Leaky Gut Liver Menstrual pain, spasms Mental Clarity Muscle, debility, spasm, sprain Numbness Pain Parasites, parasitic colitis Plantar wart Pneumonia Poison Ivy rashes, oozing Prostatitis, viral Psoriasis Rash, oozing Respiratory, bronchitis, cough, cold, flu, laryngitis, mucus, pleurisy, tuberculosis, rhinitis, sinusitis, sore throat, whooping cough Rheumatism Sinus, rhinitis Skin, acne, bacteria, infection, psoriasis, viral, warts Stress Tendonitis Throat infection Thrush Tuberculosis, pulmonary and renal Vaginitis Virus Warts Whooping Cough Wounds Yellow Fever (per Roberta Wilson) Hopewell Essential Oil Blends Containing Thyme ct linalool Hair Renew Impetigo Tea-Dab Nasal Rescue Tummy Soothe
Research Articles Dietary Supplementation of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Essential Oil - Effects on the Antiodant Status in Liver, Kidney and Heart Tissues by PubMed Thyme ct linalool, Sweet Marjoram, are also helpful for calming intestinal inflammations, gastritis and colitis. - Jade Shutes, French Aromatherapy (class) Thyme Oil Can Inhibit COX2 and Suppress Inflammation Thyme's Effects on Antioxidant Status by PubMed Comparative effect of thymus vulgaris and ibuprofen on primary dysmenorrhea: A triple-blind clinical study PubMed "The results suggest that thymus vulgaris as well as ibuprofen can be effective in reducing the severity of pain and spasm in primary dysmenorrhea" [difficult menstrual cycles]. Thyme Oil: A Natural Antibiotic by Dr. Mercola