A gentle, calming and relaxing aroma that may also promote restful sleep.
4. This blend has a distinct vanilla scent. My husband loves vanilla and I am not usually a fan of it. This one is different, and I LOVE it too! It is wonderful to use to relax and get to sleep quickly. - Sandy
5. I prefer the aroma of Tranquility over another company's blend called Serenity. The aroma of Tranquility is much more balanced for me. - Diane 6. I put Tranquility in a personal nasal inhaler and inhale it when I go to bed. It has helped me so much with my sleep! I also like Adagio, but Tranquility is my first choice. - Myra 7. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Spleen is the seat for "worries" or anxiety. Both my husband and I have lifelong anxiety issues, and when he tried the Tranquility blend, he said it felt like he was being fed. Both of us feel much more nourished, and the spleen is part of the digestive process. I can't believe how much both of these essential oils are helping me. It's almost like I have discovered a deeper sense of self. My husband is also noticing a similar shift in himself. Thank you for making these available! - S.