Hopewell Essential Oils
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Symptoms include:
- Chest pain
- Heartburn
- Sore throat
- Hoarseness
- Regurgitation

Treatment for symptoms include:
- Diet
- Avoid bending over after eating
- No alcohol or tobacco
- Regular exercise
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Pure Water - drink 1/2 body weight in ounces of pure water daily. Adding a fresh squeeze of Lemon will help alkalize
- Sleep slightly elevated
- Honey (raw and local if possible) - by itself or with herbal teas
- Apple Cider Vinegar (organic with "mother") - an incredible remedy for symptoms and has proven to work wonders for many.

Beneficial Tonic:
1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp Raw Honey
1 cup Pure Water

Valerie Worwood: "This is both a male and female problem and is so common after middle age that it is almost considered a normal result of getting on in years. The rupture here is through the diaphragm, the layer of muscle and fibrous tissue that separates the chest and belly cavities, and is most commonly found where the esophagus passes through to the stomach -- the stomach pressing up into the gap being the usual problem. It is important to avoid overeating as this exacerbates the condition."
Essential oils noted to help a Hiatus Hernia
Make a massage oil blend by combining 30 drops of essential oil with 2 TB carrier oil.
Worwood's Hiatus Hernia Massage Blend
10 drops Coriander
8 drops Ginger
7 drops Rosemary
5 drops Fennel
2 TB carrier oil

Also, please see our Acid Reflux information.

1. For my hernia, I was taking a little purple pill daily, but I replaced that with a glass of water and a drop of Digestion Support. My symptoms disappeared.

2. I was experiencing horrific heartburn and put 2 drops of Digestion Support in my water and it was gone immediately. Amazing!! - Joan

Valerie Worwood: As we have already discussed, this rupture is in the abdominal muscles above the scrotum. The bulge can be quite large. It appears just above the groin and can extend into the scrotum itself. Make your massage oil by using a total of 30 drops of essential oils from the list, or by following the formula:
Lemongrass (is another one to consider, but is not mentioned by Worwood)
Worwood’s Inguinal Hernia Blend
10 drops Ginger
8 drops Lavender
7 drops Rosemary
5 drops Basil
2 TB carrier oil

This is caused by scar tissue failing to heal, usually after an abdominal wound or operation incision has become infected.
Essential oils noted to help an Incisional Hernia
Tea Tree
Worwood's Incisional Hernia Blend
10 drops Palmarosa
10 drops Lavender
5 drops Ginger
5 drops Neroli
2 TB carrier oil
Naturopathic MD
From a customer who is a Naturopathic MD
These are oils I found helpful in my practice:
Inguinal Hernia: Lavender, Lemongrass
Hiatal Hernia: Basil, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Ginger, Hyssop, Lavender, Rosemary, Digestion Support Hopewell blend and Tummy Soothe Hopewell blend
Incisional Hernia: Basil, Geranium, Ginger, Helichrysum, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Tea Tree
Worwood, Valerie Ann (2012-08-23). The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New World Library.

Aloe Vera Gel

(Aloe barbadensis) Organically grown Soothing for inflammation, minor burns, blisters and sunburns. It is used in hand cleaners and as a base for a variety of essential oil blends. We are sourcing from a new farm - the consistency of ground aloe vera gel is thick like jelly. See detail page.

Basil ct linalool

(Ocimum basilicum) ct. linalool
Supports healthy breathing, soothes minor pain, insect bites and mental fatigue.

Digestion Support

Supports healthy digestion and bowel function.

Ginger Root (Fresh)

(Zingiber officinale)
Supports healthy breathing, digestion, joints, muscles, circulation and mental function.

Lavender - French

(Lavandula angustifolia)
One of the most versatile essential oils. Traditionally used to support healthy breathing, promotes restful sleep and soothes minor skin issues and burns.

Rosemary ct. cineole

(Rosemarinus officinalis) ct cineole
Traditionally used to support healthy breathing, immune response, mental clarity and to soothe minor muscle and joint discomfort.


May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11