Hopewell Essential Oils
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(Origanum vulgare)
Traditionally used to support a healthy immune response and joint and digestion function.

  •    Info
Oregano 67% Carvacrol
Origanum vulgare

Plant Origin: Turkey
Method: Steam distilled from leaves
Cultivation: grown organically but not certified
Chemical Family: Phenol
Aroma: Strong, herbaceous, camphoraceous, dry-woody
Note (Evaporation Rate): Middle
Key Constituents from GC/MS Analysis: Lot #115
carvacrol 66.12%
para-cymene 8.17%
caryophyllene 3.34%
thymol 3.40%
linalool 1.80%
Safety Information
Use caution applying topically on children under 2 years of age due to possible skin irritation issues.

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Not suitable. (See Safety information below)

Caution Dermal Use: Hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin, children under 2 years of age
Caution Orally: Diabetic and Anticoagulant medication (such as aspirin, heparin, warfarin), Major Surgery and Childbirth (up to one week before and after), Peptic Ulcers, Hemophilia and other Bleeding disorders, Severe Hepatic (liver) or Renal (kidney) impairment, Hypertensive or Diabetic Retinopathy, Thrombocytopenia (decreased platelet count), Vasculitis
[Contraindicated orally under these circumstances because Oregano "may inhibit platelet aggregation based on in vitro data either for the oil or a major constituent." Essential Oil Safety" by Tisserand/Young, page 117.]
Therapeutic Uses
Oregano essential oil may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Anticoccidial - see link to research below
Borrelia burgdorferi
Digestion, E Coli, giardiasis, food poisoning
E. coli
Infection, viral, bacterial, fungal 
Joint aches and pain - see link to research below
Leaky Gut
Muscle pain
Pain - see link to research below
Parasites - see links to research below
Respiratory infection
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Hopewell Essential Oil Blends containing Oregano
Home Run
Ortho Massage
Top Gun


"A published article in Phytotherapy Research stated that oil of oregano is as effective as morphine when used as a pain killer."

Cumin essential oil showed the highest activity against E. coli followed by Oregano. Chamomile showed the highest activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D wrote in The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils that Oregano can be taken for acute tonsilitis. Schnaubelt warns the user to be careful, "this oil burns and needs to be absorbed on a charcoal pill or something similar that will release it slowly." In Medical Aromatherapy, Schnaubelt writes that the preferred mode of use is "internally, ideally diluted in vegetable oil and in capsules."

Oil of Mediterranean oregano Oreganum vulgare was orally administered to 14 adult patients whose stools tested positive for enteric parasites, Blastocystis hominis, Entamoeba hartmanni and Endolimax nana. After 6 weeks of supplementation with 600 mg [20 drops] emulsified oil of oregano daily, there was complete disappearance of Entamoeba hartmanni (four cases), Endolimax nana (one case), and Blastocystis hominis in eight cases. Also, Blastocystis hominis scores declined in three additional cases. Gastrointestinal symptoms improved in seven of the 11 patients who had tested positive for Blastocystis hominis.

"Oregano, cinnamon bark, and clove bud were identified as the most active essential oils because of their remarkable activity even at the lowest concentration of 0.125%."

Alternative to Conventional Anticoccidial Additives in Broiler Feeds
Oregano essential oil may offer an alternative to using the conventional anticoccidial agents currently used in broiler diets.

Oregano Essential Oil Improves Intestinal Morphology and Expression of Tight Junction Proteins Associated with Modulation of Selected Intestinal Bacteria and Immune Status in a Pig Model
"In conclusion, our results indicate that dietary administration of OEO can reduce the production of proinflammatory cytokines and promote the integrity of the intestinal barrier in pigs. The protective effect of OEO on the intestine is associated with the decrease of intestinal E. coli population and the inactivation of the JNK, ERK1/2, Akt, and NF-κB signaling pathways. These results will contribute to a better understanding of the possible mechanisms by which OEO promotes the integrity of the intestinal barrier in pigs."

The effects of dietary oregano essential oil on live performance, carcass yield, serum immunoglobulin G level, and oocyst count in broilers by ResearchGate

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)
Topical: *Dilute with a carrier oilunscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on area of concern or as desired. Consider using a roll-on applicator for ease of application of prediluted oil. To avoid skin irritation, the maximum dermal use level is 1%, which is 1 drop in 3 mLs carrier.

Children: Use caution applying topically on children under 2 years of age due to possible skin irritation issues. For children over 2, please follow the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page. 

Dermal Caution: Hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin, children under two years of age. Oregano can cause irritation of skin and mucus membranes if not appropriately diluted. According to Tisserand/Young, maximum dermal use level is 1.1% (Tisserand page 376).

*Test on the skin in a small area to be sure it is not irritating. If it is, then dilute it more.

Inhalation: Diffuse - Oregano is not well-suited to being diffused unless diluted with other suitable essential oils. Due to a high percentage of phenols it is aggressive to mucus membranes and should be avoided unless blended in low percentage with essential oils from other chemical families. 

Internal: Oregano is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. Due to the potential skin irritating properties of Oregano, the preferred mode of use is internally, ideally taken by capsule diluted with a suitable carrier oil (Kurt Schnaubelt PhD). For bacterial infections, Oregano oil is aromatherapy’s “big gun.” Schnaubelt suggests 1-2 drops per oral application. “Oregano is well suited for treating acute bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract and the bronchi. When a strong response to a bacterial infection is needed, taking up to ten dosages of 50 milligrams (1-2 drops) of Oregano will do the trick.” Schnaubelt goes on to say: “In general, use of Oregano should be limited to treating acute conditions.” We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D. notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application.
Oral Caution: Diabetic medication, anticoagulant medication, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders (Tisserand/Young page 376).
Click here for more information about internal usage.

The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 

1. Oregano (undiluted) got rid of the mole I was troubled with. I applied it with a toothpick dipped into the oil, and it still irritated the surrounding skin, but I was able to help that by applying lanolin around the mole first to protect the skin right next to the mole. The mole went through stages: changed colors from dark to light, wept blood or pus, even smelled pungent at one point. The spot has totally healed now (3 months later) without a trace of the mole!

2. I used a toothpick to apply Oregano (undiluted) on a *bad* looking mole (or wart - not sure what it was). I treated it morning and night, and in about 3 days, I could see tiny black spots. Over time, the mole got scruffier and raised up more. The black spots gradually flaked off, but more appeared, and I've heard that with warts, there is a mother wart that feeds the others, so the idea is to kill the virus in the mother wart so all of the warts will go away. These black spots grew like hair on a man's beard, and when I tried to pluck them out, they would bleed, so I left them alone and they eventually rubbed off when they were ready to. More black spots kept appearing, they grew and then rub off, and all the while the mole was shrinking. This cycled over and over again - over 10 times until finally, the mole was hardly noticeable and I basically forgot about treating it. Oregano is the main oil I used, but sometimes I used Frankincense and sometimes Lavender.

3. My  husband has battled ringworm off and on since he was a child. Within 3 days of taking Oregano oil diluted with olive oil in a capsule, he is virtually clear of ringworm. I just want to cry typing this! - Lynsey

4. Last night I had a sore throat (part of a cold) that kept me from sleeping. I put 3 drops of diluted Oregano under my tongue, held it there as long as possible, and as I was swallowing it slowly (because it is very hot). I made sure the oil covered all the sore spots in my throat. Almost immediately my sore throat was gone and it has not come back at all. - Marilyn
[Caution: Oregano can cause irritation of skin and mucus membranes if not appropriately diluted. According to Tisserand/Young, maximum dermal use level is 1.1% (Tisserand page 376).]

5. We live in Missouri and have used a lot of essential oils on our horses with incredible success. We put a couple drops of Oregano on their daily feed a few times a month for parasite control, and it works great. They all love Oregano, and it's so much better than the chemical wormers in so many ways. - Sharon

6. My 2 sons came down with a horrid croupy mucous-y cold/virus which included fever, chills and no appetite. I broke out my new Oregano and Respiratory Relief oils. What a difference overnight! My youngest son normally goes into asthma with the slightest sign of running nose. Today (2 days later) he is running around and eating well and no sign of asthma! My husband came home feeling ill today and asked me for some of my "miracle oils." Applied Oregano and Lavender oils for him, and he quickly went to sleep. I am impressed with these oils already!!! — feeling thankful. - Nancy
[Caution: Oregano can cause irritation of skin and mucus membranes if not appropriately diluted. According to Tisserand/Young, maximum dermal use level is 1.1% (Tisserand page 376).]

7. Oregano works well with itchy rash that is produced by polycythemia vera. With this disease the problem is excess red blood cells that cause "thick blood," and Oregano is a natural blood thinner and pain killer. Because itching and pain are relayed to the brain on the same circuits, it will kill the itch. Oregano oil causes the blood next to the skin to withdraw, keeping it away from the surface, thus preventing the itch. For an eczema rash, I dilute 6 drops into a 30ml bottle with carrier oil (I like to use Jojoba). With polycythemia vera, I up the drops since the skin is healthy. - Charity
8. My grandfather had Lewy Body Dementia, and one time when he was in the hospital he got a "skin infection." It was nasty and migrated around his body (probably internally as well as externally), and we were pretty sure that it was MRSA. So my parents put a homemade oregano oil I had made in a crockpot full of coconut and olive oil over as much fresh Greek Oregano as I could cram in it. That oil stopped that infection in its tracks every time it popped up. Now I have Warrior on hand and it has helped with an infection our dog had after being spayed, as well as a bad scrape on my husband's knee that was showing signs of infection. It is now healing well. My husband particularly likes the Warrior blend, though he says it makes him hungry because it smells so good!: -)

9. I made 'Oreganol' by combining one part Oregano to 4 parts organic virgin olive oil and it works great for us. Lynn

10. Oregano and Clove oil have been the best oils I have found to deal with the Lyme bacteria. I'm sure there are many more, as they listed Cinnamon Bark in the article, but I have not had them all handy to test. The problem is focusing on a bacteria when it is a stagnant lymphatic system that is at fault. Lyme does not get established in a healthy body. The key is to have kidney/adrenal mobility and an unrestricted lymphatic system. Elimination dieting to foods, dealing with emotional stress and injury that cause inflammation is a must as well to take pressure off the lymphatics. Once one knows the kidneys are moving good, the serrapeptase enzyme along with ingesting capsuled oregano oil and a few different herbs and formulas can do a very good job of ridding the bacteria. People can have Lyme dormant in the system and two three days of the enzyme activates it rather well. - Lee
[HEO's Comment: I included Lee's testimony because his perspective may be helpful to someone. The oils he used are found in our BanishDefender, Home RunTop Gun and Warrior blends.] 
11. We add 4-5 drops of Oregano to a 5 gallon chicken waterer, and it helps with sickness or just for their well being. - Maria
Dermal Caution: Oregano can cause irritation of skin and mucus membranes if not appropriately diluted. According to Tisserand/Young, maximum dermal use level is 1.1% (Tisserand page 376).

Oral Caution: Diabetic medication, anticoagulant medication, major surgery, peptic ulcer, hemophilia and other bleeding disorders (Tisserand page 376). Oral Lethal Dose for a Child: 21mls (Buckle)

Contraindications (all routes) Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: "When Origanum vulgare oil was fed to pregnant mice for two weeks at 1,000ppm (equivalent to 150mg/kg) [about 5 drops], there was a related increase in the rate of embryonic cell death." Tisserand/Young page 376. The concern is that Oregano demonstrates embryotoxicity, and a complete absence of risk to the nursing infant is impossible to demonstrate conclusively. Keep in mind that the dose is a critical component of this toxicity, and adverse effects will only occur when the dose exceeds a certain threshold, but determining that threshold is not simple, as extrapolating from studies in pregnant animals is problematic. Specifically in regard to Oregano, 150mg (about 5 drops) Oregano was fed to female mice for 2 weeks prior to mating. Oregano significantly increased the rate of embryonic cell death. "The negative effects seen in this study may be due to the high doses used, but we do not know what a safe dose might be . . . we have therefore contraindicated Oregano [for use during pregnancy and lactation]." Essential Oil Safety by Tisserand/Young, pages 153-155.

Oregano is not on the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) avoid or use with caution list during pregnancy or nursing list.

Cautions (oral): "Origanum vulgare inhibits platelet aggregation . . . significantly reduced plasma glucose concentrations in diabetic rats when given orally at 100mg/kg day for 21 days. Tisserand/Young page 376.

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider. 
References Aydin S, Ozturk Y, Beis R et al (1996) Investigation of Origanum onites, Sideritis congesta and Satureia cunefolia essential oils for analgesic activity. Phytotherapy Research 10 (4): 342-344
Buckle, Jane, Clinical Aromatherapy, 2nd Edition 2003, p.83.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, 2011, page 134.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils, North Atlantic Books, 1999, page 202-203.
Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK 2nd Edition 2014, pages 152-155, 375-376.
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11