Hopewell Essential Oils
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Respiratory Relief


Supports healthy breathing, immune system response and may soothe symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.

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Respiratory Relief
Myrtle (Myrtus communis), Lavender (Lavendula angustifolia), Eucalyptus globulus, Eucalyptus radiata, Eucalyptus citriodora, Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris), Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), Peppermint (Mentha piperita), Sweet Marjoram (Origanum majorana), Black Spruce (Picea mariana)
Safety Information
Do not apply on or near the face of an infant or young child.
See Safety information below for more information.
~ For a Gentle Blend suitable for children, the elderly or those with delicate constitutions, consider our Breathe Easy Gentle Blend. ~

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Suitable

Medication/Health Issue:
Contraindicated All Routes: Cardiac fibrillation, G6PD deficiency
Contraindicated Orally: Cholestasis
Caution Orally: Diabetes medication, GERD
Therapeutic Uses
Respiratory Relief may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Achilles Tendonitis
Bone Spur
Joints, minor aches and pain
Muscles, aching, cramps, soreness
Pain (muscle and skeletal)
Plantar fasciitis
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Reactive Airway Disease (RAD)
Respiratory system
Throat, sore

Respiratory Relief and Lung Support are "cousins." They compliment each other. Lung Support may excel for viral issues, bronchitis, asthma and pneumonia, while Respiratory Relief may excel for bacterial issues and fungus, but generally speaking, they are very similar in action.

Some report that a single drop on/under the tongue and held to the roof of mouth while inhaling deeply has alleviated the need for inhalers for asthma and issues. This has helped persistent coughs and allergy symptoms as well. While this may have the effect of a strong mint, it also is done with the risk that it may cause irritation/burning to the tender mucus membranes in the mouth and esophagus.

Pneumonia: Zinc Saves Lives from Medical Express
Prof James Tumwine explained, "Zinc is known to bolster the immune system and zinc deficiency is rife all over the developed, and developing, world."

Hydrogen Peroxide: An At-Home Treatment That Can
Cure Any Virus, Including Coronavirus PDF
 by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, March 2020
Testimony from Angela September 2021
My husband had a fever, terrible body aches, fatigue and shortness of breath for 4 days before I saw the pdf on your website about nebulizing hydrogen peroxide written by Dr. Levy.  

I had been using essential oils, but his symptoms persisted.

He napped while I read the article. I rushed to the basement and got down my son’s nebulizer (that is nearly 20 years old, as he is 22!), cleaned up the parts and had my husband try a treatment as soon as he woke up from his nap. 

After 2 treatments, I had to leave for work, but I set him up to continue them hourly. I peeked in on him from our security camera for “proof of life” and saw that he felt well enough to watch TV. (He hadn’t wanted it on before that.) One time when I spied on him while I was at work, I saw him moving his feet as he reclined. Sounds silly, but he felt so bad before, that he barely moved! 

His fever broke the night after starting the nebulized peroxide treatments, and we are convinced that those treatments attacked *whatever* virus his body is fighting. Also, we remain faithful that our Hopewell Oils can now move in and clear up what is left, as he continues the H2O2 treatments. 

Words can hardly convey the depth of our gratitude, but THANK YOU! For your hard work providing high quality oils and for so generously teaching others. 

May the Lord richly bless you! - Angela D.

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.

Topical: Dilute with a carrier oilunscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on chest, back, neck, ears and/or area of concern. Use with a warm compress. Some find it beneficial to apply over sinus areas, but be sure it's well diluted and be careful not to get it into the eyes. Rub around ears and on feet, neck, and throat. Inhale deeply to help with headache. Consider using a roll-on applicator for ease of application of prediluted oil. Maximum topical use level is 10% due to Myrtle.

Children: Please follow the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page. Do not apply on or near the face of an infant or young child.
~ For a Gentle Blend suitable for children, the elderly or those with delicate constitutions, consider our Breathe Easy Gentle Blend. ~

Application Tip: "Essential oils absorbed into the abdominal veins bypass the liver. They are fed directly into the heart-lung circulatory system without first being subjected to biotransformation by the liver detoxification enzyme system. Consequently, they reach the lower bronchial capillaries in their original lipophilic and volatile state, still capable of eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and dissolving and expectorating mucus" (From The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils by Kurt Schnaubelt.) Applying Respiratory Relief to the inner thighs is a good way to accomplish this.

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler. Add a few drops of Respiratory Relief to bowl of hot, steaming water. Place a towel over your head and the water/oil mixture and inhale the steam to open sinuses. This may help relieve breathing difficulties related to flu, colds, and pneumonia.
Diffusing for Young Children: Regarding diffusing Peppermint, in Robert Tisserand’s Essential Oil Safety Masterclass in June 2018 he noted that Peppermint is best to avoid for children under 3. Peppermint is less than 7% in the Respiratory Relief blend. While Eucalyptus should not be applied “to or near the face of infants or children under ten years of age,” Tisserand confirmed in his Safety Masterclass that is is suitable to diffuse for all ages."

Internal: Respiratory Relief is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt Ph.D. notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much. Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French aromatherapy" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application. Maximum adult oral dose is 10 drops daily.
The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 
1. I diffused the Respiratory Relief blend when my six-month-old daughter got the whooping cough. During this time, she slept in my bedroom so I also benefited from breathing the oil all through the night. Six years prior to this, I had a bad case of pneumonia that left my lung capacity so that I felt I could not take a deep breath of air. I figured it was scar tissue that I'd have to live with. Not a big deal, but definitely noticeable. An incredible thing happened. After breathing this blend for about six weeks, my lung capacity returned to normal. This is what “sold” me on using essential oils for sickness and disease and I began my quest for more knowledge about the use of oils. – Linda
2. I had a very bad sore throat, and nothing I did was dealing with it until I thought to try rubbing Respiratory Relief on my throat. The sore throat disappear, and I was amazed. – Joan
3. I have experienced very positive results by putting a drop on my tongue when my sinuses are stuffy. – Jenny

4. I started having some minor pain in my right heel that, within a couple of weeks, increased to the point that I was minimizing how much I walked. I found myself shifting my weight to other areas of my foot (which started causing me back and joint pain) and was limping around. I was getting very annoyed, and I had no idea what was going on. When I prayed about it, I felt like the Lord showed me it was a bone spur. I asked Linda what her recommendation would be for that, and was surprised when she told me "Respiratory Relief." I already had some Respiratory Relief that I had been diffusing for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and have had very good results with. She recommended that I apply a few drops to my heel. I had been using the oils for over a year with very good results, but I have to say, when Linda recommended a "respiratory" blend for this, I was a little skeptical. That soon melted away as the pain became almost imperceptible. I apply 2-3 drops once or twice a day if I am on my feet a lot, or once every day or two if I'm not. Many times, I forget it is even there. I use it less and less as time goes on. I am so pleased and amazed! The more I learn and use the oils, the more I am in awe of God and His provision for us. Thank you Jesus! – P. N.

5. I wanted to thank you for recommending the Respiratory Relief for my heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. I was shocked that Respiratory Relief would have been the solution on my heels but by the next day the pain had subsided tremendously, and by the second day I could actually walk without pain. I am expecting tomorrow, day three, it will be even better. This is a wonderful remedy for my foot pain, and I would never have imagined from the name to have applied it to my feet. Thank you for being so helpful in identifying these remedies. - Bill

6. My son [9 years old, has Down Syndrome and respiratory/immune issues] woke up a little sluggish this morning but seemed to do okay during speech and his aqua therapy. However, when we got home he began to get congested and progressively worse. He then got very pale and began to go into respiratory distress, similar to what we see happen in the middle of the night when he is sick. I immediately put Warrior on his feet and rubbed in this chest and back with Respiratory Relief.  He immediately took a deep breath, started talking up a storm (we have seen this before when using Warrior) and he is now resting and breathing comfortably.  Still sick but he’s breathing and we are not having to run to a doctor or hospital!! We have never had a prescribed medication that worked this well. I hope this continues to provide relief for him and keeps him off the medications that seem to do more harm than good. All I can say is “Wow” and “Thank you”!!! - S.M.

7. My daughter is using the Respiratory Relief blend for asthma and allergies. She turned 3 years old last month, and last week we went to the asthma/allergy specialist. The blend is working well - she is clear. Her lungs, nose, eyes, throat are all clear. She has not been on her asthma/allergy meds since we started the oils. I put a drop on the bottom of each foot nightly, and that's all it takes. I just wanted to thank you for everything. I have told many friends and family members about your website.  I hope we continue to stay healthy. - K.S.

8. My 15-year-old son with Down Syndrome, has for the past 14 years had to go to the hospital for pneumonia anytime between February and May. Sometimes more than once. This was the first year with NO pneumonia, and so far it has been 15 months with no hospital stays. The only thing different this year has been that we've used Lung Support and Respiratory Relief. We applied it topically to his chest nightly with jojoba oil and diffused it in his room while sleeping. Thank you. - J.H.

9. Last year my little girl (at 5 years old) had an episode that sent her to the ER. She could hardly breathe and had treatments all night as well as steroids. After getting through that she was fine, until this year around the same time she struggled breathing again. I dread giving her treatments but had no other options. I began using Larix, which helped tremendously, but the treatment that worked the best was the Respiratory Relief because of it's quick response.  One night I heard her coughing, and when I got down the hall I could hear her wheezing.  I took the Respiratory Relief (which I had been using almost exclusively) and rubbed it on her chest and ear lobes.  I prayed for her beside her bed, and literally within minutes her wheezing stopped.  This never happened with any other natural treatment.  She now goes to my room for her oil when she feels the need for it, and it's been amazing!  THANK YOU!!!!!

A week later . . . I just woke up to my little 6 year old having a total coughing fit, wheezing and hard time breathing. While my hubby went for the Holy Basil and larix I rubbed her chest with the Respiratory Relief and almond oil.  While I was putting it away, she stopped coughing (and the coughing was non-stop. . . I thought I'd need the treatment) she had fallen asleep already. - E.T.R.

10. My 4 year old gets a cough in the middle of the night from allergies. We started putting Respiratory Relief on her chest and back as soon as she starts coughing, and she stops within minutes!

11. My daughter's ears were plugged, and I read that Eucalyptus is good for opening the Eustachian tube. I emailed Linda, and she remembered that I had purchased Respiratory Relief, which has eucalyptus oils in it. She suggested that I put a couple drops of diluted Respiratory Relief on a cotton ball, and insert it into her ear. After only two applications, my daughter said she heard a "pop," and then she felt her ear drain. She's still coughing some, but she feels so much better having her ear cleared.  I'm continually amazed at our God's creativity! - D.G.

12. I wanted to share with you my success with using your wonderful oils. A couple of weeks ago I developed some allergy symptoms, sneezing, LOTS of drainage down the back of my throat, etc. After a couple of days I realized that I was developing a sinus infection and possibly bronchitis. By coincidence I had an appointment with my Dr (a follow up visit for another matter), so while I was there, he diagnosed me with a sinus infection and prescribed amoxicillin. I went ahead and got it filled, but thought I would try the oils before taking it. I began using Respiratory Relief topically on my chest and rib cage, and I started taking Warrior internally: 4 diluted drops in a capsule 3 times a day. I also rotated Warrior and Respiratory Relief in my nebulizing diffuser. Within 4 days, I no longer had any symptoms of infection. I still had a tickling cough, but I was able to resolve that with Peppermint, and Lemon oils in honey. This is the first time I have EVER avoided resorting to antibiotics to get over a sinus infection. I am so susceptible to respiratory infections that any seasonal allergy attack or cold always leads to a sinus infection, and most of the time, bronchitis. I have gotten so tired of having to take antibiotics every two to three months year round. So needless to say, I am thrilled!! Thank you so much for allowing the Lord to use your wisdom to help others! God Bless you and your family. - M.W.

13. Recently, on our family vacation, I was attacked by allergies from being in a different state. It quickly started to turn to an upper respiratory infection. I had brought along my Respiratory Relief and began to apply 2-3 drops to my chest throughout the day when I would begin to have trouble breathing. I cleared right up and the vacation was saved!! - C.B.

14. While visiting family out-of-town, my cousin's daughter had a fever with an ear infection. You could tell she felt horrible; she was super fussy and nothing would comfort her. I had a few of my essential oils with me, so I diluted Respiratory Relief and gently massaged around her ear and on the bottoms of her feet along with diluted Warrior, Top Gun, Oregano and Plague Defense.  She loved having me massage around her ear, whereas earlier she wouldn't let anyone else touch it. She also loved me rubbing it on her feet. Her mother put her to bed and after 30 minutes of fussing they went in to get her. She stopped crying and asked to eat. This was the first time she wanted to eat all day.  She ate a ton of food and was wide awake laughing and playing. She had not been like that all day!  At midnight she was still in her crib oohing and ahhing, happy as a lark and playing! She finally fell asleep and did well the next day until mid-afternoon. The oils lasted that long! I had run out of Respiratory Relief and didn't have any to use that night ;(. We all saw the blessing of the oils though - all my family asked for your web address! - A.K.

15. Our daughter has Cerebral Palsy, a feeding tube, two VP shunts and pretty severe brain damage from a cyst in her brain. Last week she began to run a 102-103 degree fever. We immediately took her to the emergency room. After blood work, chest X-rays and so on, they told us that they thought she might be starting to develop pneumonia because there was a slight haze on one area of her chest X-ray. They prescribed an antibiotic and gave her a shot as well. She is not able to walk much with out assistance and did not feel well enough to do much physical activity at all. The lack of physical activity is a real problem when it comes to respiratory illnesses in children with physical disabilities and older adults with mobility issues. Movement in a normal, healthy person helps to clear the lungs. I was very concerned because of this and decided to give her the antibiotic instead of trying the oils. After one dose of the antibiotic she had severe diarrhea and broke out in a rash. After calling her doctor and getting no help, I decided to go ahead and try the oils. I rubbed Warrior on her feet, and I also diluted the Warrior in coconut oil and rubbed some on her back and chest. Her nose seemed a little stuffy, so a couple of hours later I rubbed some Respiratory Relief on her feet and chest. Then I rotated Warrior and Respiratory Relief in our nebulizing diffuser. That night her fever was 100-101. The next day I did the same thing about 3 times. Her fever did not return, her nose was clear and she was back to being herself. The fourth day, I switched the Warrior for Plague Defense and repeated the same routine. She was still doing well, so I stopped all treatment, and she has been fine since. - M. W.

16. I could not stop sneezing this morning, and my nose wouldn't stop dripping. I put Respiratory Relief in my nostrils 3 times over the course of 2 hours. I have stopped sneezing, the dripping has subsided and the itching is nearly resolved. Phew! - Allison P.

17. I wanted to let you know that my Plantar Fascitis is better after just 3 applications of the Respiratory Relief. What a wonderful product. I am thrilled to be done with that pain. I was about to go to therapy for help but decided to try the oils first. I am so glad I did; this stuff is amazing. I will be trying some other products now. Thanks so much. - Joy C.

18. I have a 5 year old that has been waking up every morning sneezing and coughing and extremely congested for over a year. I took dairy out of his diet and that helped for a while. When that stopped working, I wasn't too keen on going through the entire restricted diet regimen to pinpoint the culprit and it dawned on me that I could just try diffusing some oils. I bought a few oils figuring I would alternate them to determine what would work best. The first one I tried was Nasal Rescue, and the next morning he didn't have any congestion (despite my cheapo old pad diffuser). So, I just kept using it until it was gone. Then I put Lung Support in it and again, no issues in the morning. I have also tried Respiratory Relief with the same result. So . .. while I don't have an answer to the why of his congestion - you have given me resolution. He now asks for his diffuser to be beside him every night. God has truly blessed us through you - and I was thinking, that as you provide relief through the oils, you are ministering by equipping saints to be able to work for His Kingdom. - Kristin

19. I just wanted to let you know how much I love these oils! Fall is the hardest time of the year for my breathing. In late summer I typically start taking larger doses of medications to get prepared for the fall and still have issues with asthma. Since I was 8 years old I've gone to the doctor every year and still have to use a nebulizer and two inhalers to get through the season. I have been using the diffuser at night and notice a big difference. I went on vacation in September and didn't bring the diffuser along and ended up having to use the inhalers. I ran out a couple of weeks ago and delayed re-ordering and started having trouble again. I was amazed at how quickly this last order got here and within a few days of using it I didn't have to use the inhalers anymore! It feels wonderful to be able to use something so simple and natural with such wonderful results. I feel much better using the oils than taking my inhaler, which has side effects including the 'sudden inability to breathe immediately after taking it' - on an asthma medication! I use the Respiratory Relief in the diffuser overnight. I keep our bedroom door shut and turn it on for about 3-5 minutes every 20-25 minutes. I keep the middle dial for pressure at the halfway point. That seems to be a good maintenance for me. If I am having difficulty breathing I have turned it on in the day and just sat right in front of it for 10 minutes using it almost like I would use my nebulizer machine. I was reading on your site about using it on your feet and lungs and back- I think I will try that too if needed. - Jody

20. My 14-year-old son has had asthma since he was a baby. He took many rounds of antibiotics/steroids and other meds for his asthma when we lived in Florida. When we moved to the Northwest was a bit better, but he had severe breathing trouble when the weather changed from Summer to Winter, especially between Oct 1 and Jan 1. For several years we would end up in the ER over Thanksgiving because pets our visiting friends brought with them would set off an attack. In 2006 we began treatment with a chiropractor, and he has had considerable improvement and no trips to the ER since 2006. In Jan 2012 he was having some trouble and had to use the Albuterol inhaler a lot. Our family doctor wanted to put my son on a daily steroid pill and inhaler. I was very opposed to this, so I began searching out other alternatives, and I believe the Lord directed my search thru my friend when she suggested HEO's Respiratory Relief. My son has been using this with great success. He keeps one of the nasal inhalers in his pocket at all times as well as the Albuterol for back up. We also have RR in a roll-on bottle with coconut oil to use if he gets a cold or a more serious attack. He is usually able to use the Respiratory Relief 1-2 times and not need to use the Albuterol at all. He took both the RR and Albuterol inhaler to summer camp in July and used the RR first whenever needed and only had to use the Albuterol 1 time for the week. He currently has gone 2 months with using the RR every night before bed and has only used the Albuterol inhaler 1 time in 2 months! I am thankful to God for showing us this product and helping my son to breathe easier and be healthier overall, and that we are not putting so many chemicals into his body. - Amy

21. Thank you so much for sending out my package the day I ordered it. We are using the diffuser in our daughter's room with Respiratory Relief. The first night we used it, we had special prayer and she didn't cough all night. PTL! The second night, she coughed a little more, but last night she didn't cough from midnight until 7:30 am. I feel God nudged me to buy Respiratory Relief to help her get through this difficult time. We are continuing to pray for her healing and that our other children don't come down with it. I am grateful for your oils. God is using you in a special way. Thank you for offering these at an affordable price. BTW, my husband had been stuffy for days and after that first night we used the diffuser, the next day he couldn't believe that he was no longer stuffed up. - Rhoda

22. We applied the Respiratory Relief and Warrior on the bottoms of the feet for my husband and some house guests, and in less than 24 hours they all felt better. My husband was the most skeptical, but now he is a believer in essential oils. - Marcia

23. We went through 3 weeks of sickness and $100 later (buying homeopathic remedies recommended by the pharmacy) and two dr visits, the only thing that helped was essential oils. We used Respiratory Relief, Mom's Remedy, Peppermint, Plague Defense, Warrior . . . . I was at my wits end trying things left and right. Prayer and oils got us through it. Praise the Lord!  - Linda J.

24. My husband has been applying Respiratory Relief on his plantar fasciitis twice daily. He suffers a great deal of pain from it. He told me after about 3 weeks that is helping so very much. He is so excited. He still hurts but not to the degree that he had, and I am sure that it will continue to improve. - Mary C.

25. My husband sleeps better when he applies Respiratory Relief on his throat at bedtime to prevent snoring. He loves the eucalyptus aroma, and it seems like this helps keep the airway open or something that prevents snoring. He's really pleased (as am I :-)

26. I wanted to share that the Respiratory Relief is a big hit here. My 2 year old had a slight cough one night. I didn't think much of it. Next morning she was all goopy and full of green snot. This usually turns into an upper respiratory infection of some sort and lasts days/weeks. I put Respiratory Relief on her feet that morning and then 2 or 3 more times that day. It never got worse, and the next day was gone. I put it on her feet 2/3 times a day for 2 more days just in case. A day or so later another a couple kids started to cough, and I immediately got them going on it. I did it for a couple days with them. It never turned into anything like it usually does! - Tammy E.

27. My 80-year-young father has weakened lungs and is very susceptible to getting colds, which goes straight to his lungs and can easily develop into pneumonia if my mom doesn't get him on antibiotics right away. He had a major pancreatic surgery a few years ago and no longer has a spleen. By the grace of God, he's doing very well, but they say without his spleen, he's much more susceptible to getting colds and flus. I saw that you have some oils for the lungs and pneumonia, so I purchased Respiratory Relief, Lung Support, Plague Defense and Warrior for him 9 months ago. My mom credits these oils for saving my dad. He has had the least amount of lung infections and colds, and even if one came on, it would disappear before getting deep into his lungs like it used too! He uses Lung Support and Respiratory Relief on his chest nightly and Plague Defense and Warrior on bottoms of feet when fighting a cold. It's been so liberating for my dad, who loves to be around his grandchildren, but kept on getting sick in the past and therefore, could not spend as much time with them as he would have liked! Thanks so much!! - Lisa R.

28. I use Lavender and Respiratory Relief for my children's allergies. I have put a diluted drop of Lavender on my finger and put it at the roof of their mouth. It does give them relief. I also have done it on the toes of their feet, chest, back and nose. We were out at a camp out, and my adult friend was having an allergy flare up. She put a drop of Respiratory Relief under her nose, and she felt worlds better. Her nose wasn't even red anymore. I think she was amazed. She had been very miserable. - Staci G.

29. My friend gave me some of your oils for my 2-year-old son who is suffering from RSV, an upper respiratory infection. I used Respiratory Relief and Mom's Remedy on his chest and back and Warrior on the bottoms of his feet. They worked great, and last night was the first night he found some relief in over 5 days. The doctors gave him an inhalant for his nebulizer to open up his airway. This medication, if gotten into ones eyes can cause blindness, which the doctor did NOT tell us. Not to mention it gave my son a urinary tract infection. My poor baby is potty training and is now scared to go to the bathroom because it hurts so much. I am definitely ordering some of your products soon. Thanks so much for your ministry. - Shauna

30. My dad has COPD and has suffered for so many years.  I have prayed and prayed for something to help him not suffer so much.  I found your site and ordered the Lung Support, Respiratory Relief, Peppermint oil.  After I applied the oils he said he hasn't breathed this well in a long time. - Jaime

31. Due to a birth defect, I've aspirated into my lungs all my life, causing ever-increasing scarring in my lungs. After many years of testing, and because the doctors had to give it a name, they decided on atypical COPD. There is no medical resolution to be had. Following a serious health event, I was put on oxygen 24/7 at age 25 and told not to expect to live to be 30. I had young children and a young faith. My husband prayed for me, and God instantly healed my lungs miraculously and entirely. (Medical X-rays confirmed it.) To God be the glory!!! For reasons I do not need to understand, He did not heal the anatomical defect that caused me to aspirate, so over the next 23 years, the scar tissue continued to build up again.

Fourteen years ago, I was placed back on low levels of oxygen and had to increase the levels as needed. About 5 years ago, I was visiting Texas and asked Linda Sherman about EO's for respiratory issues. She suggested Respiratory Relief. I began to use it by inhalation directly and diffusion. I applied it on my feet and my chest a total of probably 2 - 3 times a day for several weeks. I experienced a reduced need for oxygen (checked my O2 sats regularly) so that I now only use it at night, if I need to be involved in strenuous or continuous above-normal activity, or if I am going to be at a very high elevation. ( I live in Colorado and am acclimated to elevations up to about 7000 feet.) I diffuse either Respiratory Relief or Eucalyptus globulus at night, but I have not used it otherwise unless indicated by special need.

I recently began using Lung Support as well. For the first time in many years, I got bronchitis a few weeks ago while traveling. In years past, I would still have it because it would take me months to recover. Also, by using the Respiratory Relief, Lung Support, and a mucolytic blend I put together (ginger, clary sage, pine, thyme and eucalyptus in a base of mullein infused in extra virgin olive oil), I was able to shorten the critical period from a few weeks to a few days as well as keep it from turning into pneumonia (which is unheard of for me.) The whole incident lasted about 4 weeks.

During the bronchitis event, I also used the Lung Support and mucolytic blends diluted in capsule form as suppositories. That may sound like a long time, but for me, it was very short, especially since that encompasses the occurrence of all symptoms, and the last week was nearly void of any symptoms at all. My doctor's nurse had called me on day 3 about some blood test results, heard my cough and the sound of my oxygen machine, and immediately scheduled me to come in the next day. By the time I went for the appointment, my sats were back in the high 80s and low 90s without oxygen. My doctor sent me home, saying she had planned on putting me in the hospital but that there was no need to do so. She said, "Just keep doing what you are doing." It did take longer for the cough to go away, and I stayed on oxygen for about 4 weeks to help speed the healing, but I know the essential oils are the reason this episode was short-lived and why I can be free from total oxygen dependence. I have since heard from several people that they have had bronchitis, too, and it has just been hanging on for weeks and weeks. To God be the glory!!! I hope maybe some of this will help someone else. - Patty N.

32. I woke up with a sore throat last week and immediately rubbed some Respiratory Relief on my throat, from my jawline (my lymph nodes) all the way down my neck and chest. Within 30 minutes...no more sore throat!!! I love oils!!! - Tricia

33. My daughter was diagnosed with RAD (Reactive Airway Disease) when she was 6 months old. From the time of her diagnosis until she was about 5, our daughter was on oral steroids an average of at least once a month and was taking three different maintenance meds. We noticed her behavior started to change from our always happy, easy-going child to a very emotional and high strung child. The meds were definitely playing a part on her behavior and not even helping with her RAD. We could really tell no change in her since starting the meds. We also changed the meds up several times trying to find the right "combination" for her but still had no results. I contacted Hopewell Essential Oils because I met a woman using No Bites! for her children outside our dance studio. The mosquitoes were so bad there and the typical bug spray wasn't cutting it, but her kids were untouched by the mosquitoes. I immediately ordered some No Bites! and started looking on the HEO website for help with my daughter's RAD. I emailed Hopewell and asked for suggestions because I felt so defeated by all the natural things and medical things we had tried. We had tried so many things that all the oils just seemed like another time waster for me, but I was desperate. I am so glad we tried what Linda with HEO suggested. She suggested oils/blends for us to prayerfully consider, and we started our daughter on Myrtle swabbed in each nostril twice a day. [HEO's suggestion is to dilute and/or follow with a salve such as Comfrey/Calendula Salve.] We would also put Respiratory Relief in her room diffuser when she would sleep. That was it! We saw immediate results within a few weeks! Within a month, I was able to take my daughter off not one but ALL of her maintenance meds. We had such great results that I started experimenting with oils for her focusing. I started using Dr. Hull's Mental Blend to help with her focusing! We put some on the base of her neck once a day in the morning before we started homeschool. It was such an immediate difference in her focusing! When our daughter would ever have the beginning signs of a cold or sinus infection coming on, we would rub the soles of her feet with Warrior, Top Gun, Respiratory Relief and Plague Defense as much as we could during the day. We would also put Mother's Remedy and Respiratory Relief in her room diffuser. This routine would either fight it off completely or make it mush less than what it would have normally been. The first year of using nothing but oils, we had only been on steroids once! After about a year of doing Myrtle twice daily, our daughter's nose started getting irritated after using it. We decided this was a way that her body was telling us that it no longer needed it. We are now 2 years since stopping Myrtle and have not been on ANY maintenance meds, nor have we had to use steroids even once since stopping the Myrtle! Praise the Lord for His healing hand in the oils! - Amy

34. I recently went to my doctor and the diagnosis of COPD is still apparent, but I have not had any symptoms to increase for one year since the original dx. My doctor wants to know what is in the Respiratory Relief blend. I will send him the ingredients list and also included one of your cards. I have shared your cards with others as well. I am very grateful that I found your internet site. I sleep beside my diffuser every night, and now I am used to the noise, so I can sleep through the cycles. Thank you for all that you and your family does to help others. Shalom and blessings, Sharon

35. I think I'm becoming an EO believer. I've been fighting nasal congestion all day. After much negotiation with myself (the smell is a little displeasing to me), I put some Respiratory Relief on the bridge of my nose and my nasal passages popped open. - Sarah 

36. I have found great success in diffusing Respiratory Relief and Lung Support for our 8 month old in healing respiratory congestion. I am thankful to God. - April

37. Praises!!! I had previously ordered the samples to try and see which ones we would be using most. My hubby wasn't very supportive, thinking we wouldn't get much use from them. Yesterday he woke up with a sore throat, and I talked him into using Respiratory Relief. Within a few minutes he was saying, "I can't believe it, but my sore throat is gone " YAY!!! I just ordered a big bottle. - Gail

38. My husband's sinuses were totally blocked, and he was miserable. I diluted Respiratory Relief and rubbed it over the bridge of his nose, along the sinus tracks on his face and throughout his head. His sinuses drained in about 30 min. Be prepared though, it was A LOT that came out!!! - Jen

39. The Respiratory Relief has completely CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!!!!! I used to have to take 2-4 antihistamines and 4-8 decongestants EVERY DAY just to deal with my allergy symptoms. I used Respiratory Relief on my feet daily for about three weeks last spring. Now, I just use it periodically as needed. I have NEVER been drug free in my life until NOW!!!!!!!! So grateful a friend recommended I try Hopewell Essential Oils!!!!!!!!! They have changed my life forever!!!!!! I will never go back!!!!!! - Staci

40. After a whole week on antibiotics for a sinus infection, my 2-year-old boy has a terrible cough that wasn't getting any better. Yesterday he sound badly congested and started to wheezing. I was very worry and almost started him on Albuterol, but instead decided to give Respiratory Relief a chance. I put some diluted on his feet, chest and back before nap time, and he was able to nap for 5 hours and stopped wheezing after two hours. He is still coughing but no wheezing anymore and is in a much better mood. I'm sure the cough will stop in a couple days too. Thank God for the essential oils. I feel so happy to know about them now. Thank you!! - Analau

41. My son has terrible allergies/asthma, and we started using Respiratory Relief nightly, with coconut oil, on his back and chest. He is now off all meds and wasn't sick all winter long! If he is sniffling in the mornings, we rub it on his feet and he's good. - Angela

42. Thank you for your work and ministry with oils. I am using Respiratory Relief to combat allergy symptoms and it works beautifully. I have not had to take any medications this season! God's Blessings to You. - Tanya

43. Two years ago I was given 2 asthma inhalers. One is a steroid for maintenance, and the other is Albuterol for immediate relief. I have not been able to put the inhalers down ever since. I researched and came upon your site, and the Respiratory Relief caught my eye. I have been using Respiratory Relief for one week now with great results. The first night I put some on my chest, I did not have to use my inhaler at all, and I have not had to use my inhalers ever since. I'm so glad to be on something natural without the terrible side effects. This really does work for allergies/asthma !!!! Thank You! - Lisa

44. I used Respiratory Relief for our 8-year-old son's asthma, and it improved. It's wonderful to use natural God-given oils to cure what ails you! - Nancy

45. My husband has terrible allergies. He will sneeze 10 plus times in a row when they flair. Respiratory Relief has been AMAZING for him! He applies it to the bottom of his feet, inside of the thighs and swabs each nostril. It stops immediately!!!!:) - Karen

46. Respiratory Relief works very well for my son. He was having an attack last night and rubbed a couple of drops neat on his chest. He was fine within 5 minutes and didn't need to use his inhaler. - Stacy

47. We love and use Respiratory Relief almost daily. My son stays plugged up from allergies and I just rub it around his nostrils. He can breathe easily after that. I have the same results. Myrtle is great too for swabbing the nostrils. - Amanda

48. Respiratory Relief and Lung Support are the blends I use for asthma. When I feel stuff coming on I use them on my throat, under my nose and around my ears. I don't even remember the last time I needed my rescue inhaler. It's been at least two years, and we live in Louisiana! We use local honey, also. Not sure if it helps, but it doesn't hurt. - Mary

49. My daughter has asthma if she comes ingests one of her allergens (peanuts, milk, or eggs). Tonight she ate a cracker from the neighbor that was made in a facility that has milk and peanuts. It set her asthma off. I am new to essential oils, so used some Respiratory Relief, and within 20 seconds her wheezing and coughing stopped!! No inhaler needed! My husband is now a believer!! - Amy

50. I wanted to tell you how amazed we are with Respiratory Relief! We bought it for ourselves and then decided to give it to my mom to use for my grandmother who is 90 years old. My grandmother suffers from a host of different respiratory issues, and every morning and evening she would cough and couldn't stop. She had been this way for years on end. Two weeks ago my mom used a drop on Grandma's wrists and applied it behind her ears. Amazing, no kidding, just like that she stopped coughing and has said she is feeling better for the first time in years!!! - Shannon

51. I believe in Respiratory Relief myself. I bought some and I use it every night. I put it (diluted) in my nostrils, ears, wrists and my throat to help with my snoring and I am sleeping better. It is also good for heel spurs. Thank you for Hopewell Essential Oils. My next order will be a bigger size bottle of Respiratory Relief. Thanks Linda. - Diane

52. My husband uses Respiratory Relief every day at work! The air quality is not always great, and he was getting sinus infections. He hasn't had any issues since! - Desiree

53. Stuff is amazing!! Works wonders on kids' coughs. - Jennifer

54. After taking 8 rounds of antibiotics to treat a severe sinus infection, I began to look for another way to stay well. I began to research essential oils and have ordered some from different companies but I was always leery about how to use them. Then I found Hopewell Oils. I was impressed with the information offered with each oil and how to use them. I feel much more confident about using them and making the best choice for what I need. Now when my sinuses flare up, one or two applications of Respiratory Relief takes care of that. I do appreciate HEO's commitment to quality and providing information so that I can make the best choice for me and my family. - Margie

55. I have been suffering with plantar fasciitis for about 2 months. It is progressively worse each day. I have been doing the exercises recommended online, and wearing my good shoes daily. However the pain was getting to be unbearable when I first stood up. Well, I finally remembered to check out Heritage EO online. Some people have had good results with Respiratory Relief. I tried that and added some Pain X. I used it last night, and this morning, and once this afternoon. What a difference! I can barely feel pain there at all now! I put the mixture in a roller ball and diluted with a carrier, hoping that will work as well. Thank You, Lord for Hopewell EO!!!!! - Nancy

56. Respiratory Relief is AMAZING! My family is sick with a terrible chest cough/congestion/fever. This is the ONLY thing that works to settle the cough to sleep. It works instantly. Thank you so much! I have the blend diluted in a roll-on applicator and rub it on the chest, back and bottoms of feet. The relief was wonderful, and we were so thankful for the rest. My older daughter has asthma, and we are trying to get her off steroids. We use Respiratory Relief every night before bed, and when she is wheezing, she puts a drop of Peppermint on her tongue and holds it to the roof of her mouth. It has worked several times instead of the inhaler. I purchased Lung Support recently for her to try. I'm so thankful for the testimonies! It helps to know how to use the different oils. - Penelope

57. Two of our boys have had allergies causing lots of miserable stuffy noses through the fall and spring. They also have had asthma after every cold or flu virus. Since I began diffusing 20 drops of Lung Support in a diffuser next to their beds at night for the past 7 months, their allergies completely went away and they have hardly had any asthma at all! Only once or twice did they have a little bit of wheezing, and all I did was have them sit near the diffuser with a mix of Respiratory Relief and Lung Support, and the wheezing quickly went away! We are so thankful to the Lord that we have been able to avoid a lot of prescription medications for these little ones because of this! - Katy

58. I am not very experienced with essential oils, and I am a nurse by trade, so I am very skeptical when it comes to using essential oils to heal. However, I have a 12-year-old son that has suffered (and annoyed us ALL) with a chronic dry cough. We have been allergy tested, used any and all over-the-counter allergy medications, and NOTHING helped. He coughs ALL the time! I ordered Respiratory Relief to try as a last resort. We started by mixing it with coconut oil and rolling it on his chest, back and the bottoms of his feet in the morning and the night. I am not sure that there was much improvement, but may a little. So one last ditch effort, I bought a diffuser and put a few drops in and diffuse it near his bed every night. After about 3 nights, I have NOT heard a cough - not ONE! It has been about 2 weeks and still going strong!!! I love this stuff. I am now a believer! - Marcia

59. I was using Respiratory Relief for my plantar fasciitis, and it mostly cured my asthma! I was applying Respiratory Relief several times a day on both feet for pain, and I began to notice I wasn't wheezing much. I quit taking Singulair and Symbicort with no issues. I still take Albuterol before I exercise, along with a drop of Peppermint. But eliminating two expensive drugs, with all their side effects, is good news! - Mary Lou

60. Lung Support and Respiratory Relief are really helping me. I have emphysema and COPD, and the oils help me relax. - Dawn

61. Diffusing Respiratory Relief in our bedrooms nightly keeps our noses clear and eliminates snoring. - S.H.

62. Respiratory Relief is what we use for all cold and sinus issues. I would also recommend a saline rinse using either bottled (plastic squeeze from drug store) or homemade solution using a glass bottle from Hopewell. A netti pot works for a more thorough rinse. I put the oil on the bridge of our noses with extreme congestion and use saline a few times a day. We get benefits from diffusing it at night too. - Nanci

63. Peroxidizer - Use 3% peroxide - 3 bottles of peroxide to 5 bottles of water in a cool mist humidifier. I use the ultrasonic humidifier because it cranks out more volume. Sit in front of it and breathe deeply - pathogens in the lungs and sinuses can't live in an oxygen enriched environment. Usually the flu and so on is gone within 24 hours using this method. You can also put it by your bed or the bed of your children at night when flu and cold strikes. Some have also had good results adding a few drops of lugols iodine solution, which sounds like a good idea to me. - Kay
[HEO's Comment: We suggest using food-grade hydrogen peroxide to avoid breathing the stabilizer that is present in the brown bottle version.]
Hydrogen Peroxide: An At-Home Treatment
Hydrogen Peroxide PDF
 by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, March 2020

64. I used Respiratory Relief on my bone spur, and it doesn't bother me now. I read that others used it and went back for and X-ray, and spurs where gone. - Britta

65. I have had achilles tendonitis for a year. I have seen four doctors, and then read your site where people talked about how Respiratory Relief helped with plantar fasciitis. That is what this (achilles) started with, so when it was painful I tried it. Pain is gone! Amazing! Thanks, thanks, thanks!!! - Maggie

66. My dad is doing so much better with emphysema after I started using Lung Support and Respiratory Relief. He is no longer using oxygen 24 hours. I thank The Lord for guiding me to your website. Shalom. - Lilian 

67. Respiratory Relief has been the only thing I've yet found to give a little, tiny bit of relief to my chronic stuffiness and sinus congestion. I wish I could find something that would actually deal with this persistent issue that makes it hard to breathe deeply. But I have been known to carry around a little bottle of Respiratory Relief and sniff on it several times a day because it does grant me a little relief, for which I am grateful. - Savannah

68. Our daughter was born 3 months early and had very weak lungs. She came home from the hospital at 4 months old and had BPD (Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia) and Reactive Airway Disease, which affected the sinuses from the irritation of oxygen being used for a prolonged time. Every time the weather changed, she got respiratory congestion. Hyssop var. decumbens diluted and applied to the chest and back helped move the mucous out of the lungs and the sinuses. We also used Respiratory Relief, Lung Support and Eucalyptus radiata. I diluted each and applied them on the back of her neck, spine and tips of her toes (for sinus reflex). I also diffused Respiratory Relief. Improvement is rapid when we use these wonderful oils.

69. Our son was diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease (RAD). They wanted him on daily inhaled steroids. Boo! Never got it filled, thanks to Hopewell, a diffuser and Respiratory Relief. - Kelley

70. Respiratory Relief really saved my husband! It opened up his sinuses and lungs to breathe. He has also got off the steroid nasal sprays he's been addicted to! - Kimela

71. I used Respiratory Relief with our young sons when they had whooping cough, and it helped soooo much! (Our baby was only one month old.) We were able to get through without antibiotics or any other meds. I diffused it when they were sleeping. - Eden
72. Respiratory Relief is fantastic for bronchitis and that lingering cough that sometimes follows an upper respiratory infection. It has saved me from needing antibiotics and worked very quickly when diffused. It also smells wonderful! - Heather
73. We have found that diffusing Respiratory Relief has been very helpful for our family’s respiratory issues. It smells so nice too! - Ruth

74. Thank you all for sharing your testimonies about using Respiratory Relief blend for heel pain!  Because of your testimonies, I applied it to my hurting heel each morning and at bedtime.  Felt some better in just a few days, and the discomfort was totally gone in 2 weeks.  I am forever grateful. - Donna

75. I’ve been diffusing Respiratory Relief at home for the last 24 hours . . . it's definitely living up to its name of relief. - Tana

76. I used Pain-X and Respiratory Relief for a bone spur on my foot.  Surprisingly, it went away. I could not walk for 2 weeks before I tried these two together. They are wonderful blends. - Carolyn

77. I have a friend who has pleurisy. It causes him a lot of pain and he always ends up having to take medicine to help. Several months ago, I gave him a roller bottle with a blend of Hopewell oils to use instead. I just went to the Hopewell site and typed “pleurisy” in the search bar. Of the oils that the search gave me, I didn’t have Alive or Hyssop, but all the rest went into the bottle. He told me last week that he rubs it on his wrists every day, and hasn’t had an issue since he started using it. I have also given his wife several oils to help her through chemo, and she loves them, too. I just love these oils, and I am so grateful for them every day. - Heather

78. I am really enjoying your essential oils. I gave your Respiratory Relief to my husband's co-worker and she applied it to her temples for a chronic headaches. She woke up the next morning without a headache and said it was the first time in a long time that she actually got up without a headache. - Sandy

79. I am 33 and I live in Post Falls, ID. This picture of wildfire smoke is one of the better days of our fire season. I have had asthma since I was two and this picture gives me serious anxiety again just seeing it. Yikes! A friend of mine gave me a sample of Respiratory Relief, and I am always up for trying new things to help my asthma. Well, let me just tell you, I am forever grateful to Hopewell for having this oil. I am able to diffuse it and not use my inhaler during these types of situations! It’s seriously a miracle! Thank you so much Hopewell! - Mandy

80. I have been using Hopewell Oils for awhile now. One of my favorites is Respiratory Relief. I actually use it as a springboard for many things. A co-worker showed me a knot she had on the palm of her hand, and when I pushed on it, she winced. I later found out that what she has is Dupuytren's Contrature. I mixed up some Respiratory Relief along with some additional Peppermint in a rollerball and told her to try using it twice a day, morning and evening. She walked up to me several days later and told me how much the inflammation had gone down in her palm and that she has more range of motion in her fingers than in quite awhile. What a feeling to see the joy on her face! Her mom had this same condition and it continued to get worse until her fingers looked cramped. I hope that she continues to see positive results. Thanks for your product. I continue to use them all the time. - Amy

81. This is amazing! I have had a lingering cough since I got over a cold a few weeks ago. I coughed for 7 weeks last time. I got my Respiratory Relief two days ago and started the diffuser and realized I haven't coughed since! - Shari

82. I find that Respiratory Relief inhaled puts me right out till morning, every time! - Linda

83. I have neuropathy pretty bad. I used Hopewell Essential Oils' NervePang and Muscle Relax, which worked pretty well for a while. Then I bought Hopewell ConnectEase and tried it with both, but that was not a great combination for me. Next, I used Respiratory Relief as a spray and paired that with NervPang, which worked better. Now I just put a light layer of coconut oil on and a couple sprays of Respiratory Relief and I have no pain at night if I keep my feet warm and nestled in the pillow I use for them. And really, I have no pain during the day, other than a jiggle here and there, but nothing lasting. - Bette, March 2023

84. After using over-the-counter meds and then prescription meds to no avail for a persistent, choking cough, Hopewell's Respiratory Relief and Lung Support pulled the children out very quickly. We are quite impressed! - Gretchen

CAUTION for Children: Essential oils high in 1,8-cineole (Eucalyptus) or menthol (Peppermint) can cause CNS and breathing problems in young children, and should not be applied to or near their faces under ten years of age (Tisserand, pages 656-657, 273). Tisserand writes: "Any oil with 40% or more 1,8-cineole should not be applied to the face of infants or children or otherwise inhaled by them" (page 109). Appropriately diluted for the child, the blend will fall well-within the range of safe use, as it would contain far less than 40% 1,8-cineole. Regarding inhalation/diffusing, Tisserand writes: "For children of 5 years old or less, direct inhalation should be avoided. Direct inhalation includes inhaling essential oils from the hands, a cotton ball, a nasal inhaler, a bowl of hot water or similar. Indirect, or ambient inhalation, is safe for young children, and includes any method that vaporizes essential oils into the air (page 658).” Regarding diffusing Peppermint, in Robert Tisserand’s Essential Oil Safety Masterclass in June 2018 he noted that Peppermint is best to avoid for children under 3. Peppermint is less than 7% in the Respiratory Relief blend, and the percentage of menthol is about 3.5%. While Eucalyptus should not be applied “to or near the face of infants or children under ten years of age,” Tisserand confirmed in his Safety Masterclass that is is suitable to diffuse for all ages."

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means th
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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11