Hopewell Essential Oils
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Tea Tree


(Melaleuca alternifolia)
Tea Tree is highly regarded as an antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic essential oil.

  •    Info
Tea Tree
Melaleuca alternifolia
Plant Origin: Australia
Method: Steam distilled from leaves
Cultivation: Unsprayed (grown organically but not certified)
Chemical Family: Monoterpenol
Aroma: Camphoraceous, fresh, herbal, medicinal, sharp
Note (Evaporation Rate): Top-Middle
Key Constituents from GC/MS Analysis: Lot #119
terpinen-4-ol 43.40%
gamma-terpinene 19.32%
alpha-terpinene 9.64%
1,8-cineole 2.75%
alpha-pinene 2.39%
para cymeme 2.80%
Safety Information

Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Suitable

Medication/Health Issue: There are no known contraindications. To avoid skin sensitization risk, do not use old and oxidized oils.
Therapeutic Uses
Tea Tree is highly regarded as an antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic essential oil. It has high levels of terpinenol, which is the key active constituent. Also consider these oils with similar properties:
Tea Tree essential oil may support, aid, ease, soothe, reduce, calm, relax, promote and/or maintain healthy function of the following:
Angular Cheilitis
Athlete’s foot 
Cold sore
Dust Mites
Fever blister
Folliculitis - see Newsmax article
Fungal issues
Herpes simplex 1 (cold sores, chicken pox, shingles)
Herpes, genital
Immune stimulating 
Ingrown nails
Insect bites, stings
Mental energy, focus
Milia (see testimony #17 below)
Oral: gums, mouth rinse
Oral Fungal Infection (see article linked below)
Radiation protective
Respiratory issues, (sinusitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, mucus and congestion)
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Skin issues: bacterial, parasitic, fungal
Sore throat, tonsillitis
Thrush (including vaginal)
Uterine fibroid
Warts (verrucas)
Wounds (promotes/supports healing)

Hopewell Essential Oil Blends Containing Tea Tree
Calm Effect|
Cellua Boost
Citrus Quench
Diabetes Massage
Gentle Joy
Home Run
Impetigo Tea-Dab
Fungal Spray
Mold Buster
Nasal Rescue
No Lice!
Oral Hygiene
Ringworm B Gone
Staff Comfort
Tender Tissue Spray
Tension Rub
Top Gun

Tea Tree Oil Tidbits
Tea Tree is native to Australia and cultivated along the eastern coastline of New South Wales. It is reported that about 500 tons of Tea Tree essential oil is produced there by steam distillation. Tea Tree essential oil is proving to be very effective against methacillin-resistant Staphyloccocus aures (MRSA) and Candida albicans. Robert Tisserand notes that the antibiotic Erythromycin is needed at 256 times the minimum concentration of Tea Tree essential oil to be as effective against MRSA.

In 2021, Hawkins et al. published the results of a study of 556 children in the International Journal of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine titled "Prevalence of Endocrine Disorders Among Children Exposed to Lavender Essential Oil and Tea Tree Essential Oils." This study unequivocally confirms no association between Tea Tree Oil and Endocrine Disruption.
The authors stated:
"This study provides evidence that lavender essential oil and tea tree essential oil are safe ingredients in formulations for personal care products used on children."
The authors concluded:
"The proposed links between these ingredients and endocrine disruption cannot be substantiated in epidemiological studies."

Tea Tree is effective against all four of the bacteria that cause Athlete's Foot.
Tea Tree as a mouth rinse eradicates Candida/Thrush.
Tea Tree with Lavender has been more effective in killing head lice than Pyrethrin.

Tea Tree oil for Oral Fungal Infection: Better than Clotrimazole from the Journal of Traditional and Complimentary Medicine
"The study concluded that TTO, being a natural product, is a better nontoxic modality compared to clotrimazole, in the treatment of oral fungal infection and has a promising future for its potential application in oral health products."

Folliculitis: Top Natural Supplements for Treatment by Newsmax

Tea Tree's antifungal properties are enhanced with the addition of other antifungal oils such as:
Eucalyptus citriodora, Geranium, Lemongrass, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Spikenard and Vetiver. 40% Tea Tree + 20% Lavender has produced very good results.

Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D wrote in The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils (p. 133) that 1-3 drops in water can be taken for cystitis (urinary track infection). "One to three drops are drunk repeatedly during the day. In the beginning of an acute condition, this can be done every 20 minutes, and the symptoms will diminish quickly. Then the frequency of consumption of the Tea Tree drink can be reduced. Treating cystitis with Tea Tree is highly effective. Nonetheless, if the cystitis is recurrent, diet or lifestyle changes may be required for a full resolution."

Robert Tisserand noted in a discussion about athlete's feet in his Skin Care Series that a 25% dilution of Tea Tree was effective and there was only a marginal gain with 50% dilution. 

Tea Tree is well suited to diffusion as an aerial antiseptic. It has an outstanding effect against a wide spectrum of microorganisms, such as Staphylococcus species (including MRSA), dermatophytes and Candida species (Lang and Buchbauer 2012). Edward-Jones et al. (2004) demonstrated that the vapors of Tea Tree in conjunction with Geranium were the most active against MRSA of all the oils and combinations investigated.

Tea Tree Oil yields 0% allergic reactions at <10% concentration
Australian Tea Tree Oil is well tolerated by most individuals – even at 100% strength. The Australian government commissioned an extensive study in 1999 to investigate the human rate of skin sensitivity to Tea Tree Oil. Only 4 of the 219 study participants (1.8%) demonstrated any sensitivity to Tea Tree Oil at 100% concentration.
No allergic reactions were observed at Tea Tree Oil concentrations <10%.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis (ACD)
by Robert Tisserand in Challenges Facing Essential Oil Therapy: Proof of Safety, Presented to the Alliance of International Aromatherapists (AIA) Conference in Denver, Colorado, October 18-21 2007

It has been said that Tea Tree oil causes ACD in “about 5%” of those who use it (Stonehouse and Studdiford 2007). However, the evidence does not support this statement. Patch test data using Tea Tree oil at 5% or 10% in a total of 6,637 dermatitis patients show positive reactions in 0.15-1.8% (Lisi et al 2000, Pirker et al 2003, Rutherford et al 2007, Veien et al 2004). It should be noted that patch testing exaggerates real-world use of a substance (Gerberick et al 2001, Robinson et al 2000) and that a patch test with 5% Tea Tree oil, for example, is not equivalent to a lotion or oil containing 5% Tea Tree oil.

In six clinical trials using Tea Tree oil at either 5% or 10%, there were no allergic reactions among 295 patients, 67 of them with an inflammatory skin condition. Mild reactions were not significantly greater than in placebo groups, and in some cases were less (Caelli et al 2000, Dryden et al 2004, Enshaieh et al 2007, Satchell et al 2002a, Syed et al 1999, Tong et al 1992). However, in clinical trials using the oil at 25%, 50% or 100%, the number of patients with allergic reactions to the oil were 2%, 6% and 8% respectively (Buck et al 1994, Satchell et al 2002b). This highlights the importance of safe concentrations, and suggests a maximum of 10% Tea Tree oil. However, in some clinical situations, tangible benefits may make a low risk acceptable.

It is also worth noting that Tea tree oil can reduce the oedema and inflammation associated with contact hypersensitivity. This has been attributed to terpinen-4-ol (Brand et al 2002a, 2002b, Koh et al 2002, Khalil et al 2004). Undiluted Tea Tree oil, but not 5% Tea Tree oil lotion or placebo, significantly reduced the inflammatory reaction in nickel allergy. This was thought to be due to an effect on the antigen process (Pearce et al 2005). Nickel is the most common cause of skin allergy, followed by fragrance.

Rarely, topically applied Tea Tree oil has been reported to cause systemic effects in domestic animals. Dermal application of approximately 120 ml of undiluted TTO to three cats with shaved but intact skin resulted in symptoms of hypothermia, uncoordination, dehydration, and trembling and in the death of one of the cats. [HEO's comment: This is equivalent to 8 - 15ml bottles of Tea Tree oil applied to the shaved skin of a cat! This is an unreasonable inordinate use of the oil.]

Researchers at the University of Lund in Sweden, led by Dr Joanna Wallengren, published a study demonstrating that Tea Tree Oil offers the best reduction of histamine-induced contact dermatitis, nearly doubling the reduction of a common steroid cream used by eczema sufferers. Notably, these results were achieved once the Tea Tree Oil concentration was reduced from 50% to 20%.
The authors stated:
“Tea tree oil reduced allergic contact dermatitis by 40.5% (p = 0.002), zinc oxide by 17.4% (p = 0.04) and clobetason butyrate by 23.5% (p = 0.01).”

Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) oil poisoning in three purebred cats. 
Bischoff K, Guale F J Vet Diagn Invest. 1998 Apr; 10(2):208-10.

Tea Tree Oil and Biofilms by Robert Tisserand

Activity of Tea Tree oil Against Head Lice and It's Eggs  

Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties

Antimicrobial activity of the major components of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia published by The Journal of Applied Microbiology

Comparison of efficacy of alternative medicine with allopathy in treatment of oral fungal infection in Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
"This clinical study assessed and compared the efficacy of tea tree oil (TTO), an alternative form of medicine, with clotrimazole (i.e., allopathy) and a conservative form of management in the treatment of oral fungal infection. The study concluded that TTO, being a natural product, is a better nontoxic modality compared to clotrimazole, in the treatment of oral fungal infection and has a promising future for its potential application in oral health products." (0.25% TTO was given as a rinse.)

Application Suggestions (See Essential Oil Usage for more information and a Dilution Chart.)

Topical: Dilute with a carrier oilunscented lotion or unscented cream and apply on area of concern or as desired. Consider using a roll-on applicator for ease of application of prediluted oil. Apply diluted topically on areas where the skin is broken, including cuts, scrapes, burns, rashes, and infection. Maximum dermal use level is 15% (Tisserand/Young).

We suggest that adults follow the General Guidelines found on the Dilution Chart, which is:
2-3% for daily application
Up to 15% for short-term use

Children: For infants and children, please refer to the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page. 

Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler

Internal: Tea Tree is suitable for internal use within safe parameters if such use is deemed appropriate. We feel that internal use is rarely *needed* and should only be used with respect for how concentrated the oils are. HEO does not advocate internal use of essential oils without appropriate knowledge and understanding of how to administer, for what purpose, how much, which essential oils, safety concerns and so on. In our experience, essential oils are generally more effective used topically with proper dilution or inhaled. Kurt Schnaubelt, Ph.D. notes that "French aromatherapy literature contains many references to using oils orally." He goes on to note that "generally 1 drop is always enough when ingesting essential oils." A potential toxicity hazard could occur when untrained people use essential oils orally and ingest too much.Keep in mind that while medical doctors or health care practitioners may prescribe essential oils for internal use, they are trained and experienced in the safe application of essential oils. It is not a matter of using "French" or "British" methods, it's a matter of experience and appropriate application.
Click here for information about internal usage.

The following anecdotal testimonies have not been reviewed by the FDA.
The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat or cure disease.
Information shared on the HEO website is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice given by your trusted health care provider.
We believe that essential oils are provided by the Lord to support our health and well-being.
The Lord is our wisdom, protector and healer.
(Genesis 1:29-30, Ezekiel 47:12) 

1. We use Tea Tree for canker sores, sore throat, gum issues and as a general antibiotic when we get sick. We may put a few drops in hot water or in our regular tea, but often we just take it direct! - Pedro

2. My son had a horrible planters wart (actually a cluster of several) on his left foot. We had tried several different things to treat it, but nothing seemed to work.... until we tried Tea Tree oil! This stuff is amazing! We applied it 2-3 times a day, and within about a month it was totally gone!!! It "peeled" off in stages, each time taking more of the black seeds with it! It was amazing to watch. My 14-year-old son was so thankful to not have to go to the doctor to have it removed. We are so grateful for Tea Tree oil and God's healing our son from this painful wart! - Jennifer

3. Years ago when my husband who had been diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) needed dialysis to help clear some of the toxins from his body (dialysis of any kind does not clear all the toxins, only kidneys are capable of doing that, if they are functioning properly), we did peritoneal dialysis proceedings ourselves at home. Part of the training for me to be able to assist my husband with the exchanges (the term for the procedures) was to wear a mask and use antibacterial soap for scrubbing my hands for no less than 2 minutes each time before beginning to hook him up for the exchange. After doing this for a couple of months, I had sores all over my hands. I mentioned this to a dear friend of mine, and she made me a batch of homemade soap with tea tree oil in it. I no longer continued to get sores, and even though the soap healed my hands eventually, they scarred from the damage done by the antibacterial soap. I learned to stay away from it the hard way.The doctor and nurses at the dialysis center said they'd not ever had anyone on peritoneal dialysis for so long and so many exchanges without ever having an infection. The Tea Tree essential oil was obviously effective. - Kerri

4. Five months ago I developed two very large boils on one leg that turned into a need for surgery, which turned into two, golf ball size holes in my leg and hospitalization for four days. It was an awful few months as I had to have wound care etc. Since then I have had about 8-10 boils try to start up on my legs... I'm not sure what is causing them, but I do know that if I rub Tea Tree Oil and Plague Defense on the boils 3-5 times per day, within a few days they will begin to dry up on their own. I'm very grateful. I would much rather rub oils on the things than have surgery again or wound care again. Thank you for walking this path and for making oils affordable. I am very grateful as they have become part of our family routine on a daily basis. I especially love the fact that my five year old will come to me if she gets a mosquito bite or if her tummy doesn't feel well, and tell me she needs 'essential oils'... LOVE IT! - Tina P. UPDATE: Tina wrote: I haven't had a boil in almost 2 years. A combination of diet and oils I believe.

5. I got poison sumac on my arms as a result of picking up kid goats that had been in the woods. I typically get a pretty bad case of it. I used Tea Tree and Peppermint on it as needed and it didn't bother me very much at all!! I had heard that castor oil works well too. Is that true to your knowledge? Anyway, I have been praising God that these oils came into my life, since I have treated my family for several things successfully with the few EO's I have and all the information on your website! Thank you for working diligently for the Lord to assist in the healing God's people! - Susan

6. Wow! I woke up with a scratchy throat (typical for me when leaving a window open overnight in the cooler months), so I decided to try something. I applied a drop of Tea Tree (neat) on my throat over where it hurt. Less than 5 minutes later, no more scratchy throat! - Katie

7. We just had our first bout of poison ivy this season, and Tea Treeis working wonders! It's been two days, and the rash is drying up and has not spread. Yay for Tea Tree oil! - Satin

8. Tea Tree oil is the cure for Blepharitis. I wanted to let you know how the Tea Tree oil is really helping me with the Blepharitis (and my rosacea, too). I mixed about 1 part Tea Tree with 3 parts Emu oil and rub it into my eye lashes. It works wonders. It got worse, then started to improve, and it was pretty harsh on my eyelids at first, but not so bad anymore. Once I rub it into my eyelashes, I put Burt’s Bees salve around my eyes - anywhere my eyelashes could touch my skin, because it really helps to not burn my skin. I don’t put it on at bedtime, only during the day. When I used it at night, I would wake up with swollen eyelids. I think I will call my eye doctor and tell him this. Thanks again for all your help. - Kim [HEO’s comment: We suggest using a much more diluted formula to avoid any irritation or burning sensation of the eye.]

9. I have been using Tea Tree oil to manage and eradicate lice. Over the counter products failed. Tea tree has been helpful for treating the lice along with manual removal of the nits. The itching is relieved with the oil as well. In desperation I used it full strength, but it was very strong. I didn't have the one product the "No Lice" recipe called for, but the Tea Tree diluted with Lavender worked well mixed with a little coconut oil and daily nit combing. - Christine

10. I've been fighting bronchitis for about three weeks. A few days ago I read about putting a couple of drops of Tea Tree oil in very hot water and breathing in the steam, using a towel over the head, was very good in treat a sinus infection. I decided to try it for my bronchitis, and it was amazing! I had been using Respiratory Relief, Warrior, Lung Healing, Plague Defense, and Peppermint, all of which helped, but only two sessions of Tea Tree in steam, completely knocked it out! Just use care as the Tea Tree can be intense! Blessings! - Susan

11. I killed the nail fungus! I used Tea Tree with grapefruit seed extract in a base of 70% fractionated coconut oil. I added 70 drops Tea Tree and 30 drops of GSE to a 1oz bottle, and topped it off with fractionated coconut oil. I used a rubber bulb/glass pipette to apply to the affected area. I felt was imperative to trim away as much of the infected nail as possible. I scraped out as much of the dead skin and infected nail bed as tolerable. I also disinfected my stockings, socks and shoes - anything that comes in contact with the fungus. I used a toothpick to gently work the oil blend under the nail into hard to reach areas. I followed the suggestion above and applied this every morning and evening without fail! I kept it up until there was not a sign of the infected nail, and then I kept it up a while just to be sure. I’d put too much into it to have it come back! - Judy

12. Last September, we were vacationing in Myrtle Beach. September is a pretty bad time of year for jellyfish in that area and it was after Labor Day, so no lifeguards were on duty to put out warning flags. I heard a 10-year-old girl come to the pool area of our condo crying pretty loudly. I learned she had been stung pretty badly by a couple jellyfish. Because there were no lifeguards on duty (they usually have jellyfish sting medication in their first aid kits), no one on staff and none of the parents knew what to do for her. I always travel with my most basic oils, so as soon as I found out, I ran up to my room to get my go-to "first aid" blend, which is equal parts Lavender and Tea Tree oil with about a 25% dilution of FCO. I found the mom and told her she needed to use this oil. She was a RN and had no idea how to help the swelling and pain. The girl instantly felt better, and the swelling went down within an hour. About an hour after that incident, I got a phone call in my room because another little boy had gotten stung and the first family told them they needed to find "the lady with the jellyfish stuff." The father of this little boy came back to me and told me that his son instantly stopped screaming and crying as soon as the oil hit his skin. The sting left instantly. The little boy came to me and hugged me twice to thank me for helping him. There was not even a red mark on his belly where he was stung when he left. They both also said there was no itching after the sting went away. - Kim

13. I just wanted you to know that your Clove and Tea Tree oils really helped our family. You see, we bought a home that (unbeknownst to us) was a former Meth lab, and living there gave us full body rashes, so bad we could hardly sleep. We tried everything, even your rash spray. But nothing natural was strong enough to give us relief. Until, that is, we tried Clove and Tea Tree in Coconut oil. At last! We have been able to sleep. P.S. As soon as we found out about the Meth, we left the house and have been slowly improving. Praise God! - Katelyn

14. My husband had some severe dandruff with the candida problem. We put Tea Tree oil on his head and neck each night and morning and then rubbed coconut oil on that to help his hair and scalp. We also put Tea Tree oil in his shampoo as well. We are happy to report it cleared it up! - Susan

15. A lot of men seem to struggle with foot fungus. My husband did NOT have any toenails! We started putting Tea Tree oil on the nails and under the toes morning and night for 2 years straight. We are so very thankful to report that he has nails again and his skin is so much healthier and happier! Many have said that foot fungus can't be treated, but with patience and persistence, it sure can happen! - Susan

16. My daughter was complaining of an earache and I'd read that Tea Tree could be used inside the ear if appropriately diluted. I found the detailed instructions on the Ear-B-Well page (in the tan-colored Application Suggestion section) and followed them exactly, making a 2% dilution. She felt better almost instantly. - Jennifer

17. I just had to tell you what an amazing miracle happened. I have had one large and several small milia on my face for several years. As the large one grew, I asked my dermatologist about removal and he said I'd have to go to a special clinic for that and it is very expensive. I got online and searched for possible oils for milia removal and Tea Tree oil came up several times. I have Hopewell Tea Tree oil, so I started applying it with a little olive oil (as coconut oil seems to clog my pores and possibly had contributed to the milia?? I pressed the oil onto the milia with a small metal tool for pimple or blackhead removal (thinking maybe to break it up under the skin).  That seemed to help some, but it still showed. So I put some alcohol on the milia, soaked a fine sewing needle in alcohol and gently poked the milia in a couple of places. Then I continued for days to just apply the Tea Tree oil with pressure from the rounded top of the pimple tool. The milia began to decrease and I gave it a few more "needle/oil treatments" very carefully and VOILA it totally disappeared. This took several weeks, but it was well worth it. This was just a little uncomfortable briefly but not painful. - Kalinda

18. I was able to get rid of my nasal polyps them by swabbing them with a Q-tip with diluted Tea Tree oil. If they start to come back, I swab again until they are no longer noticeable.

19. I use Tea Tree every time one of my animals comes down with an infection. Last month my goat's face swelled up. The abcess was the size of a tennis ball overnight. I applied hot compresses with microfiber towels (they hold the heat) twice a day, for five days. She seemed to like the treatment because she would lean into the towel. It relieved the pain. Then I smeared arnica infused oil all along her jaw. On the second day the lump started to harden and come to a head. The third morning it began to ooze a black mud-like paste. It smelled terrible! I lanced the it the next three days, to let it drain. The swelling decreased and the drainage became more clear each day. In two weeks it had completely healed. -EN

20. My wife has struggled with chronic UTIs and has found symptomatic relief from consistently using the Sandalwood and German Chamomile suppositories [per Mark Webb's info above]. She prepares the suppositories with 2 drops of each oil and uses them twice a day. She was also consistent in using 1 drop of Tea Tree Oil in water and drinking it 2 -3 times per day [per Kurt Schnaubelt's information]. I can't tell you enough how successful this UTI treatment has been. While she still tests positive for infection, the symptoms are much, much better, so that means something. It's a challenging situation, but the oils have helped a lot, and I hope they continue to help keep things at least mostly under control. - T.

21. Dilution warning: I was one of those young people that just bought tea tree oil from Walmart and used it straight for years. I believe it just built up until my reaction was so terrible that I woke up to my "stupidity." I now warn everyone about the importance of diluting, etc. I tend to be sensitive to many oils, sigh. I think I used tea tree oil for close to 15 years before I started reacting to it. I am paying for it now though. Ugh. By the way, I tell everyone about your website and superior oils. I appreciate you and your family's hard work. Keep it up! - Penny

22. I’ve used Tea Tree with good results with splinters. - Cassy

23. I wanted to send you a testimony regarding toe fungus and diluted tea tree oil. It has WORKED for my son!  He is very persistent. He has been using a few drops twice a day for TWO years!  We just used a glass bottle with a glass pipette to dilute tea tree oil with grape seed oil.  One time we diluted it with extra virgin olive oil. The doctor says to keep treating, because he still sees a little fungus, but to me the nails look normal. Praise God!  We saw new, healthy pink growth after 2 months.  Some times the nail looked 1/4 inch thick, there were so many layers on top.  A few times we soaked his feet and cut off as much as possible of the infected, yellow, thick nail. We even used a Dremel tool on it.  That made a big difference!   I wish we had done that sooner.  We are so happy with the results. Even his friends have commented that his nails look normal.  Only his 2 big toes were affected. Warm hugs to you and thank you again for your generosity in sharing your knowledge and making high quality oils available so reasonably! - Maria

24.  I wanted to send a note of sincere gratitude for your help. We were able to successfully avoid the antibiotics and my son was feeling better shortly after applying oils and giving him the Top Gun. I ended up doing a drop of neat Tea Tree oil on each swollen lymph node twice a day for three days, along with a drop of Top Gun in a veggie capsule with FCO every 3 hrs for the first few days. I also applied diluted Top Gun on his spine and bottoms of his feet. Then I went to every 4 hours for the capsule for a couple days. On the third day of applying Tea Tree, my son went to show me where the swollen lymph nodes were so I could know where to apply, and he looked at me with confusion and said, “They’re not there anymore!?” And I said, PRAISE THE LORD! I love how essential oils can point us back to how amazing and powerful our Creator is! I would not have had the confidence to try this had you not pointed me in the right direction. - Courtney

25. I was terribly miserable with angular cheilitis. I had to be careful and only use organic lip balms and stayed away from the corners of my mouth. I ended up using organic, virgin coconut oil with just a tiny drop of Tea Tree. I mixed this combo up separately and then applied. I made sure I didn’t eat anything salty and I was careful how I ate. I didn't lick my lips if I could help it. It healed. I feel like it was caused by a reaction to something or a virus of some sort because I haven’t had it since! - Chrisanne

According to Battaglia, Tea Tree oil is non-toxic, non-irritant but possibly sensitizing to some. Tisserand notes that skin sensitization is a low risk.

Pet Safety
Pet Poison Helpline: Tea tree oil is often found in varying concentrations and high concentrations should never be used on pets. As little as 7 drops of 100% oil has resulted in severe poisoning, and applications of 10-20 mls of 100% oil have resulted in poisoning and death in both dogs and cats. Products containing tea tree oil concentrations less than 1-2% are generally considered non-toxic if used according to labeled directions.

Tea Tree Oil and Pets: Veterinary toxicologists have reported that large amounts of tea tree oil applied to the skin of cats and dogs caused poisoning.

Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat— like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. Tisserand suggests: "With essential oils, fatty oil has been suggested as an appropriate first aid treatment, though the advantage of saline [eyewash] is that the eyes can be continually flushed, and this is less easy with fatty oil.” We are not aware of a case where essential oil in the eyes caused permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your health care provider. 

Barker SC, Altman PM. A ramdomised, assessor blind, parallel group comparative efficacy trial of three products for the treatment of head lice in children: melaleuca oil and lavender oil, pyrethrins and piperonyl butoxide and a "suffocation" product. BMC Dermatol. 2010;10:6.
Battaglia, Salvatore, The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy, 2002, pages 269-271.
Butje, Andrea, The Heart of Aromatherapy: An Easy-to-Use Guide for Essential Oils, Hay House Inc., 2017, pages 116-117.
Cassella, S., Cassella, J.P. and Smith, I. (2002) Synergistic antifungal activity of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) and lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oils against dermatophyte infection. International Journal of Aromatherapy 12, 1, 2-15.
Lang, G. and Buchbauer, G. (2012) A review on recent research results (2008-2010) on essential oils as antimicrobials and antifungals. A review. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 27, 13-39
Purchon, Nerys; Cantele, Lora, Complete Aromatherapy and Essential Oils Handbook for Everyday Wellness, page 24.
Schnaubelt, Kurt, The Healing Intelligence of Essential Oils, 2111, page 133.
Tisserand, Robert; Young, Rodney, Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals, Elsevier Health Sciences UK 2nd Edition 2014, page 440-446.
Tisserand, Robert, Complete Skin Care Series.
Wildwood, Chrissie, Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Aromatherapy, Bloomsbury Publishing, 1996, page 283.
Worwood, Valerie Ann, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, New World Library, 2016, page 626. 



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May the Lord guide you continually, preserving your health and watering your life when you are dry. May you be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring full of hope for your future in His care.
From Isaiah 58:11 & Jeremiah 29:11