Supports healthy peripheral nerve function.
Neuro-function is also available without a carrier, so you can dilute it as desired (see Size/Price EOs only).
2. I purchased the Neuro-Function blend for my father, who is 75 and has neuropathy. I've also been using it on my feet. I am an avid skier, and over the years, I have lost feeling at the end of my toes due to frost nip. After applying the Neuro-Function blend each evening for about two months, the areas on my toes, which were basically dead, have rejuvenated. I have regained feeling, and the color has turned from whitish/gray back to pink. Thank you for these wonderful oils. - H.B.
3. I am SO excited! I just spoke with my dad. He has been using the Neuro-Function oil since he received it in early January. I just called and asked him how it was going. He said that they had forgotten to put it on the last three nights, and he told my mom that they HAD to put it on tonight because he could tell a huge difference! I am so excited! What a blessing! My dad said the thing he has noticed the most is that his pain is nowhere like it was at night. I guess with neuropathy, the pain when you get off your feet is almost as bad as when you are on your feet. Dad said the sharp pain at night is so much better now! - Amy K. 4. Your Neuro-Function Spray is wonderful!! I can't imagine not having it to help me deal with the burning sensation I feel in my feet. I'm so thankful my MD recommended I try it. - Dorothy C. 5. My Dad, who is 75, uses Neuro-Function spray every night. It helps relieve a lot of his foot pain!- Stephanie 6. I heard that to renew a nerve, the nerve needed to be cooler than the other tissue, so I used Peppermint. I had my husband rub it on my spine and the bottoms of my feet twice daily. I especially massaged my big toes because the reflex for the pituitary gland is in the center of the big toe. The pituitary gland makes the chemical that keeps the muscles stretching and contracting. When it does not make enough of it, the muscles cannot stretch out and contract normally. 7. My 84-year-old dad has peripheral neuropathy, not from diabetes. He usually refuses medicines of any kind, especially unconventional, but I ordered the oil anyway. The only thing he hates worse than taking medicine is waste - so I knew he would use it! He did, and the stabbing pains in his legs and feet have stopped! He was so impressed that he took the bottle to his next doctor's appointment. His doctor was so impressed that he took down all the information and now recommends it to other patients! He still has a hard time believing it actually worked, but he asks me to reorder like clockwork! I am so very thankful for you and the healing essential oils! - Susan 8. My mom uses Neuro-Function Spray every night, which is helping a lot. - Sandy S. 9. My boyfriend has peripheral neuropathy and found HEO’s Neuro-Function spray helpful on his feet and lower legs. I also purchased Black Pepper oil and mixed that with coconut oil in a roll-on applicator. He said the Black Pepper mix helps the best with the nerve pain in his feet. - Grace 10. I ordered the Neuro-Function Blend for my 91-year-old mother, who has peripheral neuropathy in her feet due to chemotherapy. For years now, she rarely could sleep through the night without the searing pains in her feet. Praise God! On the second night of her applying the Neuro-Function spray 3x day, she is now without pain and sleeping. She did say she had some mild pain one night only. - Sally 11. Neuro-Function Spray helps both my mother and my husband's mother - a great blend! - S.C. 12. We purchased Neuro-Function Spray for my dad, who has neuropathy due to chemo. His bottle was about empty, and he asked me to order two more bottles! - Jill 13. I have given the Neuro-Function Spray to 3 people now, and they are ecstatic at their success with this blend. My mom and mother-in-law both had terrible neuropathy for years, and when I discovered HEO, I suggested they use this blend. It has changed their lives! - Sally 14. I ordered Neuro-Function Spray and PainX for a friend who has diabetic neuropathy and was having trouble even walking. He was reluctant to try them, but after two weeks he was telling everyone how well they had helped him. I have ordered him additional ones (Diabetes Massage and Muscle Relax), and I think he uses them all. He is walking so much better and seems so much stronger. Even the color of his face is better! - Margaret 15. I've been using Lymphatic Cleanse and woke with some very sore glands in the neck area. I suspected a 'healing crisis' and applied Neuro-Function generously with a roll on to the sore glands. The next morning, there were only 2 glands still sore, so I applied more Neuro-Function, and the following morning, the soreness was gone! Even after being in natural healing and living since 1976, I am still amazed at how fast these essential oils work and how amazingly well! God is a good God! - Velma 16. I want to report on my success! I have been classified as Type 2 diabetic for over 8 years, and during the first year or so, my Dr. wanted to put me on a statin for my cholesterol. I refused for another year and finally caved in and tried one. I don't remember which one, but 45 days later, I began to have numbness in my feet. As it increased daily, I went off the medication cold turkey, which has been increasing yearly. I have been taking the full dose of 6 tablets @ 600 mg daily. Just before Christmas, I purchased a bottle of Neuro-Function, which has been incredible. On the second day, I cut my medication by half, and now I just hope to remember 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM. I use the oil AM and PM, which thrills me no end. Thanks, Linda and Hopewell, for making this available. - Connie 17. I feel so blessed that my daughter found your website. She has corresponded with you several times and is using the Neuro-Function and Nerve Pain on my husband's feet with enormous success!! She is the one applying the oils and experimenting with the mixtures. Thank you so much. You have changed our lives. - Josephine 18. My clients with neuropathy in their feet use the PainX essential oil several times a day topically. They apply it from the toes, gliding upwards, and then on the soles of their feet towards their ankles, always gliding towards the heart. I personally use it on my hands every night. Consistency is the key. Regular use will improve the results. PainX has been more effective than the Neuro-Function Spray. - Mary 19. I use Neuro-Function Spray on my face for Trigeminal Neuralgia. - Stacy
20. I woke up with a very sore neck and shoulder from an apparent pinched nerve. I tried Raindrops (all in one bottle), but it didn't help. Then I tried a blend I had made for back pain, but it didn't work. Finally, I decided to try Neuro-Function, and it definitely eased it. It isn't completely gone yet, but I can breathe without shooting pain. - Heather
21. Wow! the Neuro-Function blend is the first real relief I've had in years! My neuropathy is much better from using the Neuro-Function Spray, where nothing else gave relief. Praise the Lord!- Gary
22. My husband was amazed at the relief with a one-night application of the Neuro-Function blend. He could sleep through the night without his arm waking him from the pain. His dad hadn't slept in a bed for years from it, so we bought him some, even though he wasn't an oil user. He loves it and wanted more! Incredible product! - Sandy
23. My husband, a military veteran, has neuropathy due to his back, which is fused from his L5 down with screws and rods. He began to struggle with neuropathy about 4-5 years ago. It became unbearable this past year, so the VA doctor put him on Gabapentin. He already takes morphine, so you know if his feet are burning/hurting so badly that the morphine doesn’t numb them down, it’s bad. Long story short, it didn’t really help. I believe God planted the idea for me to research essential oils. We already used Peppermint for headaches, so I wondered if there was something for his feet. Yes!! Within two days of using the Neuro-Function Spray 3 times a day, my husband felt his toes again, and the sharp needles/burning/shooting pains had lessoned enough so that he could walk more and sleep better. He has been using it now since the middle of July, and I almost panic if we start to run low- it's unreal how well it works. He isn’t always pain-free, but he is most of the time, or at least is close to it. He only applies it twice a day now unless I happen to be home and apply it at noon. Praise God! I truly believe it is a miracle from God. He tells me that it makes his feet warm almost immediately, yet I feel nothing on my hands or my knees when I rub the little bit left on my hands. God is good!! - Tammy 24. Your Neuro-Function spray has really helped me, and it lasts a long time! - Joan 25. My husband loves the Neuro-Function spray. He is an insulin-dependent diabetic working 12 hours daily on concrete floors, so his feet get sore. After his shower, he uses the spray every night on his feet and lower legs. He loves it! He says it works immediately to relieve the pain. His pain in his feet was terrible before trying the Neuro-Function. He was amazed at the difference. We are so grateful for it! - Margaret 26. Neuro-Function spray has helped me the most so far with the pain associated with lymphedema. I have used a combination of HEOs Tangerine and Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) to help move the fluid buildup out of my body. I have read that Ginger EO has been used to successfully move the fluid. I have not yet tried it. - Nora 27. I purchased this for my mother, and she's getting relief. - Renee 28. The Neuro-Function blend works wonders!!! - Tom
29. Because of an injury, I have suffered from neuropathy for many years. I have slept in a recliner for 15 years because of the pain in my feet and have been on Lyrica. I also have acupuncture treatments weekly. A friend gave me a bottle of Hopewell's Neuro-Function Spray. I have been putting it on my toes for 3 weeks. Neuro-Function Spray has changed my life! I am not sitting around with ice packs on my feet. There is such a big change in me (I am smiling more) that friends ask me what I am doing differently. This week, I will take care of my grandkids for a few days (I usually do not travel or like to go anywhere because of the pain). Send me some business cards, because I am telling all the ladies at my art class about your oils! - Carol 30. Our granddaughter sent us your Neuro-Function blend Eos only. We each used it undiluted. I applied it on my hip area, and my husband applied it on his shoulders, as they are broken. This was the first time either of us had found relief from the pain that we were experiencing. [HEO's Comment: We explained why we dilute the oils, and Ruth purchased a ready-to-use spray when they needed more.] - Ruth and Sam 31. My dad has struggled with neuropathy since having chemotherapy. I purchased the Neuro-Function Spray and Nerve Pain. I applied Neruo-Function Spray on his right foot and Nerve Pain on his left foot, and while both felt better, his right foot felt much better! I'm ordering more Neuro-Function Spray!! - Michelle C. 30. I use both Regeneration and Neuro-Function Spray for my neuropathy with success. I think they both help equally,so I alternate using them. - Betty 31. I am so amazed at how Neuro-Function has greatly reduced my leg pain at night - actually, I haven't experienced any pain since I started using Neuro-Function! I only use it at night and on my legs as I can't reach the underside of my feet. I certainly recommend Neuro-Function. In fact, I will have a dear friend try it once she has recovered from a severe bout of shingles and may have some residual nerve pain. - Linda C. 32. I've had terrible neuropathy in my feet for a number of years, and after using the Neuro-Function blend consistently these past four years, I'm much improved and hardly need the oil, but I keep using it because I don't want to regress! - Carol H. 33. My mother prefers to mix Neuro-Function in a dropper bottle. She feels it's easier to use to massage the oils on her feet. She alternates applying Neuro-Function in the morning and FrankMyrrh blend at night. The oils are helping her with her neuropathy. Thank you! - Jane