Supports healthy hormone and thyroid function and eases symptoms associated with menopause such as temperature fluctuations.
Click here for specific links and testimonies about Thyroid Issues.
Woman Ease, Master, Vitality - General observations (not hard-and-fast) The age ranges are general observations reported by women who have used these blends and are not 'set in stone' to say the least. Woman Ease blend is typically most effective for women up to age 30 Master blend is typically used by women ages 30-45 Vitality blend is helpful for thyroid support for any age and for women over 45 for hormonal challenges
Articles Nutritional Remedy for Heavy Periods by The Healthy Home Economist
Thyroid Nutrients by Stephanie, ND (thyroid cancer survivor) Natural Thyroid Choices - Nutrients Your Basal Body Temperature Can Be An Effective Test For Measuring Thyroid Function by Holistic Hypothyroidism-Solutions
*See SAFETY information at the bottom of this page.
Topical: Dilute with a carrier oil, unscented lotion or unscented cream and apply as desired. Vitality is traditionally applied over the thyroid (base of throat), lower back, adrenals (just above kidneys on the back near waist), liver (front right just under ribs), pancreas (front left), and other glandular areas. Some apply every morning; others apply morning and midday.
This blend works well with a roll-on applicator. If used daily, we suggest 3% or less essential oils. Based on the ratio of Sage Dalmatian in this blend, according to Tisserand/Young, the maximum dermal use level should not exceed 6% (about 1 drop of Vitality to 15 drops of carrier oil). Children: For infants and children, please refer to the Dilution Chart on the Babies and Children page.
Inhalation: Diffuse or use a personal Nasal Inhaler Internal: Not suitable due to Dalmatian Sage.
3. I have to say that since I began using the Vitality, I have slept very well and have not had any hot flashes! 4. I definitely believe that Vitality is supporting my thyroid. I feel more energy and an overall balance that I didn't feel before I started using this consistently. I want a larger bottle of it this time! 5. I have been using Vitality since November. I am 49, and so far, I haven't had any hot flashes either. It seems that if I exercise regularly and don't binge, these oils help keep the belly fat under control. I rub a drop of Vitality on my gums once or twice a day, along with applying it to the thyroid, pancreas, kidneys, uterine area, and foot reflex points for all these areas. I had used Chastetree Berry tincture for 9 or so years (several droppers full twice/day) before I began using the Vitality last fall. I haven't noticed much difference by my not taking the tincture for these last several months at this point, though I may go back to taking it just for insurance against menopausal symptoms! - C.G. 6. I have been using Vitality for about 6 months, and it has helped balance hormones and things like monthly water retention and soreness. I also had been having irregular bleeding during my cycle, and using the Vitality several times during the day helped stop the irregular bleeding. Thanks again, and God bless. :) - Tracy 7. I want to thank you for your wonderful oils! We've used them for several years now. Most recently, I've discovered Vitality. It's wonderful! Within the first day I was no longer very tired, and my hormone fluctuations are much better. I feel really great! I apply it on the thyroid and lower abdominal area. I use it after my morning shower. One day, I missed my application, and by 2 pm, I had to lie down to nap. I haven't missed a day since! Thank you! - Toni 8. I ordered Vitality a few weeks ago, and I love it! It started working right away. I have been fatigued for several years and started noticing menopause symptoms creeping up on me. After the first use of Vitality, I noticed results immediately. I apply it at the base of my neck (thyroid), my lower back, and under my ribs. - Nicole 9. I have recently started using Vitality to help my entire glandular system after having had a hysterectomy about 30 years ago. It is a lovely oil that smells better and better after application, like a soft perfume. :o) It is too early for me to want to comment as to it's effectiveness, but I can say that I believe that it has lifted my mood and helped me to feel more stable mentally and emotionally. It also helps with some of my neurological challenges. I have noticed the restless leg problems subsiding, and I seem to be more energetic. - Nora 10. I have used Vitality for several months in a row (maybe 5 or so) because I was having very heavy bleeding that lasted a long time and mood issues. My doctor prescribed progesterone pills, but I wanted to use something more natural. I used a progesterone cream for a short time to stop the bleeding, but now I only use Vitality. It has made my cycle normal again, lasting 5 or so days. It has definitely calmed the crazy feelings just before my period starts. I know for certain it is the Vitality because I stopped using it for 2 months, and the issues I had came back. I use 2-3 drops every day right after my shower, rubbing it on my lower back and over my lower abdomen. - Delilah 11. I am very fond of Vitality for menopause issues. I started applying 3% Vitality (diluted with fractionated coconut oil) on my thyroid (with a roll-on applicator) every morning after my last child was born (I was 47 - 18 years ago). A few years later, once I stopped nursing, my cycles returned for a short time, and then my periods ceased. They didn't become irregular - they ceased. I didn't have any negative symptoms such as excessive bleeding, hot flashes, or mood swings. Now, at age 65, I still take Vitality and/or Thyroid Support every morning. If my energy level seems to need a boost, I apply Vitality again at midday. - Linda 12. My 15-year-old daughter has started using Vitality because we suspected thyroid issues. Her energy level has been really low, and so on. She is like a new person!! :-D - Kelley 13. I use Vitality for thyroid and adrenal function. I apply it directly over my thyroid every morning and sometimes at lunch, but mostly just in the morning. I'm on bio-identical HRT as well and use Vitality with no issues. - Stacy 14. I use Vitality 3 times a day. I have no thyroid, (removed for cancer). It has greatly helped my levels be more stable and my overall moods be more even. I also use Frankincense on my neck area 3 times a day for help with my recurring cancer there. Highly recommend the Vitality. - Grace 15. My chiro said I had adrenal fatigue. I suspect my cortisol is low in the morning and high at night, just based on symptoms. I have been using Vitality for this for a couple of years and have had great results. I have to use it in the morning, no later than 10 AM, or it keeps me up at night. I got sick a few months ago and was in bed for 2 days straight. I didn't use it then, and it was very clear that it was helping when I started back to my regular routine. All symptoms improved for me, although I didn't know how much until I didn't use it for some time. I never got back to where I thought I should be, but I was feeling better overall. I got to the point where I didn't feel I needed a nap every day and could keep up with daily life. I also got my eyebrows back. During this time, I also discovered I am severely anemic, so I don't know how much was anemia vs. adrenal fatigue. I apply it topically over my adrenals and my thyroid. I really don't know how long it took to see improvement; I just realized one day I was doing better. I do know that it wasn't until after I began taking iron, though. - Cindi 16. I am in love with Vitality so far. Have started BHRT, NP thyroid, and adrenal support. Starting to feel so much better. I'm going to make roller balls of Vitality for my friends! - Brenda 17. I have Hashimotos, and I'm using Thyroid Support and Vitality. I use them topically diluted in castor oil over the thyroid. I also take many supplements from my functional medicine MD. I am gluten, dairy and sugar free. I have a goiter, which my Endocrinologist wants to remove, and a year ago, she wanted me to start taking thyroid meds. My last two blood labs showed normal thyroid. I am trying to control my disease with diet, EOs, and supplements so I won't lose what thyroid I have left and will not have to take medication for the rest of my life. I've not taken thyroid medication, only diet change, EOs and supplements. My supplements change every two months as my blood work is re-evaluated to see what is working and what isn't. Our first goal was to reduce inflammation in my whole body and reduce the thyroid antibodies that were attacking my thyroid. At the same time, we worked on hormonal balance and stress. I have almost all of those under control. It would have been sooner than a year, but I had trouble giving up dairy and sugar. I finally did three weeks ago and started to lose weight. I use Ylang Ylang neat for blood pressure on my forearms. At least three times daily I apply Thyroid Support and Vitality on my throat. Occasionally, I also apply Frankincense. - Kim 18. For hormonal sleep issues, I take 1 drop of Vitality every hour on the tongue and 1 drop of Clary Sage on the bridge of the nose and navel. - Naomi 19. I used Vitality neat for about 8 years with such wonderful success that when I started learning more about diluting the oils, I was not sure I wanted to take the risk that I might actually dilute the effectiveness. I started with 50:50 in a roll-on and used that up with no noticeable compromise in efficacy. The next time I refilled the roll-on, I used 75% carrier, and I still feel that it's just as effective. Next time, I'll probably back down to 20 drops in my next roll-on refill and keep backing down until I get to about 9 drops for a 3% dilution. I've come to believe that we are extending the use by adding carrier - not diluting the efficacy. :-) UPDATE: I just re-read my testimony and realized it's now been 18 years that I've been happily using Vitality. I now alternate with Thyroid Support so that my body does not get so used to Vitality that it stops having an effect. I did finally get the dilution down to 3%, and although it seems to work fine, I prefer 5% dilution because I want to experience the aroma - it's very calming to me! - Linda 20. I have very low blood counts, and my doctor suspects Hashi's, but they just want to monitor my levels every 6 months. I have come to believe conventional medicine generally waits until your thyroid fails before treating, so I have decided to naturally support my body with hopes to prevent future thyroid complications. I started about 2 weeks ago with Vitality and Thyroid Support as well as a natural support (Standard Process Thytrophin pmg) and already notice increased energy. I have also been gluten-free for that time period, as gluten can be inflammatory and aggravate this condition. I do have a family history with gluten sensitivities, and while I never noticed any gut-related issues, I have been dealing with random hives since last summer, so it seemed a natural thing to try. My clothes are fitting slightly better, but I'm only two weeks into this so I anticipate more changes in the future. Please research the Thyroid section under Education>Health Care Topics - there is TONS of wonderful information that will help you with your journey. - Tania
21. I take 75mg of Synthroid. This thyroid mess started in October 2013. I found the Hopewell Essential Oil site in April and started applying Vitality as soon as I got it. It is like heaven in a bottle; I feel human again. I still get tired, but I am also a very early riser. My head feels clear; before, it seemed to be foggy and hard to think. - Jenny 22. I've been using Vitality for several months and haven't experienced a return of my cycles yet, so I felt it might be wise to experiment a bit with adding different oils. Linda suggested that I might consider adding some Vitex to the Vitality and see how that works. I added about 10 drops each of the Vitex and Vitality blends to a roll-on applicator and filled the rest with fractionated coconut oil. I have used it for about 3 days now, 2-3 times daily on my ovary area and thyroid. I am happy to report that I started my menstrual cycle today! It has been over 100 days since my last cycle, so this is wonderful news! - S.M. 23. I have been using the Thyroid Support and Vitality for one week, and today I get to lower my Synthroid meds. I am beyond excited!! God is healing me! I'll be back in six weeks to check the levels again. I can't wait to see what six weeks of using these oils does for me. I'm believing that my thyroid will start working again!! Yay! I made a roller bottle with about 15-25 drops of Thyroid Support; then I filled the roller bottle with a carrier oil. I have been rolling that on my neck over my thyroid morning and night. I have then been putting 1-2 drops of the Vitality blend with a carrier oil on the thyroid and kidney areas another time during the day. I try to do it at lunchtime. Some days, I only applied the Thyroid Support in the morning and Vitality at night. I could tell it was working because I started getting that hyperthyroid feeling. I still have my thyroid, and I've gone from hyper to hypo, so that is why I was on Synthroid. Tests showed I have thyroiditis, and my thyroid had stopped working. But God is healing me!!! - Britta 24. I started using Vitality for my son (T21), and his TSH went from 5.72 to 2.41 in 4 months. - Katie 25. I use Vitality in a roll-on applicator over my thyroid every morning. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in June 2013. Over the past year, I have been on a healing journey. I found a wonderful functional medicine doctor, and she has helped me heal. I was first diagnosed hypothyroid in 2001, and no doctor ever tested my antibodies. She taught me that Hashimoto's is an auto-immune disease, and she sent me home with pages of instructions! I went on a gluten-free diet and did the GAPS diet (per my doctor's recommendation) to heal the gut, which is where, as she explained to me, all autoimmune diseases begin. The GAPS diet is very healing. It not only helped the Hashimoto's symptoms, but I also lost 30 lbs. I found the Health, Home and Happiness website to be very helpful. I also diffuse Peaceful every night and put it on the bottoms of my feet. - Shelley 26. I had debilitating hot flashes and decided to try Vitality. I applied it every evening before going to bed, and the hot flashes actually got worse. When I mentioned this to Linda, she asked me to consider applying every morning instead, thinking that that was when my thyroid needed the support, and I have wonderful news! No more hot flashes! - Kim 27. I have Hashimoto's, and a strict gluten-free diet has done wonders for the pain and lowered my antibodies. Also, taking selenium has helped. But diet has helped me the most. I am now primarily Paleo with raw dairy. I also use the Vitality oil every day. - Grace 28. I love vitality. I always had bad cramps and heavy periods. Started using Vitality for my thyroid and noticed it has helped so great for PMS and my periods too. I had Novasure done in 2011, and that didn't even help with cramps and periods. This last time I had my period, it lasted about 2-3 days. No cramps, no moody days. - Jenny 29. Before I started using Vitality, my mind seemed clustered, I couldn't think etc. Within a day of applying it, I could actually think, and my body feels better. - Jenny 30. Vitality is great for thyroid. I apply diluted over the thyroid (base of the throat area). I use it every day on top of my prescription meds. I apply it in the morning and on a particularly difficult day, in the afternoon for a boost, but I don't apply not after 3 pm as it felt that it kept me awake at night. - Jennifer 31. I have had a major reaction- red, itchy rash all over- from Vitality, but especially in areas where I applied the oil. This is day 3 of bad itching and red welts. I can't recall the dilution ratio, as I mixed it into a roller ball bottle. The rash is concentrated in the areas where I used Vitality, but I am generally itching all over, unfortunately. I have very sensitive skin and I just don't think I was able to tolerate this blend. Of note, it took a couple of weeks of regular use (pretty much everyday, although I know I missed a day here and there, before the rash and itching occurred). I'm sad, as I was hoping this blend would help with my hormones. I take thyroid medication, as well as a Progesterone tablet each day. - Jennifer [HEO's Comment: For daily use, those with "normal" skin dilute Vitality at 3%. For those with sensitive skin, dilution may need to be much more so you can avoid this type of reaction.] 32. God used both Thyroid Support and Vitality to get me off of my thyroid meds. It took about 6 months, along with prayer, a gluten-free diet, and a thyroid supplement. I had hypothyroidism. I still use the essential oils daily to keep my thyroid up and running. My endocrinologist just scratched his head. He said he's never seen anything like it. Praise the Lord!!! - Britta 33. Eight months ago, I started using Revitalize essential oil blend for my adrenals. I also used 1 drop of Thyroid Support. I also used Vitality diluted in Black Cumin oil. After a couple of months, I had to quit taking my thyroid prescription because I started exhibiting high thyroid symptoms (my thyroid is low without support). The blood work confirmed that my T4 was too high. So, this stuff really works. I think I now have a solution that works for me and maybe my doctor. I really didn't want to manage my thyroid via prescription. - Mary
34. I was a practicing family nurse practitioner for 9 years. I highly respect how you have answered my questions. Well done. Also, I want to say "thank you." When I began using Vitality, I noticed a difference in how my body felt within days. The lab results also proved its effectiveness. - Paula
35. 10. Natural progesterone cream changed my life about 5 years ago! I have always used Emerita Progesterone. It is the most natural brand I could find. The best price would be from
36. My 73-yr-old mother was supposed to have surgery to remove a parathyroid gland that was enlarged. Through various mistakes, her surgery was postponed, and I gave her Vitality to use in the meantime. She just received a call from her doctor - her bloodwork was entirely normal. Her thyroid, parathyroid, and even her cholesterol (which has been bad for years) are completely normal. No surgery! Needless to say, I believe the Father's hand caused the postponement of the surgery so we could get this amazing result. I thank you so very much for these oils. I continue to be amazed. - Heather
37. I am in love with your products! I've been using the Sleepy Time Spray and the Vitality blend, and I feel like a new person! I have been through a very rough time the past few years and have "lost my sleep." I could not stay deeply asleep and would wake up many times through the night. When I started having hot flashes, that made matters even worse, as I would toss and turn, kicking off covers, then reaching to pull them back over myself, then kicking them off and repeating this over and over. This was exhausting and debilitating, as I never felt rested, and my stress level was through the roof. I am so thankful that I found Hopewell Oils! I apply the Sleepy Time Spray to my neck, chest and forearms as well as to the back of my legs (it tames the restless legs like nothing else! Amazing!) and within minutes - MINUTES! - I am falling asleep. Even more wonderful is the fact that I stay asleep, and I sleep deeply. As if this weren't enough, the Vitality blend has tamed my hot flashes. I created a 10% blend with a carrier oil and put it in a rollerball applicator. I apply this to the base of my throat and to my lower back (over my adrenals) once a day in the morning, and the lessening of my hot flashes is miraculous. I'm sitting here trying to remember the last time I had a hot flash. They stopped within a day or two of starting to use this blend. The other day, I came home from work and had so much energy. I was amazed to feel energetic and cheerful and not worn out and depressed. I am very thankful to have my sleep back and to have energy, focus and hope. I have been telling everyone I know about the Sleepy Time and Vitality blends and what they have done for me. Thank you so much for creating and offering these products. Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Kim S.
38. Vitality has worked well for my hot flashes. I just turned 50 this summer, and I think it's the right oil for my age range and better for menopausal women than the others. It also smells fantastic. I apply it, diluted, over my thyroid, kidneys, liver, tummy, and around my ankles (which I believe is an acupressure point for the uterus). - Adriana
39. Vitality has been amazing for my hot flashes. They are completely gone. - Allyson
40. I had almost a complete eclipse of my brain - I lived with total brain fog. I could hardly stay awake for more than an hour or two. I napped several times daily and pushed myself to cope with life. Besides using Vitality on my thyroid twice daily, I also applied Frankincense to my temples, the base of my neck, and my spine using your handy ReachAll Wand. My friends are amazed at the change in me. I think they thought I was dying. I think Frankincense has gentle chelation properties. - Edith 41. I have been using Vitality and NO NIGHT SWEATS. It's a miracle. Seriously. I am so impressed and happy! It has changed my entire sleeping experience. Thank you so much. - Stephanie 42. I am enjoying your oils so much. I had a hot thyroid nodule and have been using Thyroid Support and Vitality diluted at 3%, and after a month of use, it is half the size. Thank you. - Lisa 43. I was having great success using Vitality for hot flashes, but I think I need to switch it up and do something different for a while. I'm struggling again. I started using Clary Sage, and I'm seeing better results. - Julie [HEO's comment: Alternating oils used long-term is a good idea. See our article on "Habituation" for more information.]
44. I apply Vitality every morning to my thyroid, beneath my left rib and on my left ankle. This seems to keep mine in check, plus it smells really good, so no need for perfume! I can tell by the afternoon if I forgot to use it. My thyroid will actually begin to swell if I haven't. When I do put it on, it works quickly. I have been using it for over a year now. - Candace 45. Well, it's only been about a week since I started using Vitality to help me with the unreal hot flashes I've been experiencing as I work through menopause. Let's not call them hot flashes - Let's call them by their real name - the Drenching Sweat Waves. I made up a roller bottle at the recommended max percentage, and I roll it onto my inner forearms once a day. I have not had one Sweat Wave since I started. If this continues, this Vitality oil will sit on a pedestal at my house with many prayers of thanks to our Lord and to Hopewell for rescuing me!!!!! - Margaret 46. I truly love your products. My daughter is going through menopause and is just miserable. I used the Vitality when I went through menopause, and it was smooth sailing, so I'm getting some for her! - Juana 47. I have used Vitality, and if it is not diluted correctly, it causes immediate reactions for me. It will cause a quickening-like feeling and shortness of breath if I use it undiluted. The thyroid has an effect on tachycardia, odd rhythms, and so on. See this article: Thyroid Hormone Plays an Important Role in Cardiac Function: From Bench to Bedside in Frontiers in Physiology. When appropriately diluted, I have found Vitality to be a “powerful” blend that is WONDERFUL. Still, it also may have side effects for someone that is sensitive, especially if not properly diluted. The effects I experienced were immediate when not diluted the 1st time and subsequent afterwards. Once it was diluted to 2-3%, the effects were not noticeable upon application but had a cumulative effect that lasted weeks after stopping the blend. - Lindsay 48. I have been using your Vitality and I feel like it has been better about slimming my middle than exercising! - Melissa
Sage Contraindications All Routes: Pregnancy and breastfeeding (Tisserand/Young).
Avoid contact with the eyes and other sensitive areas. Essential oils are both lipophilic and hydrophobic. Lipophilic means they are attracted to fat—like the membranes of your eyes and skin. They are also hydrophobic, meaning they do not like water. Flushing with water will only send the essential oil back to the eye's membranes. Applying a carrier oil will create another fat for the essential oil to be attracted to other than the membranes of the eyes or skin. We’ve not known this to cause permanent injury or long-term discomfort, but if you feel concerned, please call your healthcare provider.